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Sunday, August 23, 2020

Wicomico County Council Votes In Rene Desmarais As The Next County Executive, Idiots!

The Wicomico County Council chose Dr. Rene Desmarais in a 4 to 3 vote to become the new Wicomico County Executive.

Here's a guy who has not committed to giving up his practice solely to become County Executive and yet they elected him instead of two other very qualified candidates. 

Talk about some stupid country boys! Not one of the council members should be reelected down the road. I'm in as much AWE as all of you are. Just a bunch of Idiots, is all I can say!


  1. Dr. Desmarais is a committed conservative Republican. Please do not attack him when you likely do not even know him. I have known him for decades and respect his opinion. He is an in-office cardiologist who is part of a much larger practice at PRMC. His office hours are not full time and I for one am glad that he is not abandoning his patients.
    Give the man a chance. He is not part of the good old boy Democratic network. I am surprised that they did not chose their own swamp critter delegate anderton.

    1. Ditto..... before I read any comments, I will say thank goodness the right applicant was chosen. I would love to have seen Mr. Joe Holloway get it and thank him for considering it. I don’t know the good doctor, but he would be my pick from the three. I’m not going to comment on Ennis. I will say I voted for the delegate and am sorry for that. For all of his local supporters that thought they had him in the bag, why? He has been a embarrassment to us by acting like a street thug. I was really disappointed with a video where he referenced himself as cornbread or cornhole. He has much growing up to do to be representing us here on the shore. Now the vote is behind us, leave it alone. Just cry like you have since Trump flushed out your fat failed candidate in 2016. Go Trump!


  2. Kind of a surprise. Obviously a bright guy, and involved in running the medical practice in the quasi-private sector to some extent. We'll see how it goes.

    Ennis, very well qualified; guess she could be rehired for old job so the new administrator & executive don't have to start from scratch.

    Anderton still has a paycheck, and unable to do any real damage except in Annapolis.

  3. I disagree. This is an elected position. Our founders did not ever intend for politics to become a career. They knew this would lead to having to constantly employ a campaign staff which leads to favors granted to those with deep pockets since the staff needs to be paid year round.

  4. Republicans acting like democrats, democrats acting like republicans, no common sense anymore what the hell is going on?!?!!

  5. 10:04, BS! I want a new vote and yes I am a taxpayer multiple times in the county. I want an executive who will work FULL TIME and not work elsewhere. Hence why I feel the council made a horrible decision. I'm not knocking the guy, just stating facts.

    1. Sorry rather him than that RINO Carl Anderton

    2. If joe got it he and mark would still have the pretend hangout and so on.....

    3. I'm with you 11:09

    4. You are wrong Joe, Hillbilly Carl Anderton is not qualified to pour piss out of a boot but you claim he is?? I’m really disappointed in you!

  6. If Josh Hastings voted against him than he’s good in my book.

    1. Josh Hasting ran the Doctor in the ground claiming Carl Anderton is the best choice.

    2. Josh Hastings belongs to the Anti America group Peace Alliance of the lower shore

      Hastings and that mental health nut case Susan Olsen are dangerous to be in any position of authority.

  7. He was certainly the best pick. He's someone that can get things done and done right without the political BS. Just because he doesn't "talk" a good game like the others people are mad

  8. Carl made a lot of promises to people because after all of his internal campaigning he thought he was a lock. The good 'ole boys did not get their way, nor did the Jake Day cronies. He had a chief of staff chosen, and boy was he bitching when Carl didn't win. The good 'ole boys and Jake's Daddy, Julia Glanz were all shocked and are now complaining. Cannon wants a recount Sept. 1st.

  9. Congratulations Dr. Desmarais!

  10. What happened to Michelle Ennis? She qualified and beautiful as well

  11. Good to see we have a majority with common sense

  12. I am glad one of the good ole boys was not elected. I was shocked because of the political garbage of both the city and the count but I am glad. I agree wholeheartedly with 10:04 and 10:20. Congratulations, Doctor! You will be in our prayer and we wish you all the best.

    1. 10:50 you’re an idiot. This is a good ole boy selection, Acle is married to a doctor and she made the nomination... 100 bucks says they’re friends helping each other suck some more money out of the county. Whats more liberal than that?!

    2. More money out of the County isn’t the only thing that’s been “Sucked”

    3. He was nominated by Joe Holloway and 2nd by Ernie Davis

    4. 2:01pm

      Calling people names is a sign that you cant win an argument on its own merit.

      Why dont you throw a tantrum.

  13. Dr. Rene Desmarais was the only choice.

    The harsh reality rregarding both Carl Anderton and Michele Ennis was neither had a snowball's chance in Hell of being selected.

    Anderton comes with a well know reputation as a "do-nothing" Annapolis delegate.

    Ennis is the very cause of turmoil with the County Council all the time that she was playing the role of Director of Finance. She is the very reason why the County Council has drafted and amendment to the County Charter that will hold any high-level county administration official could find themselves jailed, facing a hefty fine and having to return their salary money, whose appointment has not been confirmed by the Wicomico County Council.

    Dr. Rene Desmarais was the only choice remaining.

    Both Anderton and Ennis can certainly run for the position at the next election for a WIcomico Cunty Executive and let the voter choose.

    I think its interesting that gorgeous Nicole Acle nominated Desmarais. Acle and Ennis are close (were) Facebook girl friends. Not any more!!!

    1. You sound like a gossip queen

    2. 10:58 speaks the truth. Kind of hard to accept isn’t it 11:08?

    3. 10:58 am you are right on the money!

  14. 10:50 AM - Ditto that. Except that we will offer up more than one prayer.

  15. Doctors are notorious for not knowing how their own practice is run. This is going to be a mess!

    1. @11:05, he knows how his practice is run, trust me!

    2. Not this Dr. He is a hands on professional and will do the right thing. He's a conservative with common sense gets my vote any time. 👍👍

    3. If he is so hands on why did he sell out to liberal PRMC
      Not a private practice anymore

  16. Replies
    1. What’s an F Cannon ? Asking for a friend

    2. Fornicate damn it

    3. 11:10 am, agreed 100%, F Cannon the RINO! Cannon really showed his liberal a$$ last night by voting with the Democrats for RINO Anderton! Let’s make sure we vote for anyone but Cannon in 2022! F Cannon!

