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Thursday, August 06, 2020

UPenn struggles to explain $3M donation from Hong Kong shell company: report

The school received $3M from Nice Famous Corporation Limited, which is owned by Chinese national Xu Xeuqing

The University of Pennsylvania has not explained a $3 million donation from a Hong Kong shell company tied to a Chinese businessman, the Washington Free Beacon reported.

In 2019, the Ivy League school received $3 million from the Nice Famous Corporation Limited, which is owned by Chinese national Xu Xeuqing, the Free Beacon reported.

A University of Pennsylvania spokesperson said the donation came from Chinese national Xin Zhou, but the Free Beacon reported it could not establish a connection between Xin and the Nice Famous Corporation Limited.



  1. This money from China is used to pay some very questionable climate scientists like Michael Mann to create a fake hockey stick graph of "climate change" and get us to voluntarily wreck our economy chasing the green fantasy.

  2. What's to explain?? You sold out to the Chinese against AMERICA. You got caught. You should be sanctioned very seriously for being treasonous.

  3. Face it the Democrats are now owned by China. They have sold their souls for $$$$ to fill their pockets and sold the country to the communist. Until people open their eyes of what is going on they have no earthly idea of what they are fighting for.

    1. Lots of working class dimocrats are not getting their pockets filled. They are just stupid, uneducated, stubborn voters.

  4. Then they do not need Federal tax money. Get your money from your masters.

  5. It is not PC to use the word Masters 🤣. It is now called Primary. No more Master Bedroom. No more Masters ⛳. The list goes on. Democrats have spoken. Wouldn't it be nice if the word Democrat could no longer be used. Losers would be a good PC word for Democrat.


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