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Sunday, September 13, 2020

A Viewer Writes: Masks

This is where I stand today.

I will not wear the mask anymore. It’s over, folks.

First of all, if you read the disclaimer on the box they came in, they all say specifically they do nothing to prevent the spread of covid-19 specifically along with any other disease, so why are we wearing them?

Well, the Governor has decreed an emergency that required this, which is perfectly legal, for 2 weeks in time of war. Well according to the Supreme Court in more than 10 cases since 1860, it has been decided that that’s okay for 2 weeks, but any extension must be approved by the Legislature then and every 30 days after to keep it in force.

I’m pretty sure this has not happened.

So, there’s that.

This cannot become law without a vote in the legislature with the Gov’s signature, which never happened, so any arrests, fines, punishment or anything else is totally illegal and will and void.

Next, let’s address logic. (Oh God!)

A virus was released from China and in a month and a half it had spread around the globe.

I contracted the disease. virus in mid January in the Delmarva Peninsula in Maryland and had a low grade fever for 1 day and none the next, but a test for the “seasonal” flu was negative’s my PCP agreed I had the wuhan virus, as they had no tests for it at the time.

With that said, this virus has been in the USA for 8 months and has been passed from one American citizen to another over a thousand or more times since then. Without being a doctor, but having a brother who is, well sort of, a veterinarian, and that makes me an expert in logic and you, too, every time that original virus infected an American person and had to fight their antibodies every time it got passed on to more Americans it had to morph to adapt and fight, but by now, the emergency rooms are empty, except for a broken arm and a drug OD but nothing more.

We now have herd immunity, the virus is nothing what it what it was before, it is minor against American antibodies.

If you still believe that a virus that spread itself around the world in a month and a half 8 months ago has not exposed itself to you with your silly non covid-19 resistant mask you picked out of your purse/ glove compartment that you’ve been using for the last 4 weeks will keep you “healthy”, Go “head!

You can wear a mask if you like, I don’t mind. You can wear a tie every day as well, or a bow in your hair, I celebrate that.

Just don’t tell me I must do it because you choose to.


  1. I have to agree with you as I also feel pretty sure I had it also in January. I very rarely get sick and this time when I went to the Dr. even she was not able to really know what it was- basically labeled it as upper respiratory and sent me home. It took me about two weeks to feel "normal" again and I also knew several other people who were dealing with the same thing. I watch people wearing their masks every day and you are probably right about them wearing the same ones over and over without washing or throwing away. On top of that, wearing rubber gloves more than one time is defeating the purpose and probably wearing them once really does not make sense. I also wanted to mention that I am almost 65 and supposedly in the high risk bracket. BUT here I am today alive and well and still kicking! And yes just because there are those that will not leave their homes without a mask (or even wear one in their homes) or drive down the road all alone in a car wearing a mask....I do not need a lecture from those people either!

  2. Although I agree with you, and now we know we've been lied to about the overinflated numbers of cases and especially the deaths, we still have to deal with the left-wing zealots in our state and local governments. I never wear a mask outside, but we still have to when we go to stores and especially restaurants and bars. The health department, liquor board, police, and others are either lefties or controlled by lefties, and they are chomping at the bit to shut down and/or fine any business they can. Yes, I want to protest and not comply, but the thought of my taking a rightful stand against this tyranny and then, someone else has to pay a very heavy price...no, I can't jeopardize their livelihood. It's tough enough on them anyway. Fight your battle but make sure the innocent don't get shafted for it.

  3. Poor little snowflake. Can't wear a mask. Can't, just can't do the right thing. Frankly I don't give a damn. Stores where I shop will throw you out. No shirt, no shoes, no mask, no service. Poor thing, can't be told what to do. I bet his employer loves him (NOT!). From the looks of what he believes about the virus, he also believes in the tooth fairy. Herd Immunity? Where did he get that, and why is there a surge in infections as I write this, and why are people STILL dying from it? There is no herd immunity, and the experts (not some uninformed nutjob)say that there likely will never be herd immunity from the coronavirus. The viewer is nuts if he wants people to follow his advice. I'll wear my masks until there is a proven safe and effective vaccine, thank you. The viewer has the right of free speech, and the right to be a non-conformist, and the right to be uniformed and stupid. And also the right to let everyone know it.