  17. Welcome to Salisbury/Wicomico politics Dr. Desmarias. I have never met you. I have no idea who you are. I had no prior knowledge of who you are. Because I didn’t want those idiots on the Council to choose you as my next county executive, from this moment on I’m labeling you as just another POS because you earned it.

  18. I can now sleep in peace knowing RINO Anderton was not voted in for this position. His a$$ kissing Jake Day did me in with this turn coat a long time ago. He reminds me of a old Indian saying "He speaks with forked tounge"

  19. Who wrote this? Anderton is qualified? Now I heard it all. Joe, if you wrote this, shame on you.

  20. This is the first time in over 5 years a good decision has been made . The new guy can more than keep up he won’t be swayed by Boy Mayor Jake, Anderton who has the IQ of a flea, John Cannon king of the Slum Lords, and will see right through their boat load of crap. GOOD VOTE. He must have impressed them to get the job. Good old boy network didn’t work—drain the SWAMP!!!!

    1. Ditto..... reminds me of 2016 when the tax payer finally stood up and choose a non-politician. Best thing that has happen to the USA. What a great job President Donald J. Trump has done and will continue for the next term. Sounds like the county is on track with a non- politician. Congratulations doctor. I would think if you needed a little assistance Mr. Joe would be the place to go.

  21. Great choice!!! Anderton is a do nothing dolt that would be on the strings of Jake Day and the rest of the swamp rats. He is a lifetime politician because he can't do anything else. Most people run for office to help the people (you would hope), but Carl is doing it for the paycheck and he needs that paycheck. He will get down on his knees for anyone that can help him get that paycheck.

    Good to see a bright, non-politician selected. That's how the founding fathers wanted it. Come help out the people for a little while, than go back to your profession. I commend the 4 that voted for the doctor. It took guts with all the swamp rats yelling at them.

    Joe, you have this one wrong.

  22. Awesome news! He's the man for the job!!!

  23. All you doctor’s friends will be eating humble pie when this guy screw up everything run by the County!

  24. Great start! I'll take a thinking, risking, performing, serving doctor over a politician all day long.
    Let's hope he brings in some more doctors to treat the swamp

  25. I wouldn't know him if I fell over him which is a good thing since he's a cardiologist. I think he is an excellent choice though. I do not like politicians making a career out of the position. I want politicians to work in the public sector where they are exposed daily to people's concerns, hopes and dreams. I do not want them in a bubble where they only time they emerge into the public is during campaign season. Most are in this bubble and that one of the major issues facing this country whether it be on the national level, state, county or local. Best Wishes to the new County Executive.

  26. Dr desmarais has been my cardiologist for a number years and I trust my life to his judgement. He's a straight shooter. Good luck Dr desmarais and don't let the bastards get you down.

  27. "Anonymous said...
    Doctors are notorious for not knowing how their own practice is run. This is going to be a mess!

    August 21, 2020 at 11:05 AM"

    Oh please. Where did you dig this lie up from. I am personal friends with many doctors in a variety of practices. I talk to more in a week then you will ever in your lifetime unless you are a patient of theirs. They all know exactly what is going on in their practice. Please do yourself a favor and refrain from saying what you did in public. It will only prove that your are in fact an ignoramus and only in your dreams will this be "a mess" that you can bet on-Ignoramus.

  28. The Republicans wanted someone who they could control. They surely couldn't control Ms. Ennis or Delegate Anderton. So they picked someone they could Persuade. Mrs. Acle does have business connections with the good doctor, and it's okay to work with others, but she should have recused herself from that vote. It was only proper. But did anyone notice that when Councilman Hasting asked if anyone had any personal conflicts with this vote,she said nothing until the question was asked again and she commented that relationship had ended. She should also look into her comments on the council following parliamentary procedures. Our council has it's own rules.It has never voted on what procedures to follow, that I can find record of. It seems they use whatever they want when they want. Not Robert Rules or any Parliamentary Procedures that I know of. I think that if Mr. Cannon, Mr. Hasting or Mr. McCain wanted to have her situation thoroughly investigated before anyone else makes any other moves that this would be a wise decision. Perhaps the States Attorneys Office should investigate and check all of her and her husband,another doctor, financials for the last five years.There is now a credibility mark on her name until this is cleared up. It could also cause the Republican control of the Council to revert back to Democrat control in just two months. I'm sure Dr. Desmarais would not like having that over his head. Perhaps he should reconsider this move carefully.
    The four council members never gave any reasoning for their vote. Perhaps they feel the public doesn't deserve one. Three councilmen gave lengthy reasoning for their support of Delegate Anderton. Ms.Ennis was never given a vote. Too much pressure on the council president I guess.
    There is a reason for all this. Joe Holloway, Ernie Davis, Larry Dodd and Nicole Acle now think they have found a way to get rid of the County Executive position that has held them in check for so long. Remember,it was the People who decided they were tired of the Good-old boys way of doing county business and decided on a system of checks and balances. They didn't like it then and don't like it now.
    It's a real shame this had to happen in Wicomico County. This is something that would normally happen in Baltimore or Montgomery County.

    1. OH REALLY!!!! Is this the good Doctor that Nicole has been rumored to have been,

      Never mind.

    2. @1:12 pm, Hi David Cooper! Thanks for filing your complaint to the Ethics Commission. It was gratifying knowing that you wasted your time. For someone who is supposed to be a Republican Central Committee member, attacking other Republicans like this should get you ejected and banned from the Committee! I wish you the best!

    3. Wow...... you have rambled and whined so much I just about feel sorry for you. Stop crying, it isn’t becoming of one that thinks they are intelligent. A decision has been made, move on liberal.

  29. YES... Given the 3 choices, the Dr was the best.
    Granted he doesn't have track record, but I do remember him being conservatives.
    Ms. Ennis was next best and should consider running for At-Large seat, to toss Cannon out next election.
    Cornbread Anderton is and was the hand picked, do nothing, minion of the GSC, SBY CoC, WCBOE, Jake Day, Perdue, NAACP, and liberal progressive front. Make no mistakes about it; Carl is nothing more than a tool for the liberal progressive push to make the county an extension of the city.
    Cannon and every butt-hurt processive will try to derail this vote - Don't let them.
    Liberals and RINOs must be removed from county office.

