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Saturday, August 15, 2020

White privilege programs take center stage in pair of school districts — and frustrated board members, parents are pushing back hard

'The book teaches kids not only to defy parents but to hate themselves'

Programs fighting white privilege are taking center stage in a pair of Pennsylvania school districts, and board members and parents are pushing back hard against them.

'The book teaches kids not only to defy parents but to hate themselves'

Gladwyne School in the Lower Merion School District — reportedly one of the richest in the nation — will require fourth and fifth graders to read "Not My Idea: A Book About Whiteness," which claims that white people who relate to police officers or don't watch the news are guilty of racism, and kindergartners and first graders will be assigned "A Kid's Book About Racism," the Washington Free Beacon reported.

In response, Elana Yaron Fishbein — a mother of two boys and a doctor of social work — wrote to the district's superintendent, board members, and the school's principal demanding the school remove its "cultural proficiency" curriculum, the paper said.

"The book teaches kids not only to defy parents but to hate themselves," Fishbein told the Free Beacon. "To hate their parents also because they are white. By default, [the kids] are white, and they're privileged, and they're bad. [The school] is teaching this to little kids."



  1. Everybody needs to stop and shame themselves for not remaining in the Iron Age. If you understand particle physics, do not be ashamed.

  2. No such thing as white privilege. It's another thing made up to try and excuse the bad choices so many blacks have made in their lives. Unfortunately since most blacks are democrats this means they are not honest people and won't admit this. They will say it's racist to say this another one of their excuses they use for the mess so many have made of their lives by the bad choices they make. Many of the choices sins such as making all those illegitimate babies and not having a father for them and not being able to pay for them their selves. It is not cute. It's a sin to allow yourself to be a whore.

  3. Get your kids out of public schools

    1. Time to make America WHITE againAugust 17, 2020 at 10:07 AM

      White folks


      Proud Boys

      look them up and join

  4. Home school. Most home schooled children do very well in life.

  5. At least they are pushing back. I guess they haven't completely been taken over by black, Muslim, and libutard officials.

  6. Go ahead and destroy their mushy little brains.

  7. When you momma teaches you how to fight before teaching anything else, and you grow up ignoring schoolwork because you think you're the next Lebron James or the next rap star, and end up not knowing how to read or write (and finding out, sadly, that you aren't THAT good with a ball, it's NOT my "white privilege" that is holding you back.
    You did that yourself.
    You're too stupid to do anything except manual labor.
    THAT is NOT white privilege hanging over your whole life, keeping you down with no hope of a better future. It's YOUR POOR DECISIONS and your idiot belief that someone has to continue GIVING you things, because you will never be anything unless white people GIVE you more.
    What have you done with the trillion dollars worth of things we have already given you?? NOTHING.
    Stop blaming others for your wretched existence. It's total BS.

  8. If any race has a privilege it's definitely blacks. They are the majority of who gets subsidized housing, EBT cards, free medicaid, all the goodies they can cram into their Lexis's , BMWs, Mercedes and SUVs, at every handout at Christmas, start of school, free meals at school and all summer when school is closed. Now tell me who the privileged are. Whites have to work for themselves, their families and all of the above mentioned who refuse to work.


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