    1. 12:42 I believe the comment was for people like you, if you want to wear the mask and feel all safe then wear the mask but then you will snitch on someone not wearing a mask. If you are scared stay the f home

    2. STFU you sheep. The coronavirus is a total hoax. It is no worse than the common cold. You people are falling for the scare tactics. You come here and call people "stupid and uniformed" for rejecting all the hype. Maybe you should look in the mirror and realize that you are the fool for subscribing the all the false information. The masks provide you no "protection" from other people and other people provide you no "protection" by wearing a mask, it's a proven fact that you can't dispute. Go back to your safe space and leave the rest of us mentally functional people alone.

    3. It’s the scared little snowflakes that are wearing the masks and contributing to the false pandemic

    4. 12:42 I bet you wear your mask while driving in your car alone. Am I right?๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  4. This kind of fake "facts" and opinion is dangerous. Should be kept in the trailers it is being published from.

  5. Did anyone tune into the "virtual" folk festival yesterday? It was on the public radio station, and then they had it live on facebook. Same junk as before. On youtube, just 75 people were watching. So, by previous year's Jake Day math, they are going to say it was a success and that 180,000 people were watching. Just wait for the lie. It's coming.

  6. I agree. Also, in January, something as you described swept through my house, 4 of us got sick within a week. All low grade fever a for a day or two. That has never happened in my house. Normally 2 of us get it, then weeks later one or two more. My wife has an underlying health condition, the cough lasted a month for for into Feb, but it went away as well. I almost am 100 percent positive it was covid then.

  7. Makes a lot of sense working in the medical business 47 years I did not believ e it from the beginning but it was mandated so we listened. I now attend a church that we self distance no mask and no one has gotten since July when I started there that should tell you something. No one I have met or know has had the virus and I don't think it's just luck. I believe as others do it is a Democratic thing to make voters hate Trump and vote for Biden. They have to have something to cling to it's all lies, when all these cities shut down permanently it is the fault of their Mayors and Governors who have allowed it. Then they'll want everyone in NY to do their Christmas shopping and it will all suddenly end. The figures I feel for the victims are way over inflated and a lot of the death certificates would bare that truth, and hospital records will point to that fact when this ends. I hope they hold an impeachment trial on the DEMS involved in the biggest scandal ever.

    1. They are capable of and common enough to have had something to do with the virus from the beginning.

  8. It’s people like you that will ensure that this pandemic lasts well into 2021 and maybe beyond. It is beyond dispute that masks are an essential part of stopping the spread of this virus. You can clearly see that states where mask wearing is prevalent the cases are coming down. You are an idiot.

    1. How is it beyond dispute that masks are an essential part of spreading. As far as I’m concerned they do not help a thing, the key to stopping spread it is washing your hands. If you believe that they are magically going to have a vaccine your mistaken and if they do I guarantee that somewhere down the road there will be a class action lawsuit because of the side effects. Use your head for once and understand that before all of the pharmaceutical companies there weren’t tons of vaccines, media feeding you only one side of the story and a “democratic” government that doesn’t let you think or make decisions on your own.

    2. You'll buy anything, won't you 1:17?

    3. The cloth face masks that everyone is wearing are not effective. They do not filter out the ultra microscopic air particulates. You are the idiot for believing in the mass hysteria.

  9. I have to agree with the logic on a certain level.

  10. Most businesses will not say or do anything if you just go in without a mask and don’t make a fuss. Try it.

  11. I am positive it went around our Staten Island church in Dec. People were so sick. Tested negative for everything. Dr's were saying it was an 'aggressive' flu and/or bronchitis. then many who went to that church and many from all surrounding states went to a funeral in Atlantic City the first week in Jan. It was over 300 attended. Many got sick who went to the funeral. Then it was spreading to many who can trace being around either someone who went to both places and/or was in close contact with someone who was. I got it in March. Very mild. Mild Sore throat that went away in 2 days never a fever but did get a cough not bad but for about 2 wks. I tested positive. In all I know of many who tested positive and know of 100's who did. Almost all their family dr's prescribed hydro and all except a very few never got any more severe then mild symptoms. Some who had a fever and were tired no other symptoms were prescribed it and never got so much as a cough.