  30. Yes good ole boy politics was at work last night, however it did not work out this time for the downtown political machine. Anderton, Day, Eccelson, Gillis McCain, Cannon, Chambers and the rest of the Greater Salisbury lapdogs are pissed. I live in Sharptown and we are not ready for rainbow flags or sidewalks.

  31. 1:12: The only investigation done by the SAO should be if Ernie Davis changes his vote! ;) ;)

    1. They are to busy trying to clean up Evidence Gate. Joe what happened in that case. Also what about the evidence room at SPD. They are thanking the Chinese daily for saving their asses. Nice diversion in the middle of this so called investigation. Did anyone get charged or fired? I bet they all walked

  32. Sounds like a do over next week

  33. Congratulations! Dr. Rene Desmarais!

  34. Best of luck!👍👍

  35. 2:10's comment is the exact reason this site is turning into a troll haven. Par for Joe's course.

  36. By far Dr. Desmaris is the best choice for County Executive. Congratulations, Sir!

  37. Joe, are you serious? You think Carl Anderton is qualified to replace Culver? RINO Anderton wearing Jake Day t-shirts and endorsing and supporting the socialist for election. You can’t be serious?!

  38. Seems like a good candidate for the position. My question is "Why are Doctors who make a hell of alot more money than me running for Politics??" Just look at Andy Harris who was a anesthesiologist now a Senator?? There must be alot more monies and Perks I do not know about these guys are making. I am just saying...

    1. MAGA..... that’s why. Or have you forgotten 2016. The good man doesn’t keep his salary nor does he need to steal.

    2. He is a representative not asenatot

  39. If Anderton gets in there he will do exactly what Jake tells him to do.

  40. Congrats to Dr. Desmaris for being voted in as the new Wicomico County Executive. May he enjoy his short term in office because in 2022 it will be game on!! Vote NO to this lame duck office in 2022! Defund the Wicomico County Executive Office NOW!! Campaign to Defund starts Now!

    1. @4:42 I agree with you. Start a petition to put it on the Ballot to vote on in 2020

    2. I pray he will win and I never heard of him until today. He will win because there will be no competition if you speak of these same ones.

  41. No public input!!!
    He has no experience what so ever in business or Government!

    This smells of a total corruption!
    New elections would make more sense.

    I'm wondering if any laws were broken without public input?

    Makes sense now when the logical choice, Joe Holloway was disqualified!

    I think we have some definite corruption in our county Council!!!

    Look for out of control spending and hugh tax increases in the future.

    1. If you are concerned about corruption, where have you been before now?

    2. You speak of something that you know nothing about which makes you a stupid fool. Obviously, you haven’t read the County Charter.

  42. And now the Good old boy network is in full attack mode. Buncha jerks have driven out everything good about Salisbury.

  43. I will start the Petition to put the removal of the Wicomico County Executive Office on the 2022 ballot. Power to the people!

  44. Anonymous said...

    @1:12 pm, Hi David Cooper! Thanks for filing your complaint to the Ethics Commission. It was gratifying knowing that you wasted your time. For someone who is supposed to be a Republican Central Committee member, attacking other Republicans like this should get you ejected and banned from the Committee! I wish you the best!

    August 21, 2020 at 3:56 PM
    Hi Larry Dodd. Just so ya know, Your'e day of reckoning will come! 2022 is on the horizon! signed Not David Cooper

  45. I couldn't have said it any better, so I will paste it for all to see again

    "YES... Given the 3 choices, the Dr was the best.
    Granted he doesn't have track record, but I do remember him being conservatives.
    Ms. Ennis was next best and should consider running for At-Large seat, to toss Cannon out next election.
    Cornbread Anderton is and was the hand picked, do nothing, minion of the GSC, SBY CoC, WCBOE, Jake Day, Perdue, NAACP, and liberal progressive front. Make no mistakes about it; Carl is nothing more than a tool for the liberal progressive push to make the county an extension of the city.
    Cannon and every butt-hurt processive will try to derail this vote - Don't let them.
    Liberals and RINOs must be removed from county office."

    August 21, 2020 at 2:02 PM

    Somethings wrong with Joe. Did he get shot by the progressive dart? Is this site still a conservative site or not? I might have to leave if this is where things are headed. What say you Joe?

  46. 10:43 you forgot the word NOT!

  47. Dr. D is a good person. Smart, dedicated, tough. He will do a great job.

  48. Nicole has a relationship with Rene. Which is too bad cause she has messed this up by making promises more than once for a vote ( just ask Bill McCain) and doing something different. For such a noob she thinks she can bat her eyelashes and get these men to bend to her will. Everyone knows how you call around and flat out lie. As a republican I will be working for your opposition no matter what party. And the REAL PARTY leadership will hear everything. This is about public service not your influence and strong arming your agenda for friends. You have burned to many bridges so fast. Keep it up cause you have no idea what is coming your way. So gather up all the soccer moms you gonna need their checks its on , see you in 2022.

    1. Nicole can bat her eyelashes at me all day long and I’ll do whatever she asks.

  49. Anybody can do it This job means Nothing !!!

  50. I think we should look at this as it is. Although I do not agree the Dr. Was the best choice, it is better then Anderson. Bet there are some upset people tonight.

  51. Anonymous said...

    Dr. Desmarais is a committed conservative Republican. Please do not attack him when you likely do not even know him. I have known him for decades and respect his opinion. He is an in-office cardiologist who is part of a much larger practice at PRMC. His office hours are not full time and I for one am glad that he is not abandoning his patients.
    Give the man a chance. He is not part of the good old boy Democratic network. I am surprised that they did not chose their own swamp critter delegate anderton.
    August 21, 2020 at 10:04 AM

    a Committed Conservative Republican? do tell us how? When nobody knows who he is unless you have been fool enough to be his patient. Part of PRMC and isn't that a special interest or conflict of interest to be in a position of County Executive and serve at PRMC? so please tell us how since you have known him for decades?

