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Sunday, September 13, 2020

19 Black families purchase 96 acres of land to create a 'safe haven' for Black people

In the face of a pandemic that has hit Black Americans harder than almost any other group, while the nation continues to confront the toxic legacy of slavery and Jim Crow, two Georgia women have come together to build a community that will be a place free of oppression, “a tight-knit community for our people to just come and breathe.”

They are calling it Freedom, Georgia, and draw their inspiration from Wakanda, the fictional comic-book country that was the setting for the movie “Black Panther.”

Ashley Scott, a realtor from Stonecrest, Ga., who was driven to seek therapy by her reaction to the shooting death of Ahmaud Arbery, a young Black man jogging in a white neighborhood, said that after several sessions she realized that her problem was 400 years of racial oppression and trauma dating back to the establishment of slavery in North America.

“We are dealing with systemic racism,” she wrote in an op-ed for Blavity last month. “We are dealing with deep-rooted issues that will require more than protesting in the streets.”

With her friend Renee Walters, an entrepreneur and investor, she founded the Freedom Georgia Initiative, a group of 19 Black families who collectively purchased 96.71 acres of rural land in Toomsboro, a town of a few hundred people in central Georgia, with the intention of developing a self-contained Black community.


  1. Hahaha. I give it 5 years and it will be in foreclosure.

    1. Or our tax dollars will be paying for it

  2. Well Black's love FREE. I wonder how many police calls will be used.

  3. Freedom Georgia would be the exact definition of racism and it is probably illegal, as well.

  4. I think HUD is currently doing this.

  5. Plenty of space to build a prison.

  6. Pretty FN racist if you ask me

  7. I hope it works out for them.
    I would be interested in a similar plan for Caucasians. If there is interest?

    1. Unfortunately that would be considered racist and would be protested.

    2. It’s called Idaho

    3. Problem with Idaho?

  8. Much like BLM and Antifa. This shit has gone TOO far!! When this dam burst there will be hell to pay. How is it you give a race that was sold by their own HUNDREDS of years ago free, free, free. WAKE UP and STAND UP people. I'm tired of working 2 jobs and side jobs to support my family and those on every free program here. You've been paid your damn reparations, it's called welfare, WIC, Obullshit phones. Handouts everywhere you look. I was an infantryman in the troop surge to Iraq. I got turned down a job at the VA for maintenance to guess who? You got it, Nay Nays cousin whom also has a cush salary and benefits the average working man would love and has earned! Shits about to hit the fan and me and mine are more ready then we'll ever be!

  9. Anonymous white dude,
    I’m interested but have no money. Will work for food and shelter.

    Anonymous Caucasian Dude

  10. No fence are wall around that community, free immigration is what dems want

  11. And just like every hood they touch starts out nice then turns to crap

  12. 6:03, I'll give it 6 months until it turns into a thug infested, ghetto hangout.

  13. Black people - the most racist group of people on earth.

  14. It’s a great idea and I encourage it

  15. Till the first hurricane comes

  16. They will trash it and burn it down in a month

  17. sounds like another black supremacist group.

  18. Can white people do the same thing? Oh wait no...that would be racist. No "whites only" towns. Tracing your issues back 400 years must be quite the challenge.

  19. Umm. I stopped reading after he “was just jogging through a “white” neighborhood.”

  20. Its the American dream a place where you feel free.

  21. I'm sure someone will look into it to make sure it's on the up and up.

  22. This is awesome! I wish they would do that here. Self segregate! YES! FINALLY!
    A place where they can have their standards of living and decency without the encroachment of “whiteness”.
    Obviously there will be no need for police or a criminal justice system nor a tax to pay for it.
    Win, win. I bet there are a bunch of decent, conscientious Trump voters in the group too!

  23. 6:03 - you are generous!

    It'll be a shithole from day one!
    Because it is 'free' to them, they won't care about it...
    Just look at any predominantly section 8 housing area...

  24. I feel sorry for all the animals that live there.

  25. Segregate
    Sounds like a good plan to me
    Continue on please

  26. So how is the inter structure going to be set up. Such as water, sewer, trash disposal. That would need to be set up to even have this idea get off the ground. I foresee this ending up being nothing but a big dump, within 3 months. Then they will demand that the government come in and take care of the mess they have made. Just as it is expected now.

  27. So, this has been tried before many times. One such black only community was Nicodemus, Kansas.

    Just like many of the commenters above I will ask who's going to do the work?

    Just a town full of single mother welfare queens raising fatherless gangster wannabees.

  28. I hope they do a reality show on this place. It will be a cross between the wire, hip hop wives, cops, live pd and the wild west. World Star Hip Hop will have its headquarters there.

  29. Northwest Woodsman: Just wondering if Joe has hired a former Facebook or twitter liberal to screen comments? Seems that occasionally when I state the truth regarding negros and issues they have and continue to cause, the comment is not published. Sorry if I occasionally offend sensibilities by stating facts and truth but I will continue to try and increase awareness of the problems we face.

  30. Purchasing land for black people is a self-segregating solution. We go from backs fighting for inclusion to now be excluded. Makes a lot of sense. A binge watching of Black Panther on a continual loop will help reservationists figure out how to deal with those within your own utopia that will seek to kill each other. Would black on black crime be eliminated? Maybe, maybe not.

  31. Crime rate will shoot up.

  32. Northwest Woodsman: Liberia on a smaller scale.It will be another negro failure that will require a bailout from us taxpayers.

  33. There is another area modeled after this one , it’s called CHICAGO.

  34. If they want to be safe, they better keep blacks out. Blacks kill more blacks than whites do.

  35. Will they get their own Po Po?

  36. LOL everyone knows they will have it crapped up in no time just like they do everywhere they go. Look at the inner cities for proof. That's is why they got covid. They are dirty people both physically and mentally. God gave them covid so they would clean up their selves and their dirty minds.
    Anyway the place will have a very high murder rate and the crime and murder rate will surpass the whole county's average. That is how they roll. They are too immoral a race to ever keep things nice.

  37. There isnt systemic racism in this country. The narrative has worked to keep divisional politics rolling. There is however systemic oppression. The super rich vs the poor and working class. The framework of our government was designed to give the wealthy landowmers the advantage. Research it you don't need to take my word for it. It had nothing to do with race when they wrote the framework of our government. Ending slavery wasnt even a thought when they wrote the framework of our government. It was the rich vs poor then and it is to this day. Keep crying racism all you want but the color of someones skin isnt your enemy. Greed is and greed comes in all skin colors. I see a bunch of racist sheep on this thread. You all need to wake up.

  38. Why did they buy this land??? They have a whole continent.....AFRICA......go home and feel safe!

  39. Blacks are 13 percent of the population but commit 50 percent of the crime.... so who’s oppressed?

  40. These people are calling for segregation and outright racism. We know how that works out.

  41. Are those 19 well intentioned families planning on picking up all the trash?

  42. My ancestors had a safe haven for black people. It was called the plantation.

  43. Actually sounds like a good idea, problem is white racists tried it with segregation in the past and the blacks didn't like it. So what makes it better now? I guess black racists coming up with the idea.

  44. How can they be expected to be treated egually when they try so damn hard to be different? Their problem is, they just do not fit into society. They cannot handle it.


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