  12. And how do you intend to handle going into stores, etc. that require a mask? Will we see you getting into arguments or fights in stores? Arrested?
    I do understand what you are saying, but, masks are better than nothing. I don't care if you catch the Covid, but that doesn't mean that I want to catch it from you. Too bad we can't chart how many might catch it if you become infected.

  13. U should do a little more research. Mask do help.

    1. Maybe you should do some actual research and stop listening to CNN. The cloth masks that are required are not effective in stopping air particulates, in or out.

    2. The virus is typically attached to your saliva, mucus, whatever would come out of your mouth or nose. Stopping that from traveling father in the air helps minimize the spread. There are no 100 percent mask but any well help minimize.

  14. I agree whole heartedly. This is a typical political ploy. HISTORY REPEATING ITSELF. Every major election has a epidemic like scenario. It is only pushed to these limits by MSM only when the Democrats are at a disadvantage.

    I have been saying since the beginning that this "epidemic " will be forgotten after the elections.

    Democrats will lose everything and Christmas will be celebrated as normal with large gatherings.

  15. This is new America where the media runs the country. If we had had real attorney General that took action on the attempted over through of the sitting President we would not be in this mess. Bill Barr is worthless and openly asked why congress was yelling at him considering he has not indicted anyone they should be happy. The New America we kneel for the anthem and people are murdered for Political association. The new America we snitch on neighbors for not standing 6 feel apart. It will get worse and not better when communist joe takes over.

    1. communist joe isn't taking over 3:40, don't worry

  16. Well said sir. I’m with you 100%

  17. Please put date and time when you are going to Walmart on any other store. I would like to come watch you being an idiot.

  18. I agree with this post 100%

    This country has a lack of people with critical thinking skills, they just believe whatever they're told.

    The MSM and dumbocrat politicians lie lie lie lie and lie.

    If this were so dangerous then why does 81 (Eighty One) year old Pelosi not care?

  19. I so very much agree with this person.

  20. There’s no change shortage scientists felt it was spreading COVID so had it kept in banks.

  21. Right on, the mask are worthless

  22. I didn’t say you are required, now did I??

  23. I agree 100%. I was kicked out of Wine Rack this past week while trying to by litto tickets. And threatenand with being band. I was in compliance with the governors orders by having my shirt over my nose and mouth. The order says face covering, it doesn't have to be a mask.

  24. " Anonymous said...
    This kind of fake "facts" and opinion is dangerous. Should be kept in the trailers it is being published from.

    September 13, 2020 at 12:44 PM"

    I agree with this and I am on a 6 million dollar estate, drive my Bentley most days have over 20 other vehicles I can use (paid over 200,000 cash for the Bentley saw it online called the dealer in NJ told them I wanted it one bank I deal with the President vouched I was good for the money and they delivered it to my front door 10 that night) owe no one a cent and have a net worth well into the 8 figures.

    1. Yeah,and I'm Rex the Wonder Horse.

  25. Senior year Transgender @ Salisbury University majoring in sex changesSeptember 13, 2020 at 5:32 PM

    I feel you are murder people by not wearing your mask

    even when we go to parties , we wear a mask in our cars

    The news media is good for you, and protect you from Gun clinging right wing extremists

  26. DE and it's right on their coronavirus website started seeing Covid like illness showing up at ER Jan !. Maybe earlier but the graph starts 2020. The graph is flu like illness and covid like illness so they were seeing people presenting with something which wasn't the flu at that time. On physicians message boards they are all saying the same thing as far back as Dec they were seeing an unexplained "aggressive" flu.

  27. " Anonymous said...
    It’s people like you that will ensure that this pandemic lasts well into 2021 and maybe beyond. It is beyond dispute that masks are an essential part of stopping the spread of this virus. You can clearly see that states where mask wearing is prevalent the cases are coming down. You are an idiot.