  52. Why would three Democratic Members of the Wicomico County Council vote for a Republican Party Member. Apparently having him as the County Executive would put the Democratic Party in a position of strength as Jake Day is the Mayor of Salisbury. It is rumored that Jake Day and Carl Anderton have had dealings in the past. Was the fix in and it failed? I am curious about Mr. Anderton Educational Background. Any member of a local municpalitys governing council should have a four year college degree at a minimum. I believe the best choice was selected.

  53. Funny listening to the power hungry mongrels who didn't get their way. Pathetic really.

  54. Funny. It is so easy to recognize the sore losers that are ACTUALLY part of the corruption on the shore. Anyone who has met Anderton knows he's an idiot. So why does anyone want him in office? I wonder why....
    Answers please???

  55. Despite all of the mean things people are saying because they didn't get their way is a great shame. The citizens are tired of political games and the establishment. We want a non-politician and a person of integrity to get the job done. No matter Democrat or Republican, if you you are on a path of self-seeking, unrighteousness, bullying, and destruction, you will be exposed of your corrupt deeds. You are naked before your maker, and will also be before the citizens of this county.

  56. Look who is complaining. Day's Daddy, Cannon, Dunn, Bunky, Glantz,...etc...
    these people have been sporting horns and a 666 behind their ears since birth. Now with all their might they will try to overturn what many consider a very righteous decision by the council. Anderton would just be a puppet to these people. The 4 council men/woman know this. They knew, if they voted in this puppet desperate and in pursuit of a never ending government paycheck, that slumlords like Cannon will take even more advantage against our low wage earning neighbors. Day could continue the spread of progressivism. We should be applauding this decision, although I do believe the charter needs to be corrected to have the people vote next time for the executive position when it is vacated.


  57. 9:57 - you're right. All those educated Democrats impress the hell out of me. Lets see, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Barack and his highly educated wife. Yep, I'm impressed.

  58. If he turns out to be Good , then he will be the FIRST !!!! in this County

  59. Josh has sugar in his tank and likes to be thugged by Anderton.

  60. Anonymous said...

    @1:12 pm, Hi David Cooper! Thanks for filing your complaint to the Ethics Commission. It was gratifying knowing that you wasted your time. For someone who is supposed to be a Republican Central Committee member, attacking other Republicans like this should get you ejected and banned from the Committee! I wish you the best!
    August 21, 2020 at 3:56 PM

    Hi Nicole, the only one that needs to be ejected and banned from the Central Committee is Larry Dodd. But you have no say in it now do you?

  61. Anonymous said...

    Nicole has a relationship with Rene. Which is too bad cause she has messed this up by making promises more than once for a vote ( just ask Bill McCain) and doing something different. For such a noob she thinks she can bat her eyelashes and get these men to bend to her will. Everyone knows how you call around and flat out lie. As a republican I will be working for your opposition no matter what party. And the REAL PARTY leadership will hear everything. This is about public service not your influence and strong arming your agenda for friends. You have burned to many bridges so fast. Keep it up cause you have no idea what is coming your way. So gather up all the soccer moms you gonna need their checks its on , see you in 2022.
    August 21, 2020 at 8:40 Pm

    I was at the opening of the New Republican office this morning and i was informed that she has tried threatening and trying to intimidate at least 2 of the members of the Central Committee. Is this what we expect out of our County Council members? If this is true, This is not acceptable.

    1. I think Nicole as Smok’in HOT!!!

    2. She's married to a doctor, as is Dr Desmarais. Any relationship they have is a professional one.

  62. Anonymous said...

    Despite all of the mean things people are saying because they didn't get their way is a great shame. The citizens are tired of political games and the establishment. We want a non-politician and a person of integrity to get the job done. No matter Democrat or Republican, if you you are on a path of self-seeking, unrighteousness, bullying, and destruction, you will be exposed of your corrupt deeds. You are naked before your maker, and will also be before the citizens of this county.
    August 22, 2020 at 1:27 PM

    Political games is exactly what this was from the 4 on the Council. Open your eyes to see it. They are getting exposed. The good old boys and girl was hard at work.

  63. I want to say one bit of good news about Glantz I heard yesterday word spread through the President's Neighborhood that Glantz is trying to reverse the slum homes, trash and crime in our area, she evidently had relatives who used to live here and after a ride through this area was ashamed of what she saw. The work started yesterday on the streets, and the Code & Compliance crew I have talked with are out to make a difference and are actively working this area. A BIG THANKS TO YOU ALL, and God's speed it has been a long time. GOD BLESS.

  64. This wouldn't have happened if Brewington was on the council.

    1. BHAA HAA HAA HAA HAA HAA OH GOD, that’s funny.

  65. It's great Glanz is cleaning up your neighborhood, I hope she has relatives that live all over the city. The fact of the matter is that this should have been getting done the whole time, everywhere in Salisbury. She's only cleaning it because relatives lived there and it hurts her feelings. Do not be mistaken, this woman is a far left Progressive and she is the type that applauds trans-sexual people reading to our kids. She is also pushing for the county council to reverse their decision, and of course she wants Anderton. She is just as swampy as the rest of them.
    To the person who is talking about the GOP Committee. The committee is a joke. They had that lefty Boda in their group and as VP for years. The group is mostly good ole' boys looking to benefit themselves, not the people. That's why you see people in the group that aren't conservatives, nor real Republicans. Dodd is probably one of the few true conservatives in the committee. If I was him, I would just leave the group. It's a fake clown show.

  66. Anonymous said...

    Despite all of the mean things people are saying because they didn't get their way is a great shame. The citizens are tired of political games and the establishment. We want a non-politician and a person of integrity to get the job done. No matter Democrat or Republican, if you you are on a path of self-seeking, unrighteousness, bullying, and destruction, you will be exposed of your corrupt deeds. You are naked before your maker, and will also be before the citizens of this county.
    August 22, 2020 at 1:27 PM

    Political games is exactly what this was from the 4 on the Council. Open your eyes to see it. They are getting exposed. The good old boys and girl was hard at work.

