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Monday, August 24, 2020

Viral video shows similarities between Biden's DNC speeches

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden delivered his nomination acceptance speech at the 2020 Democratic National Convention on Thursday night. Some viewers noticed striking similarities between his acceptance speech at the 2020 DNC and his acceptance speech as Barack Obama's vice president at the 2008 DNC.

The two speeches shared especially similar platitudes, and at times, Biden used the exact same wording. Here are some of the examples of how the two speeches are notably similar despite being delivered 12 years apart.

2008: "It's about whether you can look your children in the eye and say, 'We're going to be okay.'"

2020: "It's about looking your kids in the eye and say, 'Honey, it's going to be okay.'"

2008: "That's how you come to believe, to the very core of your being, that work is more than a paycheck. It's dignity. It's respect."

2020: "He would say, 'Joey, a job is about a lot more than a paycheck. It's about your dignity. It's about respect.'"



  1. That’s the left lazy with a lack of creativity.

  2. What do you expect? They never fix the problems so the pablum is always the same.

  3. Why didn't Biden or anyone else for that matter say anything about impeachment? The answer is quite simple He has to win over the 2016 democrat Trump voters and some Republicans that is why and they are the intelligent people. The democrats know the only people who fell for the fake impeachment were those in the moron IQ range.

  4. The President's supporters outnumbered the Biden supporters 100 to 1 outside the Wilmington Convention Center. No rioting, no destruction the only problem was caused by the Biden supporters one being stealing the little boys hat. Nothing major though because we were dealing with human beings and not democrats. Watch this week. All around the Convention Center will be democrats. Since democrats can't be peaceful and we all know they are all inherently very very VERY violent and bad people all hell is going to break out They will try to destroy the place. Mark my words.

  5. It will be mayhem outside the NC convention center. Democrats are not human beings. They look like humans but are a sub species who never evolved into civilize human beings. They can not be in a crowd. Their failure to have evolved into civilized human beings comes out and they go into full primal mode. Just everyone wait and watch. It's coming. They will try and annihilate the place.

  6. This is all you've got? 170,000 Americans dead, millions unemployed and this is all you've got? Seriously, you people must have the IQ of a rock.

  7. 8:56 - that IQ range almost provided us with Queen Hilliary!

  8. This boy makes me sick. If you are like me, I’ve never seen anyone in DE that wants to claim him. I’d like to see some female bitch slap honey in his facial area hard enough to knock out his hair plugs.

  9. If they don't riot tonight they will for sure on Thursday when I believe it is when President Trump gives his acceptance speech. Democrats are not human beings. They are too vile and loathsome They are spawns of the devil sent to do the devil's work on earth. That is their only purpose. Who else could murder fully formed babies and harvest their organs?

  10. The democrats will leave a ton of trash also. This is how they roll. They are both mentally and physically filthy, dirty, putrid people. There are many videos of the peaceful Trump supporters around the DNC convention and not one piece of trash can be seen laying on the ground in any. Watch and see. The democrats will leave tons of trash in the wake of the other destruction they cause.

  11. " Anonymous said...
    This boy makes me sick. If you are like me, I’ve never seen anyone in DE that wants to claim him. I’d like to see some female bitch slap honey in his facial area hard enough to knock out his hair plugs.

    August 24, 2020 at 10:07 AM"

    No one will slap him. Republican woman are classy and aren't violent like the democrat women. Democrat women wouldn't slap him either but like whore kamala they would drop to their knees and.....well you know what they would do if he ordered them on their knees. One of the only things democrat didn't lie about was when they called themselves Nasty. They ARE nasty.


  12. Discussion over the weekend on a national blog with conservative following and very bright commenters talked about several types of plagiarism, which is one of Biden's widely known skills. So Joe reached back for his go-to technique.

    It is possible to plagiarize yourself when in print or in a talk, discussion, speech you cover material you previously offered without noting the citation or prior talk. (e.g. Malarkey Magazine, June 2008 or 'as I noted in my VP acceptance speech, July 2008'). Joe and his handler's are not adept enough to only lift a sentence or paragraph, they basically took his earlier effort as the template, put some stuff in and took a bit out. Voila!

    Discussion also noted how Biden suddenly did/didn't have a lapel pin, and something else which escapes me at the moment, between finishing his speech and when Dr. Jill came onstage to guide him outside to watch leftover Hillary election celebration fireworks. Their conclusion: Joe's acceptance was prerecorded; unknown number of days, takes, snippets.

  13. It's all he's got. Sadly, it's all he is.

  14. Who really cares about this. This is nothing compared to forcing a young aid up against the wall and forcefully and against her will putting his hand under her skirt and jamming his fingers up her vagina. This is who he is. This is who Joe Biden is.
    As for kammela at one point she was saying she believed Biden't victim of his brutal and violent assault. Why is she now standing beside him? Says much about her own complete lack of character and morals.

  15. Funny part of it all is plagiarism. He never wrote the first one. Too busy sniffing little girls and blue hairs.

  16. At least he plagiarized his own speech this time

    1. Come on man..... he stole the first speech.

  17. He's The Mandarin! A weak minded puppet with who knows how many people pulling his strings.

  18. That rap music or whatever it's called has stereotyped typed black women as smelly whores and now wouldn't you know here comes Camela Harris. It's kind of fitting after all Biden is all about that music and he did allow one of his very few interviews with Cardi B.

  19. ALL show he is a Nut case & full of Dementia !!! Fails a Reqd Physical !!


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