    September 13, 2020 at 1:17 PM"

    It's not true at all that in states where mask wearing is required that cases are coming down Actually cases started to come down before wearing a mask was required. Cases are not going up where mask aren't required either. Do not spread false info Do you understand? it only shows you are a liar or an imbecile Fact is mask wearing does little. There is no evidence to suggest it will stop you from getting it and very little evidence to suggest it stops the spread. There is evidence to prove that close prolonged contact indoors in a small space such as your living room kitchen etc is the major cause of spread. This is why it makes no sense to wear masks out in public but not at home 24/7 when others are around. Bottom line all it is is you people wanting to show off and try and prove how righteous they are. You are a disgusting waste of space on this earth You won't amount to anything in life will always be a peon with self esteem issues and no self worth

  28. The opinions on masks have changed at least three times. I don’t think it helps at all, but it shows solidarity. Most of this is political at this point. It will fade quickly after the election. People are generally compliant and will do what they are told. Masks are a classic example. I do think that Governor Hogan has broken the law by not getting legislative support. It lets us know that there is much work to be done to preserve personal freedom in America.

  29. Nancy Pee says!

    All you bottom feeders who vote for Trump will wear a mask but I do not have too when my 80 y/o a$$ gets a hair dye

  30. 3:29. I hope you remember the comment you wrote here today when Christmastime rolls around. I hope you can repost it for all to see how right you were. Sadly I doubt that will be the case.

  31. For masks to be effective you would have to wear them almost constantly including at home and in bed if you sleep with someone. That is what they do in China. It's not just in public they are wearing them.
    The Amish are an interesting study in and of themselves when it comes to coronavirus. Most all have daily contact with outsiders anymore. They didn't shut their schools and for the most part have shunned masks. They didn't stop with church services either which can number well over 200 and again no masks. Their way of looking at all things in life is it's God's will. Many have shunned testing when they have gone to doctors with Covid like symptoms so the true number of cases is unknown though doctors in areas who treat the Amish say the number of patients they've seen with Covid like symptoms has been very low and some none at all. Amish aren't dying in any greater numbers either then previously.

  32. I don't like wearing this mask either , the only reason I wear it to to get in stores , when I'm in I pull it down to my comfort level . Most people with a brain know it is useless , all of my doctors say the same . The left wing dingbats can be led into anything by the media. Most are female KARENS.

  33. 12:42 There are no "experts" saying there will likely be no herd immunity. That is not how "experts" operate. If someone is saying that they are far far far from being an "expert." This virus is novel. That means it is new. That means new things about it are discovered constantly. Every contagious disease at one point before vaccines ended up being well control by herd immunity. Even ones more contagious then a coronavirus such as measles and smallpox.

  34. There is some truth to this NY is an example. They've been doing random antibody testing for months now. The curve did not even start to flatten until well after the mask mandate. People were getting it at even a higher rate weeks and months after the mask mandate went into effect. The curve only started to flatten when more tested positive for antibodies. Many who tested positive only remember feeling a little bit ill for a day or 2 and were surprised at their results.
    One thing everyone can be sure of is the virus is under-reported. That means many more had it then has been confirmed. This puts the death rate at next to nothing which is a good thing. The sad fact is that many who did die of Covid would mostly likely have died before the year's end. Many were cancer patients and heart patients. We all know many were nursing home patients and we know the numbers from them. I believe in Wor Co of the 25 who died 24 were nursing home residents. Most all who suffered more severe symptoms were unhealthy to begin with so is a good incentive for people to lose that extra weight, get their blood sugar under control, get more physical exercise and eat better. Taking care of all of that helps boost the immune system

  35. My associate is a scientist and he will tell you the mask is no good. The virus particles will go right through it. Sad the so many sheeple have been fooled into thinking they matter. We have only made it worse by quarantining

  36. Just say your " peacefully" protesting and then anything goes.

  37. as fast as this went around and you dont think you had it well hell wear a mask but odds are you all ready had it and dont know it. It doesnt kill everyone that gets it and it doesnt make everyone sick

  38. I'd like to thank you for doing your part and encouraging others by adopting a mindset that insures the pandemic continues to spread, thus insuring that a majority of americans continue to feel unsafe enough to avoid fully participating in the economy. And while you are busy writing, might I suggest that you type up instructions that you desire to receive no care from your local hospital or medical resources in the case that you do contract the virus and require care?

  39. 9:45, I have a stock of Hydrochloroquine, Z-packs and zinc right here at home and feel very safe.

    And, no, you can't have any. Go get your own.

    Safegenericpharmacy dot com.

    Better than the ventilator people are dying from.

    Educate yourself.