    August 22, 2020 at 9:34 PM

    Please explain how this was "political games" 9:34 PM? For the life of me I can't figure out what the Hell you are talking about? From what I could see there was nothing political about this? I saw it as the most professional decision that could be made. This county does not need a clown that is not respected in Annapolis. The same clown that got kicked off 2 very important committees in Annapolis.

  67. Anonymous said...

    Nicole has a relationship with Rene. Which is too bad cause she has messed this up by making promises more than once for a vote ( just ask Bill McCain) and doing something different. For such a noob she thinks she can bat her eyelashes and get these men to bend to her will. Everyone knows how you call around and flat out lie. As a republican I will be working for your opposition no matter what party. And the REAL PARTY leadership will hear everything. This is about public service not your influence and strong arming your agenda for friends. You have burned to many bridges so fast. Keep it up cause you have no idea what is coming your way. So gather up all the soccer moms you gonna need their checks its on , see you in 2022.
    August 21, 2020 at 8:40 Pm

    I was at the opening of the New Republican office this morning and i was informed that she has tried threatening and trying to intimidate at least 2 of the members of the Central Committee. Is this what we expect out of our County Council members? If this is true, This is not acceptable.

    August 22, 2020 at 9:24 PM

    Wait, you just made a statement that Democrat Bill McCain is a credible witness and then you finish your post saying you were at the "New Republican office this morning." Seriously, Dude! Your comments and credibility are not acceptable. You sound like the same RINO Central Committee Members that supported Socialist Jake Day!

    "And the REAL PARTY leadership will hear everything." LMAO! What real party leadership are you referring to? You are saying you are going to support a Democrat? LMAO. Get a grip, Moron. If you are a Republican you really should leave the Party.

    Memo to the Republican citizens of Wicomico County, your Central Committee is unacceptable!

  68. Anonymous said...
    Look who is complaining. Day's Daddy, Cannon, Dunn, Bunky, Glantz,...etc...
    these people have been sporting horns and a 666 behind their ears since birth. Now with all their might they will try to overturn what many consider a very righteous decision by the council. Anderton would just be a puppet to these people. The 4 council men/woman know this. They knew, if they voted in this puppet desperate and in pursuit of a never ending government paycheck, that slumlords like Cannon will take even more advantage against our low wage earning neighbors. Day could continue the spread of progressivism. We should be applauding this decision, although I do believe the charter needs to be corrected to have the people vote next time for the executive position when it is vacated.


    August 22, 2020 at 5:06 PM

    I agree, this was the best decision this council has ever made.

  69. Does everyone know that Mike Dunn is advertising on behalf of the "Greater Salisbury Committee" a protest on Monday morning at the GOB?

    That Liberal Reject from the Salisbury City Council is leading that organization astray. I bet Jan Weisman is rolling in his grave.

    If anyone knows a member of the GSC they need to contact them and demand that they severe their ties with Mike Dunn!

    1. Mike Dunn, now isn’t he a sweet one, even as bitter as he is and always was. I am embarrassed to be born and raised in this area with a bunch of so called adults having childish tantrums. I’d like to see each one (many) lined up on the sidewalk outside of GOB or any other like minded business, Chamber of Commerce, Greater Salisbury Community, etc. Have a drive by so the public could watch a woman ease by and bitch slap all of them.

  70. Please keep Dr. Desmarais in your prayers. Mike Dunn has ordered his mutual friends with Jake Day and the Greater Salisbury Committee to attack Dr. Desmarais and his wife. They are accusing Dr. Desmarais of wrong doing and infidelity. They are threatening his position with PRMC and as a Doctor. Dr. Desmarais is going through royal Hell as we speak because of Mike Dunn, Jake Day, Carl Anderton and their rabid followers.

    Again, please keep Dr. Desmarais and his family in your thoughts and prayers!

    1. Well than there now. This makes sense. Isn’t that what damorats do all over the country. They ALWAYS accuse their feared ones of doing just what they themselves do and are guilty of it. Sure the doctor will be in my prayers because he is going to be dealing with purr trash. Like President Trump, this man is a non politician and can out smart or beat anything they throw at him. No worries doctor, you are now dealing with light weights ( simpletons). Especially that fruit Dunn and the others mentioned. Congratulations Dr. Desmarais !

  71. As a true Republican following this closely I can add this. The fact the two Democrats, Bill McCain and Josh Hastings, along with RINO John Cannon voting for RINO Anderton tells me all I need to know!

    1. Ditto.... the funny thing is McCain and Cannon are legend’s in their own minds. They actually carry themselves like they are it. I don’t dislike them because we’re not friends, but I never could stand people that think their chit doesn’t stink, when others know it does. I don’t know anything about the Hastings dude and don’t want to from what I’ve heard. Anyway very glad that cornbread wasn’t chosen because he would be sooo lost and out of his league. Congratulations to the good doctor.

  72. Anonymous said...

    This wouldn't have happened if Brewington was on the council.

    August 23, 2020 at 12:16 PM

    How is that Julie when Both Candidates at large both voted for Anderton. Julie you would have voted along with Larry Dodd. You aint fooling us girly girl. You are a puppet for Matt Adams and Larry Dodd. so that comment is a lie.

    1. Is that you Linda? You are on a roll here my neighbor.😊

  73. They appointed Dr. Dumbarse.

  74. 1:52 - if he would leave the group it would be just great!

  75. Bill, joe, Ernie John , it’s time for you 4 liars to go. You need to get out because you no longer represent the good people of this county. When you dint know anything on a subject you lie and listen to idiots who have self interests in what BS they tell you. You swallow it hook, line and sinker. You have no idea what people want and don’t care. I know several who are going to run against you 4 in 22 and you are outta here. So enjoy the last years, and Nicole you might want to look in the mirror, because you just might be next on the way out. Then maybe this county can get ahead like others on the shore. You have held this county back for way too long with your personal interests.

  76. Larry, Nicole, are all on double duty defending their decisions. Sit back and watch, you think you were complaining and unhappy before, get your popcorn and wallets ready, you are in for a bumpy ride. The good Dr and these people will not carry on the legacy of Bob Culver. The only one that would have done that was Michelle Ennis, They completely dismissed her. Big mistakes were made at the expense of the Wicomico County tax payers. We will pay dearly for this decision. Keep Cheering!

