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Monday, September 14, 2020

22-Year-Old Who Had His Arm Partially Blown Off After Pointing a Gun at 17-Year-Old Kyle Rittenhouse’s Head Cries Victim to CNN

Gaige Grosskreutz, the 22-year-old Kenosha rioter who had his arm partially blown off by Kyle Rittenhouse after he aggressively rushed at the 17-year-old and pointed a pistol at the child’s head, cried victim on CNN.

Grosskreutz had a gun in his hand when he ran up to Rittenhouse, so in self defense, the 17-year-old discharged his weapon, blew off part of Grosskreutz’s arm, saving his own life.

Doctors performed surgery and saved Gaige Grosskreutz’s right arm.

A friend of Gaige’s said that his only regret was not being able to kill 17-year-old Rittenhouse.

“So the kid shot gaige as he drew his weapon and gaige retreated with his gun in hand. I just talked to Gaige Grosskreutz too his only regret was not killing the kid and hesitating to pull the gun before emptying the entire mag into him. Coward,” a friend of Grosskreutz wrote in a chat.

Leave it to CNN to make Grosskreutz out to be the victim by calling him the “sole survivor.”


  1. Well, 2 out of three ain’t bad. Sometimes you miss.

  2. He's lucky he's not Dead. He should have been.

  3. How typical. Such a bad a$$ on the street and then the pansy comes out 🙄 wtf did he expect?

  4. Somebody else will do it.

  5. I'm glad he's not dead. That arm will not ever heal and he will get infection after infection and will be in severe pain as he deserves.

  6. I see where grosskreutz is scheduled to speak at the upcoming bye-done rally...

  7. So he has a carry permit. That doesn’t permit him to misuse and put the weapon to another’s head without cause. Hope the permit has be revoked and he will be charged. Should have shot the coward in the ass after his firing arm.

  8. 10:07 That's right... all after evidence that Rittenhouse's first victim was shot in the back. At least he can claim self defense for the 2nd guy he shot.

    1. They chased him down the street with weapons in hand. They got what they deserved!! If your going to threaten someone you better be prepared for the consequences ..

  9. I don’t feel bad for injured Nazis

  10. I really enjoyed watching the huge spray of blood and tissue 10 feet up when the bullet hit his arm. Replaying that over and over makes me smile.

  11. Rittenhouse for Sheriff!! Best Video of the year....Should get a Award. And lets charge the protestor for pointing the gun at someone.

  12. Rittenhouse gave that anarchist something to remember him by....for the rest of his life. Right On! Stupid at 22 YO, and apparently stupid for life. He better learn how to shoot better with his other hand / arm, if he wants to survive the next shootout, or someone will have to feed him for the rest of his life.

  13. What's really sad, he has to learn to wipe his butt left handed. What a shame.

  14. White 17 year old with a gun : child. Black 17 year old with a gun: thug.


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