    1. Fact that stuff is killing people and you can’t buy it without doc. So your doc is a moron.

      Keep cheering

  40. I totally agree! This is no more than a amped up flu and conveniently started at flu season. I am considered high risk too. I have cancer and many other health issues. I was told by my drs when it 1st started to stay home. I did. But then someone had to run errands and go to the grocery store. You go to the stores and you are touching stuff other people have as well. You go to restaurants and they clean tables and not seats. You go to dr appts and again you have to wear these stupid mask that compromise your breathing. And you have to sit 6 feet. But they don't clean the seats you sat in or clean the bathrooms after each person uses them. Stores are no longer cleaning carts or belts where you sit your food on. And lordy let's not even start about public restrooms. And going out to eat.. huh.. so you have to wear a mask to your table that wasn't properly prepared and cleaned. And use paper place settings that a person picked up with their hands with no gloves. And then when you get to the table you can take your mask off... ok so the virus stopped at the edge of your table or disappeared because your table is is deemed VIRUS FREE! how bout that. Poof gone. How AMAZING is that. Store. Plexiglass. Lol they trained the virus not to go under, around and above it! And the card reader is 100% virus free because they stopped wiping them off too. And let's not forget about our innocent children, who didn't have to wear mask at all because they couldn't get it. Then later they were considered carriers. Now lots of kids are getting it?? Because certain schools in other states opened. BS! Children and especially babies have compromised immune systems too. So how come parents wore their mask yet felt comfortable about allowing their defenseless children not to?
    I see many doctors. And not one of them have had any REAL positive cases. That's from here to Baltimore. Yes people have passed away. And that truly makes us feel very sad. But they all had a underlying medical problem. And the flu and upper respiratory issues definitely and unfortunately affect and take many lives each year. Again very sad. There have been people that have passed away in car accidents and families were told they had this "virus" So no I do NOT believe that this is real. Another way for the government to control us. And like fools we have continued to allow them to make us wear mask and live in fear. You watch people wear mask in stores and get to their vehicles and get in and think these germs didn't cling to your clothes? Shoes? Store bags? Then you have others that practically strip before getting into their vehicles. So the way I see it. If you are that scared stay home! Wear your mask. But the ones that feel that this is not useful let us be! Oh here's a thought too.. go on Google type in ANY 3 numbers and then type new cases.. no matter what 3 numbers you type in there will be that exact number of cases.. weird huh. So im sure there will be some that agree some will be sassy about it. But remember I am one with a very complex high risk..and I've had no issues at all.. no one in my family has.

  41. @208 Yep, ass whoopins are next on the list if you keep harassing us. In the same way you don't go around antagonizing blacks you will come to learn not to harass people over the masks. Make your choices. You can call the cops but it won't stop that beating. How committed are you to it? We'll see.

  42. Doesn’t matter if you agree with mask or not, it’s like a dress code. If an establishment says you need to wear a mask then you need to wear a mask just like shirt and shoes. Some establishments don’t allow saggy pants without belts and that’s legal.

  43. The stupidity here is astonishing. It really is sad to see how brainwashed people have become. I wouldn’t actually care except that those shunning the masks are putting others lives and health in danger. How can it be that the US is fairing worse from this virus than almost any other developed nation? You so called Patriots fighting against common sense measures will prolong this misey for everyone. This is shameful and disgusting.

  44. It’s called decency and courtesy until we get a vaccine......of which you obviously have neither.

  45. So it is ok to have a mask on but pulled below the nose,but at least the mask is preventing the release of the virus from the mouth.

  46. "Anonymous said...
    My associate is a scientist and he will tell you the mask is no good. The virus particles will go right through it. Sad the so many sheeple have been fooled into thinking they matter. We have only made it worse by quarantining

    September 13, 2020 at 6:51 PM"

    Awhile back I was looking up studies and the best place I've found to look is EPA mask studies for industrial work purposes. There are no masks that keep dry wall dust out. Virus particles are smaller then dry wall dust so they too can get in without a problem.

