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Friday, August 14, 2020

Video: Kamala Harris Once Laughed Hysterically After Joking About Killing President Trump

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) once made waves following an appearance on Ellen, where she laughed hysterically after joking about killing President Trump during a rapid-fire question session with host Ellen DeGeneres.

At the time of the appearance, April 2018, Harris remained mum on her presidential aspirations but answered a series of amusing questions about her first celebrity crush, nicknames, and the most “rebellious” thing she did as a teen. Then DeGeneres asked, “If you had to be stuck in an elevator with either President Trump, Mike Pence, or Jeff Sessions, who would it be?”

Harris looked away then responded, “Does one of us have to come out alive?” laughing hysterically at her own answer. The audience roared with laughter as DeGeneres put down her questions to clap her hands:



  1. Any one else would be charged with a crime !!! OH No, Not them !!!

    1. Them and the Trump/Pence/Putin team are definitely above the law!

    2. At least you know who to vote for. I’m like you, I’d go for Putin before little joe joe and the thing running him.

  2. they call her camel harris, cuz she's humped everyone in DC 😂🤣

  3. Kamala Walla !!! Eye candy for Biden !!!

    1. I thought he likes girls( small young ). Why did he pick a man?

  4. She is part black. With all the black on black murder going on it's apparent they are inherently extremely violent people so this should surprise no one.

  5. She MIGHT be able to handle Sessions, but Trump or Pence would whip her ace so badly that her IQ would drop 50 points.

    It USED to be an automatic visit from the Secret Service for things like that.
    Remember when the 12 year old kid posted a Facebook comment about how that monkey pretender obama should be careful because there were a lot of bombings going on around the world??
    The Secret Service showed up at his school in Colorado to grill him (THE VERY NEXT DAY!!!) about his comments, capabilities, and his intentions (without notifying his parents or calling them about it).
    Just INSINUATING harm for the President could get you some prison time.

    Keep cheering.

  6. Anonymous said...
    She is part black. With all the black on black murder going on it's apparent they are inherently extremely violent people so this should surprise no one.

    August 14, 2020 at 9:22 PM

    No she is not, she is part Indian and part Jamaican. India Asian/Jamaican American. Her family was not owned by slaves, her family owned them.

  7. She waits for Biden to go to sleep so she can take over America !!!!

  8. Black or Blue does not matter > Good or Bad DOES !!!


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