  77. This wouldn't have happened if Brewington was on the council.

    August 23, 2020 at 12:16 PM

    How is that Julie when Both Candidates at large both voted for Anderton. Julie you would have voted along with Larry Dodd. You aint fooling us girly girl. You are a puppet for Matt Adams and Larry Dodd. so that comment is a lie.

    August 23, 2020 at 4:54 PM

    You are not too smart are you? Brewington was nominated for Acle's district, dumbass. This is not Julie, you ignorant, illiterate bumpkin. Just someone who knows, but I have to ask, who is Matt Adam's?

  78. I think everyone needs to be reminded that when Jake Day’s wife got into trouble with soliciting drugs from minors, Jake Day turned to every media outlet asking the public to respect his family’s privacy and to back off. The difference here is that his wife broke the law. The vote for the new County Executive was done properly and according to the County Charter by following due process. The four on the council used great discernment in their decision. The mob did not like the outcome. Like Hillary Clinton, they were convinced that they would have their way with a victory and their rigging failed. The fact that individuals and officials are being harassed, bullied, and threatened with false accusations is a disgrace. With the mob hurling insults and casting blame for the very things that they do themselves, their strategy sure is ignorant and not very creative. When the mob pours out wrath on our elected officials, they do unto the citizens of Wicomico County. Do you know the old saying “it’s all who you know?” Does McCain, Cannon, and Hastings not know Carl Anderton? After several interviews and careful consideration, I would surely hope that the council would know the heart of an appointee before voting to fill the seat of the County Executive. That’s the best we can hope for until the next election cycle, which will then be in the hands of the people. Those who are working so hard to thwart democracy and due process might want to spare themselves of the great embarrassment that will come if they continue. Wait for it.... wait for it....


  79. Julie Brewington is no ones puppet. She was forced out of the Wicomico County GOP Central Committee. She is being replaced with someone who is more central to the left. The Committee replaced her without notifying anyone that she resigned. The powers to be in Salisbury tell both parties what to do and give marching orders to City Council and County Council. In the Case of Dr. Demaris the Local Bosses did not like the result so they forced him out as well. Who Runs Barter Town?

    1. Julie Brewington is a drunk. For a good time, catch her after she’s downed a few.

  80. Julie Brewington is no one’s puppet. She was forced out of the Wicomico County GOP Central Committee. She is being replaced with someone who is more central to the left. The GOP Central Committee replaced her without notifying anyone that she resigned. The powers to be in Salisbury tell both parties what to do and give marching orders to the City Council and County Council. In the case of Dr. Desmarais, the Local Bosses did not like the result, so they are trying to force him out as well. Who runs Barter Town?

  81. The entire county council will be replaced next election if the GOP Central Committee does not support the reelection of Mr. Holloway, Mr. Dodd, and Ms. Acle. With the corrupt overthrow of the election of Dr. Demarais, no will trust either party. The twelve apostles run Salisbury.

  82. Anonymous said...

    It's great Glanz is cleaning up your neighborhood, I hope she has relatives that live all over the city. The fact of the matter is that this should have been getting done the whole time, everywhere in Salisbury. She's only cleaning it because relatives lived there and it hurts her feelings. Do not be mistaken, this woman is a far left Progressive and she is the type that applauds trans-sexual people reading to our kids. She is also pushing for the county council to reverse their decision, and of course she wants Anderton. She is just as swampy as the rest of them.
    To the person who is talking about the GOP Committee. The committee is a joke. They had that lefty Boda in their group and as VP for years. The group is mostly good ole' boys looking to benefit themselves, not the people. That's why you see people in the group that aren't conservatives, nor real Republicans. Dodd is probably one of the few true conservatives in the committee. If I was him, I would just leave the group. It's a fake clown show.

    August 23, 2020 at 1:52 PM

    Please explain how this was "political games" 9:34 PM? For the life of me I can't figure out what the Hell you are talking about? From what I could see there was nothing political about this? I saw it as the most professional decision that could be made. This county does not need a clown that is not respected in Annapolis. The same clown that got kicked off 2 very important committees in Annapolis.

    August 23, 2020 at 2:57 PM

    Hi Larry

  83. Anonymous said...

    Please keep Dr. Desmarais in your prayers. Mike Dunn has ordered his mutual friends with Jake Day and the Greater Salisbury Committee to attack Dr. Desmarais and his wife. They are accusing Dr. Desmarais of wrong doing and infidelity. They are threatening his position with PRMC and as a Doctor. Dr. Desmarais is going through royal Hell as we speak because of Mike Dunn, Jake Day, Carl Anderton and their rabid followers.

    Again, please keep Dr. Desmarais and his family in your thoughts and prayers!

    August 23, 2020 at 3:36 PM

    If you get in bed with dogs, you get fleas. Nicole Acle has her share of wrong doing, I.E The dog that had the fleas.

  84. Who will be the next Wicomico County Executive? The Election Results do not meet the approval of the Political Bosses of Salisbury. Who will replace the nominee when he withdrawls? Will Carl Anderton get elected? Can others enter the race now? Will there be a legal challenge?

  85. Anonymous said...
    It's great Glanz is cleaning up your neighborhood, I hope she has relatives that live all over the city. The fact of the matter is that this should have been getting done the whole time, everywhere in Salisbury. She's only cleaning it because relatives lived there and it hurts her feelings. Do not be mistaken, this woman is a far left Progressive and she is the type that applauds trans-sexual people reading to our kids. She is also pushing for the county council to reverse their decision, and of course she wants Anderton. She is just as swampy as the rest of them.
    To the person who is talking about the GOP Committee. The committee is a joke. They had that lefty Boda in their group and as VP for years. The group is mostly good ole' boys looking to benefit themselves, not the people. That's why you see people in the group that aren't conservatives, nor real Republicans. Dodd is probably one of the few true conservatives in the committee. If I was him, I would just leave the group. It's a fake clown show.

    August 23, 2020 at 1:52 PM

    You are 100% correct!

  86. Anonymous said...
    Does everyone know that Mike Dunn is advertising on behalf of the "Greater Salisbury Committee" a protest on Monday morning at the GOB?

    That Liberal Reject from the Salisbury City Council is leading that organization astray. I bet Jan Weisman is rolling in his grave.

