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Saturday, August 29, 2020

Waking the Sleeping Giant

In recent weeks, not only have we seen some very large holes punched in the narrative of what happened to George Floyd, but we’ve also seen the very thin veil come off, as the “peaceful protests” by Black Lives Matter and Antifa rapidly devolved into perhaps the worst string of violent riots the country has ever seen. As of this writing, the city of Portland, Oregon has been host to violent riots for 86 days straight -- nearly three months of chaos.

As we all know, violence in the name of outrage (or really in the name of anything) is nothing new for the Left. No one is quicker to protest violence by smashing your face with a brick than the tolerant, loving Left. No one understands better than the Left that the way to fight perceived racism in America is with even stronger and more brazen racism. No one -- not even L. Frank Baum -- could construct a better Straw Man to rail against than the Left, and they've built one to rival Burning Man against President Trump (see Trump as racist, sexist, homophobe, Islamaphobe, et al).



  1. It is all staged from a high level on the national scene. Probably CIA. They have done coups in other countries for a century. They know what to do for bringing down an established government. Now the US is the target.

  2. None of the other democrat anti republican tactics have worked, so now they are using anarchy. This is Joe Biden’s America.it’s coming to your town soon.

  3. All these stupid people don't give a Damn about Floyd. They want to destroy AMERICANS and their beliefs. They are FUNDED from FOREIGNERS who hate AMERICA. I wouldn't don't we have TRAITORS in our government helping SOROS DESTROY AMERICA. I don't understand why we allow cities to be DESTROYED. I believe these radicals are going to come to a violent end.

  4. All one need do is see the videos of these deranged dissidents. Everyone is clasping a cell phone to record any contact on their person and the get in your face mindset is rule 1. The blatant attacks on innocent victims, the larcenous looting, and arson is outright lawless mayhem and anything but peaceful protesting. These riots additionally portray mayors and governors as inept and incompetent, a definite blow to the DNC and what a Biden America would look like.

  5. To play devil's advocate here we as Constitutional Conservatives had a movement named after a riot that destroyed a bunch of tea to protest taxes, and did it dressed in the Indian version of blackface.

    1. Its odd how people forget things like this. In the last 50 years this country has jumped off a cliff when it comes to freedom. Everything is taxed, everything is illegal, everything requires a permit or license. Yet the generation that has done this over the last 50 years is still blind dumb amd clueless calling for more laws more cops and more arrests. By definition we are a police state. We have more incarcerated then any other country in the world. In terms of Earth, we are a police state. Idiots.

    2. 9:02
      The Tea Party in Boston was explicitly Freemason. Are you suggesting the comparison with modern destruction has its roots in Freemasonry?

      If so that will be an interesting topic to continue the discussion here on Joes blog

  6. The democrat party is the party of violence. democrat voters are all inherently violent and very bad people No one EVER forget that BLACK trash Maxine Waters calling on democrats to attack republicans.

  7. For those who donated to BLM and George Floyd funerals, no refunds will be considered.

  8. Percentage wise more whites are killed by police than all other races combined which shows you the power of manipulation by the media to create and promote the myth of cops killing blacks at a higher rate

  9. Yes all ya assholes & enemys & Democrats especially , You have woke
    up the Sleeping Giant > REAL AMERICANS 2020 & we will take our
    country back Jack , just wait & see , making it GREAT AGAIN !!!!


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