  47. 11:16 The problem with you people is you are ignoramuses. There hasn't been a virus around that hasn't killed people Chicken pox kills over a 100 people a year and 10,000 plus hospitalized. Just because you people know nothing about viruses and this is the first time doesn't mean this one is more dangerous or more deadly and any other Grow a brain you imbecile. All viruses have always had the potential to be deadly to those with under lying conditions. It's ignoramus like you who just learned this. Human beings and not some sub species like yourself with no brain always knew if they had underlying conditions to stay in as much as possible during flu season. Same as the dopes who need the government to tell them how NOT to catch a contagious diseases must have grown up with moron mothers and in filthy houses. It's real simple. Wash you hands keep them away from your face stay away from people coughing etc. I gotta love it when the dirty dumb people say the President didn't do enough. If you even have an average intelligence level and are a clean person you don't need anyone to do anything. You know how to do it yourself Only life's losers need the government to tell them how to not catch a contagious disease

  48. I appreciate the anecdotal testimony, I really do.

    Is there science that backs up what is being presented?

    You don't have a confirmation that you had covid, just a hunch? I know there are anti-body tests available, you may want to take one?

    While true, the masks do not prevent one from catching Covid, they do dramatically decrease the aerosols going into the air from an infected person, the science shows this to be true. Is there some sort of data showing that this is now not the case?

    There is also a claim that herd immunity has been reached.. that would mean over 60% of the country would have been infected and have antibodies, is there some sort of research or data that you could point to showing this to be true? It would be REALLY good news for all of us if it could be substantiated!

  49. 9:45 you have no business committing here because you are clearly a mental case who belongs locked up in a mental institution for life. You are a paranoid lunatic and I hope you didn't multiple because anything you spawned is to be pities for having such a loser paranoid waste of air as a "parent." Animals think more rationally the your sorry excuse for a human being
    You and your "I suggest" asinine statement, I suggest you get a mental evaluation for your delusions and paranoia
    Fact is this virus is not more severe or more deadly then any other. Now go and crawl back into your trash can you lying paranoid whack job.

  50. There HAS been a lot of misinformation being spread by the MSM such as this virus is *more contagiousness* then others. This is not true. The truth is it is more easily spread because it's novel and very few had an immunity to it. Unlike AIDS which you pretty much have to have close intimate contact with a carrier this one like many viruses is airborne and can be spread (though rare) by airborne virus particles. The main spreader is close prolonged contact with someone infected in a small area.
    Secondly there was some panic when it was reported the virus can *live" on surfaces for hours. Viruses aren't alive or dead. They are active or inactive. This one is no different then others Just because a virus can be detected on a surface for hours does not mean it is active. A virus has to be active to latch onto a vector.

  51. The one thread that seems to get repeated refers to this being somehow politically related.
    So please explain why all of these other countries have been battling the virus. Are they having a big election too?
    Mask or no mask......the bottom line is when you find something to really complain about please get back to us.
    Is our peninsula on fire.....are we experiencing riots here on the shore....we should be thankful we are not battling what some other people would easily exchange for having to wear a mask. Be thankful and please quit whining.

  52. Here here๐Ÿป I agree 100%!

  53. Criminals are loving this mask mandate.

  54. "While true, the masks do not prevent one from catching Covid, they do dramatically decrease the aerosols going into the air from an infected person, the science shows this to be true. Is there some sort of data showing that this is now not the case?"

    Not quite true 8:42. There is NOTHING that says they "dramatically decrease" any such thing. First of all no one would say that just for the simple fact nothing 'dramatically' decreases the risk except living in a hermetically sealed bubble with a self breathing apparatus connected. There is liability attached to saying that so no real expert is ever going to say that. Get it out of your mind.

    Secondly it is simply not true. The only legit studies done to date and using N95's show aerosols can go right though a mask especially if you mouth breath which regular mask wearers know is a no no. Also all studies done so far have been on brand new used N95's and there is a big difference when using new as opposed to used especially one that been used over and over. If someone coughs studies have shown just as many virus particles escape with mask or no mask.

  55. Another sub group of interesting study would be the Orthodox and Hasidic Jews in the community that NYC initially declared a quarantine zone or whatever they called it. Then created a controversy when they held a funeral where over 2000 attended maskless. They never stopped doing what they always did so large funerals large weddings and hardly any wearing masks if any, as the belief is in a higher power and not their will. They had cases of coronavirus but their numbers started to drop also shortly after NY's mask mandate even with them not wearing masks so it is not credible to suggest masks slowed the spread and helped to flatten the curve.

