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Sunday, August 02, 2020

WNBA Players Walk Off The Court During National Anthem

The WNBA’s season began Saturday with players from the Seattle Storm and New York Liberty walking off the court as the national anthem played, in a message for racial justice as protests around the country continue. The players jointly then dedicated 26 seconds of silence and the entire season to Breonna Taylor.

“We are dedicating this season to Breonna Taylor — an outstanding EMT who was murdered over 130 days ago in her home,” Layshia Clarendon, a player for New York Liberty said before the game began. Taylor was shot and killed by Louisville Metro police after they entered her Kentucky home in March.

Clarendon also said the season would be dedicated to the “Say Her Name Campaign — a campaign committed to saying the names and fighting for justice for Black women” who are “so often forgotten in this fight for justice.”



  1. Who cares?? As if they have much of a fan base to begin with. Male hormone taking woman. No thanks.

  2. They need a lesson in fighting embarrassment...... bunch of turds are simple.

  3. Disgraceful, they have no right to be representing this great country.

  4. Should never play the National Anthem when showing the President on the Jumbotron.

  5. Who watches anyway

  6. Hey! If you have no respect for this country, please move to some other nation. Oh--and let us know how things turn out.

  7. Send them to defend our country for two years and let's see how they feel then.

    1. Would not work. They would all go AWOL and betray our country as they are already doing. We should buy them a one way ticket to any country of their choosing and have them give up their American citizenship. Would be money well spent.

  8. Send them to defend our country for two years and let's see how they feel then. The National Anthem being played is a separate issue. If you would like to protest do it on your own time and don't disrespect others.

  9. To an audience of none.WNBA it offends me tear it down. What they stand for its ear pollution

    These Luciferian Lies and mindless blind obedience will only lead to more turmoil

  10. I already don't spend a dine to watch or support this crappy sport Can't wait to see the outcome of this move. I'm sure it will be something "racial" that causes them to fold.

  11. All 9 fans support them

  12. soon ALL sports will ONLY be broadcast on the BET channel...


  13. No effort required to ignore them; never took any interest. They are a solution to a problem that never existed. Watching the test pattern would be more scintillating.

  14. I like and watch the WNBA, said no one ever.

  15. So much for the Lesbian League.....history!!

  16. I’d say boycott but America already did for no reason other than they suck

  17. i didn't even know the league still existed

  18. Sad - since they can do anything during the game rather than doing it during the United States of America's National Anthem.

    Start the game and then stop unexpectedly. It would garner more attention, more shock, more awe and be on all television news. Take the mic at mid court and let everyone know why.

    Don't do whats already been done. It hurts everyone and thats not the point.

  19. i didn't know that league still existed. Are they still crying because they don't get paid like NBA players?

  20. um... what's the WNBA? Is that a thing?

  21. I hope all the sports go broke for this idiotic behavior.

  22. Walk off, then keep walking.

  23. What is the WNBA???

  24. Wnba that's still a thing? Wow

  25. Screw those disrespectful Douche Bags!

  26. Fire everyone of their black asses. Let them go back to living in the ghetto they were in before they learned to bounce a ball.

  27. If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around does it still make a noise ?


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