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Thursday, September 10, 2020

Army veteran Ronnie McNutt commits suicide in Facebook livestream

A 33-year-old Army veteran from Mississippi who served in Iraq shot himself in the head live on Facebook — and social media sites are still scrambling to remove the harrowing footage, which went viral more than a week ago, according to reports.
Ronnie McNutt, who worked at a Toyota plant in Blue Springs, New Albany, killed himself in front of his computer on Aug. 31 during a livestream on Facebook, the Daily Star reported.
There were unconfirmed reports that McNutt had lost his job and broken up with his girlfriend.
In the days since, the horrifying footage has been shared on multiple social media platforms, including TikTok, where it reportedly ended up on the video-sharing app’s “For You” trending homepage.


  1. Anxiety, depression are very serious emotions,
    and not delt with productively, can and will destroy a person...

    sad .... very sad indeed

  2. Military conflicts place a terrible physical and mental toll on its members.

    Prayers for all our military and their families.

  3. At least he didn't try to kill as many others as he could, before he offed himself for that fleeting moment of fame. He wanted others to see his pain, but not share it with them. His pain went away, but he gave it to his family to deal with for the rest of THEIR lives. Suicide is always a result of underlying mental illness. And yes, I had a close family member that did the same thing, just not publicly. Only immediate family members had to witness what he had done.

  4. The live video shows just how fake the head wounds are in the movies and on TV. He bleed completely out and it was squirting has his heart was still pumping.

  5. Congresswoman Iman Omar has downloaded it to her phone so she can watch it over and over as she grins and laughs about it.

  6. Anybody that would watch that is a sick individual

  7. 12:48 PM - You are a sick individual. That is what is wrong with the world now days, to many making fun and ridicule something serious.

  8. September 10, 2020 at 11:47:

    I had a relative that died from a self inflicted gun wound. You know not of what you are trying to opine about. There was absolutely no cleanup required after my relative's death, and he only had a small trickle of blood down the side of his face after his passing. I have talked with others that have had family members shoot themselves, and describe similar results. You don't know what you are talking about. Most suicides with a gun are committed by elderly males, and it is well thought out in advance. They will use a small caliber gun that is effective without being messy. Only the ones looking to sensationalize their death publicly, or to traumatize their families with leaving behind the bloody evidence of their abhorrent act, will resort to a large caliber gun. It is not the norm for someone just trying to end their personal pain. However, it is the norm when people are trying to inflict their pain on others with their passing.

  9. I don't believe there are people arguing about head shots. geesh


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