  56. There has been a lot of confusion with the word contagious. In science contagious is not to be confused with more easily spread because of lack of immunity. This virus is no more contagious then any other contagious respiratory infection. It just became more widespread due to the lack of immunity

  57. This is why I don't wear condoms. I had the "Snip" but when I visit "Friends" I ride without.

  58. Fanning the flames of society and its only MONDAY!

    This could be a very interesting week - indeed!

    Smokem if you gottem...Drink, uh wait until Wednesday at least. Actual studies have shown give your liver a rest to regenerate once in a while.

    Yeah - actual medical like studies. Same with smoking.. Don't, destroys the lining in your lungs..

    Eat Brownies instead! Flavor/oil from the "plant" comes from the earth!

  59. I can 100% guarantee the viewer that not wearing a mask will protect nobody. Wearing a mask obviously provides some protection from a virus that is spread from the BREATH of an infected individual that is contagious even without presenting any symptoms. What they know, is that infected people can walk around spreading it whether they have symptoms, or whether they never present with symptoms. The viewer is a self-centered egotistical jerk. Not very smart either. Mandatory masks are protection from jerks like him. He doesn't want to wear one. Stay home then. They won't let him in stores, the courthouse, medical facilities, or any other public place without one, no matter how much he complains about the requirement. Will serve the jerk right. I think he is just an anonymous blowhard. He will wear his mask just like the rest of us.

  60. Question for the viewer: If we already have herd immunity, why are there still surges in cases across the country and why are people still dying? The viewer seems quite uninformed of what herd immunity is. It is questionable whether the concept even exits. Herd immunity is often the result of vaccinations. Or after EVERYONE has been infected, and the only ones left are the ones that recovered, then there will be herd immunity. Everyone else will be dead. There will always be ignorant people that want to "thin" the herd, as long as they aren't the ones being thinned from the herd. I think stupid, inconsiderate people like him should be thinned from the herd. The The rest of us are better off without people like that.

  61. Only life's losers need the government to tell them how to not catch a contagious disease

    September 14, 2020 at 8:40 AM:

    No, only life's losers would listen to an uneducated, unqualified, loser like you tell them how not to catch a highly, never before seen, contagious disease.

  62. You all have to first read up on how our immune systems work, then ponder that the virus, hen it got here in december was VERY different that it is now. By now it has passed through hundreds of thousands of American Citizens whose antibodies fight off and morph the virus each time making it less and less harmful eash pass. The spike in numbers you are talking about are the number of tests being administered to see who is active with the virus, which tells us nothing, as these positive cases are no longer dying and might just be on the mend. The only testing NOT being done, which would tell us how many have been exposed over the last 8-9 months is for ANTIBODIES. of course, if they used those tests, it would prove that a virus that could spread around the world in a month and a half has hit just about everybody by now and we're no longer having such harsh reactions, if any at all.

    Using logic is so difficult, I know, but realize two things. People put on ventilators died, and people treated with HQL,Z-paks & zinc didn't, but Fauchi owns patent rights on Resmeriivin and won't allow us HQL treatment, so we have to get ours from other countries on our own. I'm sure he has his pockets lined with ventilator sales as well.

    Secondly, they won't test for antibodies until after the election is over. They want to make everybody hate Trump, who has no hand in any of this, to get democrats voted in.

    Just sayin'.


  63. And everbody stfu after that statement. I wonder why.

  64. This is for all the mask naysayers, if you bothered to take the time to actually look for the science on wearing a mask... you would wear a mask. This is from UCHealth:

    The science of masks is evolving, and all indications are that it’s evolving toward the theory that masks are an effective way to slow the pandemic’s spread. There are indeed few peer-reviewed studies on the effectiveness of masks on slowing the spread of the coronavirus. That’s because the human disease the SARS-CoV-2 virus causes is still just months old. COVID-19 studies take time; so does peer review. More research, rest assured, is coming.

    Until then, we must largely rely on work that predates COVID-19 and mathematical models of the disease based on best estimates of how well masks and other coronavirus countermeasures work.

