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Wednesday, August 26, 2020


To answer all of those who would say “I can't believe you would vote for Trump."

Well folks listen up! I'm not just voting for him... I'm voting for the second Amendment. I'm voting for the next supreme court justice. I'm voting for the electoral college, and the Republic we live in. I'm voting for the Police, and law and order. I'm voting for the military, and the veterans who fought for and died for this Country. I'm voting for the Flag that is always missing from the Democratic background. I'm voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored. I’m voting for secure borders. I’m voting for the right to praise my God without fear. I’m voting for every unborn baby the Democrats want to murder. I’m voting for freedom and the American Dream. I’m voting for good and against evil. I'm not just voting for one person...
 I'm voting for the future of my Country!

What are you voting for?


  1. How many abortions do you think Trump has personally paid for?

    1. Zero it was investigated by Congress, DNC and honestly probably the fbi. It was brought up early on. Problem with trolling about trump he the most investigated vetted president in our history so it is stupid.. The question is one was done to YOU? And by WHO?

    2. Absolutely none of my business, how about yours? I don’t care, nor do I care about his taxes a bit more than yours. I care what he has done for the US and going to do. How about you?

    3. 1:11 How many records of Barak Obama‘s have been sealed? Law school records. Law degree. College records. All the way down to his elementary school records. Sealed. All of it. But yea you be you boo πŸ™„

    4. 1:20
      None done to me

      Get a clue: if I had been aborted, I would not be able to write sentences on this blog. I would not presently exist. Duh

  2. 1:11 unless you have proof hes payed for any just shut up and craw back into your hole . oh im sorry get out of mommy's basement

    1. Yes! Trump/Pence/Putin in 2020 to safeguard your constitutional rights! No better team this side of Moscow!

    2. They would be better off with PooTin . Beats BiDen and his crowd of trash Lube Girl Pencil Neck etc.

    3. 430 .... you are right about Poo Tin

      he would shoot the leftist

  3. I wrote 111 and thank you for correcting me I will do better.

  4. I am voting for all of the above too.

  5. I would actually like to hear Democrats say why they are voting "FOR" the Ho-Pedo ticket.

    I hear them say i don't like trump this or that - but never Biden will do blah-blah-blah...

  6. Dems don't know what they are voting for....sleepy blind leading the blind.

    I'm voting because I can and will vote correctly so the momentum continues.

    I'm not going to like the sh*tshow that will happen after the election TO include LAME Stream immediately initiating talk about 2024. It happened on CNN in 2016, I know it will happen again. Part of their bitter script!

  7. Amen !!!!!! TRUMP 2020!!!!!! He's our only hope!!

    1. Yes he is and I'm voting for him again too!

  8. I'm voting for all of those, plus the domestic tranquility we seem to have misplaced.

  9. I could give a rats a$$ about trump’s tax returns. He pays his fair share I’m sure. Irregardless if he has paid a nickel in years past, what he has done for this country the past four years more than merits any tax deficiencies the democrats can ponder up.
    Trump 2020!!!

    1. 3:17
      I can’t
      I don’t have any to give

  10. Whorepedo. That could catch on! πŸ‘πŸ‘



  12. Amen couldn’t have said it better myself

  13. Notice all the bad disgusting comments being made by Biden supporters. They know they are losing and are lashing out. Pure hate by Dems. Trump 2020 πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

  14. China Joe for me C’mon maaaan China has a few slaves but so what. Yes he did a Russia restart button with Hillary but that was for oil and his sons board membership. Don’t worry folks America will STOP being energy self sufficient and go back to buying from Russia and others soon as my boy Biden gets in.

    Biden/Harris/globalism 2020 yaaay

  15. I'm voting for civility. Decency. Morality. Voting for an office and administration free of corruption and crime. Voting for a leader that isn't simply self interested. I'm voting for a leader that has a backbone, and doesn't have a fragile delicate ego. I'm voting for a leader who will appoint leaders that are qualified to lead programs. I'm voting for a leader who won't put people in power solely because they are a large donor. I'm voting for a leader who won't lie every time he opens his mouth. I'm voting for a supreme court justice. I'm voting for a leader who won't attack American Citizens for a cheap photo op. I'm voting for a leader that respects his position and won't act like the Constitution does't restrict his power.

    I'm voting for the prosecution of the criminal Donald Trump.

  16. I'm voting for civility. Decency. Morality. Voting for an office and administration free of corruption and crime. Voting for a leader that isn't simply self interested. I'm voting for a leader that has a backbone, and doesn't have a fragile delicate ego. I'm voting for a leader who will appoint leaders that are qualified to lead programs. I'm voting for a leader who won't put people in power solely because they are a large donor. I'm voting for a leader who won't lie every time he opens his mouth. I'm voting for a supreme court justice. I'm voting for a leader who won't attack American Citizens for a cheap photo op. I'm voting for a leader that respects his position and won't act like the Constitution does't restrict his power.

    I'm voting for the prosecution of the criminal Donald Trump.


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