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Saturday, August 29, 2020

Worcester counts 51 new coronavirus cases

Worcester County saw a slight uptick in coronavirus cases this week, with 51 new cases confirmed, according to the Worcester County Health Department. Last week, 39 new cases were confirmed.

This brings the county’s total cases since March to 794.

According to Gov. Larry Hogan, Maryland has reached a seven-day positivity rate of 3.35 percent and a daily positivity rate of 3.21 percent. As of Wednesday, Worcester had the third-highest positivity rate in Maryland at 4.51 percent.

Meanwhile, Johns Hopkins University has reported a positivity rate of around four percent. Its Covid-19 Testing Insights Initiative relies on data from the Covid Tracking Project, a volunteer tracking organization from The Atlantic.



  1. Why aren’t the recent cases and deaths at Snow Hill Nursing Home mentioned?

    1. The nursing home immediately implimented quarantine sections. The state followed up, and found the operation to be in compliance.

    2. Right.....tell that to someone who doesn’t know any better.

  2. 52000k population not including vacationers and how many were actually sick? So absurd at this point.

    1. CNN reported 5 Trillion deaths 🤣 in Worcester

  3. how many people even had any symptoms? or even knew they had it.The flu is alot worse!

  4. The rate will go back down after Labor Day. There are so many instances of over-reporting (lying, really) that not much confidence should be placed on the numbers anymore.

  5. OH , but the Md Governor Boss Hog says everything is okay !! Dugh

  6. How many are from out of state, another area, not locals? How many were in OC large crowds?

  7. Fortunately Worcester is a heavy Republican area and CV19 doesn’t effect Republicans!

  8. It is a bunch of BullSh--t! Not a True statement! Truth in reporting Covid=19 cases!!

  9. Stay away from OC!

  10. Can Biden please get tested what kind of precedent he setting for all the children. Biden please do better. In a few weeks your finger will be on the nuclear warhead and you might have the most deadliest virus known to mankind eating aware and raging through the White House. Harris get tested now.

  11. Northwest Woodsman: Enough of this BS! Yes, there is a flu virus floating around out there but repetition of these baseless statistics is ridiculous. They quote a 4.1 rate but unless you have tested 100% of the population, that figure is meaningless. Many people have had it, had little or no symptoms and recovered without complications. The reality is that it is a danger if you have some serious pre-existing issues and then you may be at risk. However, you would be at risk if it were just a normal flu season anyway. Just take reasonable precautions like wiping down shopping cart handles, door handles, etc., and get on with your lives. Don’t continue to cower in fear because of the promotion of this flu for political reasons. All of the major media continues to hype this as a component of the general plan to prevent President Trump’s re-election. Use your observation skills. People are not dropping like flys around you like the ridiculous claims that have been floating around the media for the last three or four months. We’ve been had folks! Start fighting back. I’m seeing more and more people returning to normal living and that is a good sign.

  12. Great, we don't care. Open the economy.


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