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Saturday, August 22, 2020

Trump Slams DNC As 'Darkest, Gloomiest' Convention of All Time

Speaking during the 2020 Council for National Policy meeting in Arlington, Virginia, Friday, President Trump ripped Democrats and former Vice President Joe Biden less than 24 hours after they wrapped the 2020 DNC convention.

"Over the last week, the Democrats held the darkest and angriest and gloomiest convention in American history. They spent four straight days attacking America as a racist, horrible country that must be redeemed. Joe Biden grimly declared a season of American darkness and yet look at what we accomplished until the plague came in, and we're doing it again. It was the most successful period of time in our history by every standard, and now this plague comes in and look at the way they talk," Trump said. "They [Democrats] want to punish American citizens instead of holding them high. Where Joe Biden sees American darkness, I see American greatness."

"We've seen heroic doctors and nurses racing into action to save lives. We've seen first responders helping strangers in need. We've seen passage of historic legislation to save 50 million American jobs. We've mobilized American industry like never before. We've built military hospitals from scratch, produced life-saving therapies and we're on track to develop, most incredible from the standpoint of time, record time, vaccines. We have vaccines; you'll be reading about them very soon, way way ahead of schedule, years ahead of schedule," he continued. "It's time to reject the anger and hate of the Democrat Party...No party can lead America that spends so much time tearing down America."



    Press release:

    In light of COVID restrictions on campaign events, the people have not had adequate opportunity to hear and see the candidates.

    We are requesting Team Biden participate in a dozen live one on one town hall debates across the country where Donald and Joe go head to head in a COVID restricted safe setting.

    Plaster this everywhere! Call press conferences to announce major events and drop this repeatedly.

    1. Hey 6:43, I would pay to see o'biden do a one on one town hall with Trump in a covid restricted safe setting, and you're requesting this to happen 12 times. Not gonna happen even once. o'biden can't even tie his own shoes now.

  2. It was a disaster. They have no plan. It was all about trying to put fear in people.

  3. Their convention was nothing but one has been politician after the other telling everyone they should hate the President. Or that you were going to get covid and die because of the President.
    It was very telling that no one brought up impeachment. We all know why. It was fake, There was no quid pro quo.. It was done to only fool the ignorant democrat voters of which there are many.
    Also biden had to bring up another of an endless stream of lies about the President. The one about Charlotte and the President saying "fine people". This again to fool the ignoramuses that make up the majority of democrat voters. That has been debunked numerous times and all anyone has to do is listen themselves. Of course almost all democrat voters being brainless and too stupid to think for themselves wouldn't think to listen themselves If their masters tell them then that is it. What the President said was there were fine people on both sides who were debating over whether to remove statues or not.

  4. I can sum up the 4 days of the dumbocrat zoom meeting in one sentence.

    Orange man bad!

  5. DNC = Dirty Nasty Criminals !!! of America !!!

  6. It was more a convulsion than a convention.


  7. Hitler wanna-bees !!! Demon-crats are Finished / Toast !!!!


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