    If anyone knows a member of the GSC they need to contact them and demand that they severe their ties with Mike Dunn!

    August 23, 2020 at 3:31 PM

    The same Mike Dunn who was a member of the Swingers Club with his wife? That is very creepy and unethical. If he represents the Greater Salisbury Committee then he is an embarrassment to the organization. They made a mistake employing that clown!

    1. The GSC can’t be much of people like Dunn wouldn’t have anything to do with it. All a purrr waste.

  87. @4:54 PM aka Linda Luffman, you are an embarrassment to the Republican Party in Wicomico County. First, you supported Socialist Jake Day and now you support a RINO. And your comments on here, very classy!

  88. Anonymous said...
    They appointed Dr. Dumbarse.

    August 23, 2020 at 5:07 PM

    So the medical doctor is a dumb arse compared to your crybaby crying on FB yesterday morning about being a high school dropout. How childish is this fan club of the RINO! I know for a fact now that the 4 decent members of the council made the right decision. Congratulations Dr. D. and Good Luck! Hang in there, Sir.

    1. It was painful just trying to watch cornbread’s crying.

  89. I find it very disturbing that members of the Wicomico Republican Central Committee who are tasked with getting Republicans elected are attacking Republicans. WTH is wrong with you people?

  90. What has gone wrong with the Wicomico Republican Central Committee? They are siding with Democrats and attacking Republicans. I guess they are on Team Bo and Ho. Luffman needs to stay off her keyboard and out of politics and so do the rest of them, but she is the dumbest of the bunch.

  91. Did Carl really post a video of himself crying?

  92. Do you all remember that Carl Anderton voted for Lockdown Larry's Gun Ban Bill? That speaks volumes and I will never forget that. I don't know about you all but I don't think someone who doesn't support our 2A rights is who I want representing my county is it's top elected leader.

    1. Corn head hasn’t done much but what he has done sucks.

  93. Mike Dunn and the Greater Salisbury Committee should not be meddling in politics or elections! Shame on those damn Libtards.

    Can someone post a list of the GSC members so that we can boycott doing business with them?

  94. Does anyone remember this gem from Mr. Albero's awesome news site? This is the same Carl Anderton that thinks he is qualified to run Wicomico County. His actions have been very despicable and he should have been trying to get Republicans elected, NOT Democrats. Do you remember he was trying to help Liberal Jack Heath unseat the late Bob Culver as County Executive? This is who a few people think should have won the appointment. Scary!

    Sunday, November 04, 2018
    Letter to the Editor

    My husband and I live on the East side of Wicomico County and we went to the Civic Center to vote yesterday. When we walked up we saw Maryland Delegate Carl Anderton hanging out with the Democrat tent kidding, carrying on and laughing with them the whole time. When we got closer Delegate Anderton called us over and told us we needed to vote for Jim Mathias, Dan O'Hare, Jack Heath and Michele Gregory.

    My wife and I are both Republicans and we thought Carl Anderton was as well. What the Hell is Carl Anderton doing with the Democrats and why the Hell is he telling us to vote for Democrats?

    I hope you post this to help get the word out that your RINO Delegate is trying to get Republican voters to vote for Democrats. He has got to go.

    The link to Sbynews' editorial is listed below for your reading pleasure.

  95. A big concern is that Governor Hogan believes Anderton is respected on the shore. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Even his colleagues in Annapolis realize what an arrogant fool he is. Why doesn’t the Governor understand he is so disliked.

    1. He does now. You just told him. Don’t think that he doesn’t check sby. news. Anybody that wants to get the feel of things does. I say feel because there is a lot of fact plus fiction spewed here. It’s up to you to sort out one from the other.

  96. I see Linda Luffman is on here dropping names again and what is funny is she has no clue what she is saying. We can tell by her limited vocabulary. Next thing you know she will be posting one of those laughable FB videos crying about being a high school drop out and people making fun of her on here. Must be a new RINO thing.

  97. August 23, 2020 at 1:52 PM

    Please explain how this was "political games" 9:34 PM? For the life of me I can't figure out what the Hell you are talking about? From what I could see there was nothing political about this? I saw it as the most professional decision that could be made. This county does not need a clown that is not respected in Annapolis. The same clown that got kicked off 2 very important committees in Annapolis.

    August 23, 2020 at 2:57 PM

    Hi Larry

    August 23, 2020 at 8:08 PM

    Uh... Wrong again, but good try. ROTFLMFAO

  98. Anderton is a friend and supporter of Dan O'Hare and other Progressives like Ron Pagano, Jared Schablein and Jake Burdett. Any idiot that would support Dan O'Hare needs their head examined. He is an absolute drunkard and admitted suffering from some forms of mental illness. He is about nothing more than government entitlement and I open borders. As far as Anderton he's a sellout and is in bed with all the local "thieves" ripping off Wicomico County. Are you sure that is who you want as your County Executive?

  99. Mike Dunn is Salisbury version of creepy old Joe Biden. The guy is in his 60's sucking up to Jake Day for a taxpayers free paycheck all the while supporting all the hedonistic freak show that downtown Salisbury has become. Dunn is old enough to be their grandfather and should be leading by example not hanging on Jake Says coattail telling him he's a "political superstar". Dunn I've known you most of your life and you've been nothing but an ass biter everywhere you've frequented to better your own personal situation

  100. Riddle me this. Who are all of those Representative’s in Annapolis that the good Dr supposedly knows? I call bullschit on his answer. I have been doing some digging on that . It’s Not as he claims.,He or Acle are well known to them. Met yes, know well , NO . Another lie told by these swamp creatures.

  101. Julie Brewington is no ones puppet. She was forced out of the Wicomico County GOP Central Committee. She is being replaced with someone who is more central to the left. The Committee replaced her without notifying anyone that she resigned. The powers to be in Salisbury tell both parties what to do and give marching orders to City Council and County Council. In the Case of Dr. Demaris the Local Bosses did not like the result so they forced him out as well. Who Runs Barter Town?

    That position has not been filled yet on the CC, did you apply?

    1. Reply
      That position has not been filled yet on the CC, did you apply? It hasn't even been advertised. Just like Nate boys position.

