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Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Truth Is, Biden Never Had a Firm Grip on Reality

Near the end of last year, I casually joked on my podcast that watching Joe Biden campaign was like watching a public service announcement about elder abuse. As with all good humor, it was based in truth, but it wasn’t until recently that I realized just how much truth there was in that joke. But there’s more truth in it than I realized because Joe has not only been the butt of the joke, but he’s also been in on it the whole time.

That Biden has lost a step isn’t in dispute. Anyone as old as he is has lost a step. But it’s not just a step Joe has lost; he’s lost a staircase, even several flights. The question is: is it dementia?

The thing about Joe Biden is, he’s never had a firm grip on reality. Perhaps not in the “mental decline” sense, but in a very real sense nonetheless.

Everyone is the hero of their own story, but Joe is the super-hero who saves the planet on a regular basis. All throughout his career, when talking about himself, he embellished and flat-out lied in ways that made himself look “more” than he was.

Sometimes he lied for sympathy, as in the case of the tragic death of his first wife and daughter, which he has claimed involved a drunk driver. But no alcohol was involved. And sometimes he lied to simply make himself seem involved, like when he claimed to have participated in the Civil Rights Movement when he did not.



  1. Compare a recording of Hiden Biden from just a few months ago to now. He's Dropping fast.

  2. He's already over 2 hours late for his big VP introduction. Wonder why?

  3. Selecting Harris will cause a lot of progressive voters to stay home.

  4. 4:10

    Reminds me of a line in Pink Floyd's the wall.

    ...just a little pin prick, that'll keep you going for the show, common it's time to go.......

  5. Biden has a FIRM grip on young girls !!! Under-age types !!!

  6. What is Biden running on ???

  7. Why isn't this info shared more by Republicans. Not all people 70+ have lost a step - a lot of younger people don't clue on reality. Biden has lived a charmed life. He isn't the only person to lose a wife or child - just matters because he is important - Not. How much money do you think was shared with him and Obama cronnies from the cold cash handed to Iran by Obama. Why are they do wealthy. He needs to get out of the basement - the Presidential election needs to be postponed.

  8. This should make the Democrats extremely happy. He’s a professional liar.


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