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Monday, September 07, 2020

Baltimore City Looking For Volunteers To Help With Recycling, Trash Pickup

The city of Baltimore is now asking if people want to volunteer to help the city pick it's trash and recycle.

Recycling services have been suspended until at least November, as city crews focus on trash pickup.

Baltimore City Council President Brandon Scott said that he will be mobilizing his office to support in the effort until regular services can resume.

“In these challenging times, we must pull together as a community and be willing to think outside of the box,” Scott said.


  1. Let those who trashed it, and will probably trash it again, get out and do some community service and clean up their mess.

  2. Pull the bus up at all benefit offices and load ‘em up. If the don’t want to take a ride, don’t take their applications. Have that charred area shining in no time.

  3. Are they handing out full body armor and Bennelli M4’s so the volunteers can protect themselves from the locals? The thugs? The rioters? The rogue police and D.A.?

  4. Volunteers? Are you kidding?

  5. Stop not prosecuting offenders and sentence them to community service with real work involved, not sitting in a room playing on a cellphone.
    The needs of the community are real.

  6. They can start with the mayor and city council --just clean out all democrats

  7. Look at the welfare role's. You can find thousands. Besides they are the ones throwing the trash. Common sense. But you'll see all the Lilly WHITE ASSHOLES out there. Thinking the BLACKS will just love them. Then the sun goes down and they get their Lilly WHITE asses beat and robbed.

  8. Trump would get it done, not whine (too much) about it.

  9. Get that RACIST BITCH mosley out there. Her and her THUG FAMILY.

  10. Fat damn chance! Let the hogs that accumulated it pick it up. Most of them have been living there for free. Let'em try to find some decency about their occupancy of the City and act civilized for a change.

  11. Start with the welfare roles, then the gangs, then the druggies, then the lazy unemployment getting their $600 extra a week. Make them work for their "free" money.

  12. Remember....you might get shot while cleaning up their trash for them.

  13. The only way to clean up Baltimore is to bulldoze the whole city and rebuild it. Without low income housing of course.

  14. No white should lift a finger. I mean, you might get smacked in the back of the head with a brick. Move. Leave them to live in the landfill and when you arrive in your new neighborhood never vote for a democrat again.


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