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Saturday, August 22, 2020

Why Rachel Dolezal Isn’t Permitted To Live As a Black Woman

Even with the braids and the Black accessories

It appears that a lot of folks did submit to the task of watching Netflix’s latest offering — The Rachel Divide — that centers on the White woman who wants to be Black — at all costs — even if it means torturing the lives of those around her — particularly her Black kids — who pretty much serve as accessories for her crime.

Rachel Dolezal’s life became the stuff nightmares are made of when her worst kept secret blew up in her face after the relentless scrutiny by a suspecting reporter revealed the unfathomable.

It was a dramatic exercise in utter disbelief as the cultural landscape shifted to accommodate the epitome of White privilege that had never been demonstrated in such a revolting manner.

The very notion that a White woman would dare to claim an identity — that she misguidedly believes she’s earned under the guise of a freedom fighter — who has the Black sons as proof of her struggle — as well as the audacity of her station as the leader of an organization — that is historically dedicated to the bullet points of resistance and empowerment — is a glaring indication of how the deceptions of the mind can lead to delusions of grandeur.

But — even after her reputation plummeted under the strain of her gross exposure — and how that was accurately interpreted by members of the community she dishonestly sought for her own self-gain— Dolezal still opted for another chance in the spotlight — with a new documentary that does nothing more than provide an even creepier view of a woman who is tragically frightened by her own reflection.




    just another mental health case nut job

  2. She should be allowed to identify however she wants. We have LGBTQXT. . ..And boys that identify as girls and vice-versa. Its all mental illness in my opinion.

  3. Who gives a rats Ass about this obviously challenging delusional idiot?? She like Warren has played the system. She should be allowed to be Black. She scams just like the BLACKS have done for decades.

  4. Send her to chi town or baltimore to become a blm statistic.

  5. Amazing to me how some try to alter God's plan; whites wanting to be black and visa versa, boys who want to be girls and visa versa,Democrats who want to be Republicans and visa versa.

  6. But you can change your sex just by saying so and if anyone disagrees they will lose their career and banished. Your 5 year old boy picks up a Barbie he is a girl for life. It’s SCIENCE put your MASK on kneel at the ANTHEM NOW.

  7. If males and live as females and vise versa. Why can't white live as blacks and vise versa?

  8. Amazing how there are much bigger things needing addressed (schooling, national debt, unemployment, hurt feelings about LEOs and first responders, veterans, homelessness, did I mention the national debt) that Rachel continues to make headlines

    Pass me some Tylenol, I feel a case of the bourbon coming!

  9. If we were never to see her face, hear her name or read about her troubled weirdness, we'd all be better off for it.

  10. Race is just visible. Our blood and organs are interchangeable. If you have ever observed any surgery or autopsies we are all quite the same. We all need to grow up and get over ourselves and what we only see on the surface of culture.

    1. Have the brains ever teen compared in a autopsies 11:06?

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Well she looks and acts like one so she might as well be one.

    1. Be one??? Dont continue to be part of the problem.

      United States of America.


  12. Just exercising her 'white privilege' to pretend to be black.

    And for the race grievance crew, the reverse was something blacks did for eons if it benefited them.

    Various minority privileges have been created in recent decades. That's why you have 1/1024 Cherokees claiming to be Indian to move to the head of the line for law prof jobs. And guys who are bi-racial by way of white US citizen mom and black Kenyan dad claiming to be black to get into prestige colleges and up the political ladder. And of course. our most recent example of Brahman Indian mom and Jamaican dad who is about 75% white are parents to daughter who, magically, is black! Indians from India are categorized as white, and Jamaican dad's ancestors owned about 200 slaves 200 years ago.

    The race card; pass Go and cash in!

  13. With family hailing from Sicily, and having 2% African ancestry, I am twice as black as her. None of that counts for a hill of beans in my story, because it does not and should not matter.

  14. From a certain angle she isn't half bad looking.

    1. After a fifth of bourbon...MAYBE....

      Uh nope!

  15. Northwest Woodsman: Sorry 11:06, but I disagree. If what you say is true, tell me how a forensic pathologist can determine race and sex just by examining skeletal remains? I have attended autopsies of murder victim remains on cases that I have investigated and there are significant physiological differences between races. The “We are all the same under the skin” is a false concept. Similarities, yes, but the same? Nope!

    1. Agreed my good man. Signed Donald Mallard. Aka Ducky from NCIS!

    2. Why would you attend a autopsy of skeletal remains lol. Not even the same department for homicides.

  16. Yes but when your fatty liver gives out you'd be happy to get a Black one.

  17. She just wants to get in on all the freebies!

  18. Northwest Woodsman: I don’t accept black anything. I even take my coffee “plain”. Does that make me a racist? No, just a realist about differences in genetics and accept the fact that I do not wish to associate with low IQ, impulsive and generally violent negros.

  19. C'mon man...............he said NEGROS!!!!!! Is that legal?

  20. This is disgusting on two counts she's a racist against her own genes, family, children and the white race. She's a racist against the blacks because she wants to be black to get more 15 minutes of attention, she is a real racist, non American disgusting female which I guess she's not at this moment denying.


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