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Thursday, August 13, 2020

Trump-haters realize there are things worse than Trump

There are three groups of people who will vote for Trump: those who supported Trump in 2016, those who have come to support Trump, and those who are so frightened of Biden and the Democrats that they'll do anything to see Trump win. This has the potential to be a sizable voting bloc, one that may give Trump more than the 30 states he won in 2016.

Don Surber (whose blog you should be reading) is predicting that Trump will not only win the 30 states he won in 2016, but will add another seven. I'm beginning to think Don is on to something.

Don's starting point is that, subject to a vanishingly small number of exceptions, those people who supported Trump in 2016 still support him. That means he'll get 63 million or so votes at a minimum. That's a good start.

Next, add the people who have grown to appreciate Trump. Until the Democrats used the Wuhan virus to shut down the economy, Trump had presided over an extraordinary economic boom, one that benefited all Americans. In an op-ed for CNN that must have terrified Democrats, Rich Thau, who runs the Swing Voter Project, wrote about the normal, fairly apolitical, people who benefited from the Trump boom. The majority of these swing voters, he said, want Trump:



  1. If Trump loses, I wonder how high our taxes will go? 30%, 40%, 50%?

    1. 100% and thats only because they can't take any more

  2. Agreed 11:14 but someone has to fix this record debt and deficit.

  3. 11:14

    If Trump loses, we all better learn to speak mandarin.

  4. Trump is not just going to win, he’s going to win in a landslide. The democrats have proven beyond all doubt exactly who they are. They are the party of lawlessness. They’re the party that rejoices in taking people’s hard earned tax dollars to give their voters free stuff. They’re the party that doesn’t believe in tolerance of anything isn’t a lame brain, progressive Marxist idea.

    How dumb does the media think we are? They think we’re so dumb we can’t see this crap. We’re supposed to believe Dr Dementia in his basement is leading in all the polls. We’re supposed to believe that the ‘mostly peaceful protestors’ who last night looted a Chicago Ronald McDonald House for children with life-threatening disease speak for real Americans. The Democrats and the media are all full of it. They’re going to get wiped out in November because everybody except the criminals are sick of this!

    1. 1:05
      Just to be clear here;

      You are assuming the election is real.
      Not a rigged Psyop.

      You probably also believe 3 guys flew to the moon in 1969, got out and played a round of golf, and then flew back home.

      Again, just trying to be crystal clear here.

    2. Trump in a Landslide 2020August 13, 2020 at 7:21 PM

      great statement.....

      thank you for supporting our President Trump

  5. The democrats are going to get wiped out in November. Everyone in the whole country except the looters, the media and the Marxists are sick of this crap.

  6. Democrats are the tax and spending party. They support the entitlement mentality, open borders, socialized medicine, planned parenthood, defund police, ending fossil fuel, and repealing 2nd amendment.

  7. 1243 meanwhile we have REAL intelligence reports/findings from REAL US intelligence experts specifically sounding the alarm of REAL Russian interference while Trump sticks his fingers in the ears. LOL but keep on with the phony bull you are spewing.

    1. Please cite your sources that are not Main Street media. Really. I want to know.

  8. Ha! Mighty funny how the editor specifically wont allow comments that call out Trump's failures.

    1. Hard to point out what isn't there. If you ever had any FACTS to back up your delusional NARRATIVE. They might be posted.

  9. Well if they don't. They will be the ones hit the hardest. Like the crash of 1929. When the ones not prepared jumped out of windows.

  10. 12:43 China has expanded more than ever under Trump so...

    1. China has expanded? Really? Where was this "expansion" you talking about? In your brain for sure! Soo, take your pills and find the safe space in mommy's basement.

  11. 1:57 What a dumb ass, you come to a conservative blog site, and wonder why Trump bashing comments aren't being posted! Go grab yourself a pudding pop and watch some MSNBC, you'll feel better amongst those who share your low level of intelligence!

  12. The WORSE is called DEMOCRAT !!! Traitors Party !!!

  13. If America ever becomes Communist the Democrats & Blacks will be
    the FIRST to GO !!! They better keep that in mind !!!


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