    A 2015 study done in Vietnam compared cloth masks to surgical masks among 1,607 hospital health care workers and found that those wearing cloth masks ended up catching influenza more often (there was no mask-free control group). The same research group recently revisited the topic amid the COVID-19 epidemic. They concluded that, while health care workers need N95-class protection, “The general public can use cloth masks to protect against infection spread in the community,” particularly in light of the many mild and asymptomatic coronaviruses cases.

    A 2013 British study concluded that “a homemade mask should only be considered as a last resort to prevent droplet transmission from infected individuals, but it would be better than no protection.” A 2008 Dutch study considered N95-style respirators, surgical masks, and cloth masks and found that they all would reduce exposure to airborne influenza virus in that order. An April 2020 review considering N95-class respirators, surgical masks, and homemade cloth masks came to much the same conclusion, as did a June 2020 review in The Lancet. That study reviewed 172 observational studies and concluded that wearing masks reduce the risk of coronavirus infection – albeit with “low certainty.”

    Point being, wear your mask.

  65. September 15, 2020 at 9:43 AM:

    Well researched, but the snowflakes don't care about science or public safety. They just want to show their face. What a bunch of crybabies. All the science and logic in the world will not convince them to do the right thing. They are self centered individuals that do not care about others, either their own family members, or the public. They are sad, and dangerous during a pandemic.

  66. September 13, 2020 at 5:27 PM:

    Nobody believes your anonymous false bravado and bragging about things you only dream about. Heck, you don't even know what a Bentley LOOKS like. I know wealthy people on a personal level. None of them speak as you do, and they certainly don't feel any need to brag about the things they own. Grow up. Nobody believes you.

  67. "There is no evidence to suggest it will stop you from getting it and very little evidence to suggest it stops the spread....This is why it makes no sense to wear masks out in public but not at home 24/7 when others are around."

    September 13, 2020 at 5:41 PM:

    Amazing that you call others imbeciles. "little to no evidence" Well how much evidence is there that not wearing masks does any good at all? Even a shallow minded non-thinker like yourself knows there is no protection from NOT WEARING A MASK. Hard to argue for not wearing a mask unless you are an idiot. And then you say wear them at home to protect your family (after saying they do no good), while saying they don't do any good in public. Let me define "public" for you. It's being around other people! Good Lord, I can't believe how dense and illogical some people are. You have demonstrated that YOU are the imbecile by your comments. Not the ones you incompetently try to belittle for their reasoned approach to the pandemic requirements, for the good of the public that we all share space with. It is a little scary that the public has to share space with imbeciles like you.

  68. September 13, 2020 at 5:57 PM:

    The Amish are a closed society. Where do you get their medical stats concerning the coronavirus? That's right, there are no publicly shared medical stats for the Amish community. Unless you are Amish (you are not or you wouldn't have a computer to post your comment with) you are just making stuff up. I guarantee the Amish are avoiding people like you. Your lack of knowledge and publicizing it, are astounding.

  69. Use your head for once and understand that before all of the pharmaceutical companies there weren’t tons of vaccines, media feeding you only one side of the story and a “democratic” government that doesn’t let you think or make decisions on your own.

    September 13, 2020 at 5:37 PM:

    Before there were pharmaceutical companies, millions, upon millions, perished from the Spanish flu and the black plaque. That's right, back then there weren't "tons" of vaccines. There weren't any vaccines. Now pharmaceutical companies have the ability to develop a defense against these new biological threats to humanity. But the scientific method is necessary to prove the effectiveness and safety of a new vaccine, and takes time. We all have heads and brains. Try using your brain before showing ignorance in your comment. I'll trust the pharmaceutical companies way before I'll trust anything you say. And a vaccine, or multiple vaccines, are coming. Take your chances with the virus. I'll take mine with a vaccine that has been scientifically proven safe and effective. That's what a college education and common sense tells me to do. You, on the other hand, cannot "guarantee" squat.

  70. September 14, 2020 at 4:32 PM:

    Using "logic," I deduced that you you are not a scientist, or have a science background. That's why you are not in charge, or why your opinion has no merit. All you have is rumors and innuendo.

  71. And everbody stfu after that statement. I wonder why.

    September 14, 2020 at 10:06 PM:

    Wrong again! I wonder why?

  72. @ 11:32 am, You look to politicians and Walmart employees for your medical advice while I went to my PHYSICIAN for testing and advice. so I will go with my logic before trusting your "expertise".



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