  102. Sick. Sick. Sick. I guess it was too good to be true that a non-politician would be elected as the county executive. Dunn, Day, Anderton and the rest of them are exposing themselves as the snakes they are. Sick to death by this city and county and I am praying for Dr. Desmarais and his family.

  103. That’s not true Carl Anderton is and always has been a strong supporter of the second Amendment.

    1. Bull chit........ doesn’t show it. Come on man

  104. Maybe what this county needs is some open heart surgery... wait... what???

  105. Nope not Larry. It's me. The GOP committee is not a representation of Republicans. They have no honor. Let's see what Republicans stand for and compare.
    1. Smaller government
    2. Self responsibility
    3. Less taxes
    These are what conservatives or Republicans are supposed to represent. Now let's compare. These swamp creatures on the committee are all about themselves. The woman on the committee are there because it makes them feel "important", but do not represent those three ideologies. The men are there to help themselves. They don't represent ANY party. They do it for themselves and it shows. Boda, a huge Day fan, was backing this pathetic progressive... Why, because it helps Boda. Same as Cannon, Chambers, Sheriff Lewis, Anderton... All these so called Republicans are backing what the Republicans hate the most. Far left progressives. Look at it. Why are they doing it? Anderton is not a RHINO. He doesn't deserve even that name. He is whatever is good for Carl. He's friends with Day, so he says, but that's bull too. Day is using him and making Carl feel important so Carl does what Jake says. Not hard to take advantage of a dolt. All the people complaining here about the appointment is not about the people of Wicomico, it's about themselves. Period!!! These people are failures in the vocations they prepared for in life (Anderton is not included) and now figure they would make it in politics; where they can steal and feel important. What is the doctors angle you might ask? None as I see, except helping Wicomico. He doesn't need the money like these other leaches - like Anderton. He will also be neutral in his decision making. He will decide what makes sense. Common sense. Not what makes his cronies money. That is what you get with Anderton. Let the guy take the reigns and let's see what happens, we know what we would have gotten from Anderton. More corrupt conivery and theft.

  106. Nope not Larry. It's me. The GOP committee is not a representation of Republicans. They have no honor. Let's see what Republicans stand for and compare.
    1. Smaller government
    2. Self responsibility
    3. Less taxes
    These are what conservatives or Republicans are supposed to represent. Now let's compare. These swamp creatures on the committee are all about themselves. The woman on the committee are there because it makes them feel "important", but do not represent those three ideologies. The men are there to help themselves. They don't represent ANY party. They do it for themselves and it shows. Boda, a huge Day fan, was backing this pathetic progressive... Why, because it helps Boda. Same as Cannon, Chambers, Sheriff Lewis, Anderton... All these so called Republicans are backing what the Republicans hate the most. Far left progressives. Look at it. Why are they doing it? Anderton is not a RHINO. He doesn't deserve even that name. He is whatever is good for Carl. He's friends with Day, so he says, but that's bull too. Day is using him and making Carl feel important so Carl does what Jake says. Not hard to take advantage of a dolt. All the people complaining here about the appointment is not about the people of Wicomico, it's about themselves. Period!!! These people are failures in the vocations they prepared for in life (Anderton is not included) and now figure they would make it in politics; where they can steal and feel important. What is the doctors angle you might ask? None as I see, except helping Wicomico. He doesn't need the money like these other leaches - like Anderton. He will also be neutral in his decision making. He will decide what makes sense. Common sense. Not what makes his cronies money. That is what you get with Anderton. Let the guy take the reigns and let's see what happens, we know what we would have gotten from Anderton. More corrupt conivery and theft.

  107. Muir Boda is pissed that Desmarais got government job on his second try and not his fifth. So that's why he and his cronies are smearing Desmarais

  108. "Something is Rotten in the State of Denmark
    Origin!" In the Discussion Above Replace Denmark with Salisbury.

    This phrase is taken from William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet. The speaker is Marcellus, a guard, who talks to his philosophical comrade, Horatio, saying, “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark …“ (Act-I, Scene-IV). The reason of saying this is just not that Denmark is facing dirt. It means that the situation of Denmark is similar to a fish that rots from head to tail, or in other words, it shows that everything is not good at top of political hierarchy.

    Something is Rotten in Salisbury Maryland. The Top of our political hierarchy is Corrupt.

  109. A lot of respect toward Dr. Desmarais. He made a noble decision. Why should he or have to take any of this crap?

  110. Yes Julie's spot was filled by Cousin Jimmy. Who is Carls Cousin so what does that tell you? You know the bug guy.

  111. August 24, 2020 at 1:51 PM = Wayne King

  112. Anonymous said...
    That’s not true Carl Anderton is and always has been a strong supporter of the second Amendment.

    August 24, 2020 at 9:06 AM

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Except for the multiple times he and Mary Beth Carozza voted for Lockdown Larry Hogan's Red Flag Law until the sleeping giant in Wicomico County spoke. Thank you Charles Otto and Johnny Mautz, the only ones who voted against it.

  113. Anonymous said...
    Riddle me this. Who are all of those Representative’s in Annapolis that the good Dr supposedly knows? I call bullschit on his answer. I have been doing some digging on that . It’s Not as he claims.,He or Acle are well known to them. Met yes, know well , NO . Another lie told by these swamp creatures.

    August 24, 2020 at 5:32 AM

    Riddle me this. Who are all of those Representatives in Annapolis that support Carl Anderton? I bet you can't name one! Your spelling and grammar, Linda, is atrocious! Everyone knows this is you.

  114. It should also be noted that Councilman Bill McCain and his business McCain Appraisals has been illegally and unethically doing business with Wicomico County at the taxpayer's expense. The latest was the Delmar Little League controversy and will show you how crooked and corrupt that man is.

    SALISBURY – County officials agreed this week to purchase an acre of land near the Mason Dixon Sports Complex after nearly a month of negotiations. On Tuesday, the Wicomico County Council voted unanimously to acquire one acre of land near the Mason Dixon Sports Complex in Delmar for $35,000.Jul 30, 2020

    See it here and see if it passes the smell test. You can request the appraisal document from the county and it will show that Bill McCain did the appraisal.



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