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Thursday, August 27, 2020

Voter Fraud: Man Arrested in L.A. for Voting 3 Times as His Dead Mother

From Breitbart:

A man from Norwalk, California, in Los Angeles County was arrested and charged last month for voting three times as his dead mother, as well as voting for himself, the Los Angeles District Attorney announced in a statement on Tuesday.

The DA’s office said:

A Norwalk man has been charged with allegedly casting votes in three elections on behalf of his mother who had passed away, the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office announced today.

Caesar Peter Abutin (dob 11/2/64) was charged in case BA488819 with one felony count each of fraud in connection with votes cast and fraudulent voting. He pleaded not guilty today and is scheduled to return for a preliminary hearing setting on October 28 in Department 50 of the Foltz Criminal Justice Center.

The case was filed for warrant on July 31.

Deputy District Attorney Marian Thompson of the Public Integrity Division is prosecuting the case.

Between October 2012 and November 2014, Abutin is accused of voting in three elections, claiming to be his 67-year-old mother who passed away in July 2006, while also casting votes for himself.

The charges were announced, coincidentally, in the midst of the Democratic National Convention, as Democrats accused President Donald Trump of exaggerating the potential for voter fraud in his push against automatic vote-by-mail.

Read More Here.


  1. Big deal. I have absentee voted four times as my daughter after she moved to another state. It happens all the time and is very easy because the elections people here never update the voter rolls.

  2. How much you bet he's a dumbocrat.

    1. Actually I did some checking and he is a republitard. Happens all the time. Several years ago one of their Maryland candidates had to drop out of the race because she also voted in Florida.

  3. Northwest Woodsman: The woman was probably a Marxist democrat and therefore eligible to vote even though deceased. Nothing unusual here, please move along.

  4. Arrested for voting Republican

    You will not get arrested for voting democrat in Ca

  5. I'm very surprised that the fact that she was dead but still on the voting rolls was even an issue in California.

  6. Fact #1: When called to provide evidence of wide spread voter fraud, Trump's legal team admitted they don't have any. Look at the legal docs yourself, straight from his team's mouth: "The claims asserted by the plaintiffs do not hinge on evidence of voter fraud actually occurring. "

    Fact #2: Trump's own national commission did not find evidence of widespread voter fraud

    Fact #3: The FBI has stated they have not found evidence of widespread voter fraud

    These 3 facts alone should show you bozos you are living in a fantasy land and chasing behind a fraud

  7. I wasn't voting republican you can be sure of that.

  8. This is what happens when you don't have to show I.D. to vote.

  9. Define "widespread" and the number of foul votes required to consider it a problem. Let's get perspective here.

  10. And then Hillary THINKS she got the poplar vote. LOL!!!!!! There were probably so many dead people, ILLEGAL immigrants, poll workers filling out ballots of people that did not even know they voted and ballot harvesting. This is why the Democrats are fighting so hard for mail in votes. SO THEY CAN STEAL AN ELECTION!!!

  11. Another Democrat !!! Cheater


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