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Friday, August 14, 2020

Wannabe Tough Guy Attacks Hotel Employee Over Temperature Check, Gets The Tar Beat Out Of Him

There’s something about the swift fist of justice that just makes you smile your biggest smile.

Like when this would-be hotel guest threw an absolute fit about getting his temperature checked before entering the hotel. After all, there’s this little global pandemic going around and temperature checks have become pretty routine. Hell, I got my head scanned to get a cheeseburger the other day.

Anyways, tough guy almost leaves, but then has a sudden change of heart, goes full psycho and start picking up things to throw at our EXTREMELY patient hotel employee.

He takes a stanchion to the chest (ouch), a whole bottle of sanitizer to the ribs (again, ouch), and finally, would-be guest decides it’s time to drop the gloves and chuck knucks, you know… really see what hotel clerks are made of these days.


Hotel guy takes a page out of the ol’ Bob Probert playbook, pulls the jacket over the head and rains down some vicious rights upside his head. His girl walks in (in no hurry whatsoever) and gets the guy out of there before his face can get rearranged completely.

Like I said, the swift fist of justice.



  1. Another Trumper bites the dust!

    1. Trump 2020 in a landslideAugust 15, 2020 at 1:13 AM

      you mean


    2. Actually he was obviously another libutard where rules don't apply to him. Typical libutard. Act the Ass.

    3. The Trumper was dishing out the whooping

    4. Really! In case you did not notice this did not happen in the United States but in Europe.

  2. Nope 9:35 that was a liberal bedwetter for sure. You can tell by the euro lady jeans and his wife manhandling him.
    He did not get enough. The clerk should have pummeled him even more left him licking the concrete in a pool of his own body fluids.

  3. LOL that was a working Republican kicking the ass of a Dumbocrat that thought he was entitled!! Ha Ha Ha. Trump / Pence 2020 4 more great years!

  4. Notice how his girlfriend was able to save him by pulling him out the door. He probably gave her hell for not saving his a$$ sooner.


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