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Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Why Joe Biden is in trouble

Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden just had his worst week of the campaign cycle. The former vice president was bombarded with plenty of unrelenting criticism of his policies for days, unable to defend his platform from the harsh attacks that even came from the mainstream media.

A recent article in Politico noted that his proposals would raise $4 trillion over a decade, thanks to increased rates on high income households and businesses, citing a study by the Tax Policy Center. Biden came under fire for his record over the economy, his support for the North American Free Trade Agreement, his suspicious backing of China, and other issues.

Biden also decided last week not to attend the Democratic convention, a political coronation ceremony that would have finally pushed him from his basement and out in front of a real live audience. About the same time, we also learned that Donald Trump beat his opponent in fundraising by more than $25 million last month, dealing Biden another terrible setback.



  1. Looks like the POTUS will be some unknown person at this time which is reminiscent of Barry’s tap for POTUS by the intelligence community.

  2. Memo

    To: MSM, Wide Distribution
    From: DNC HQ Media Coordinator


    1. Do not, repeat, do not ask VP Biden to explain policy.
    2. Restrict questions to how he feels about mundane topics.
    3. Offer positive comments re his health, vigor and memory.
    4. Defer to Dr. Biden for rescues from confabulations and potential gaffes. She's prepped to laugh over him and offer an anecdote to cover the statement by the VP.
    5. As always, destroy this memo immediately after reading.

  3. I miss Bo Jiden.

    (snicker snicker)

  4. Dems are at the last minute going to put another candidate replacing Biden before the election most likely Hillary watch and see, they know he stands no chance they just want to throw Trump off just before votes are cast.

  5. Questions 1-3 sounds EXACTLY like a Hannity interview of Donald Trump. LOL

  6. Four trillion in ten years ? We just spent six in a matter of months and about to do it again and both are just bandages. When we wake up from this COVID and the election shit show all that will be left will be the rich.

  7. Real Americans know ALL Democrats are Traitors & Have their Number !

  8. If Biden wins you will see all your freedoms gone. I don't have to spell them out - we went thru a dry run with this COVID-19. Only it will be worse. It is damn scary.

  9. Didn’t bother reading the article. Trump will win because God wins.


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