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Saturday, August 01, 2020

Trump backs Short Term deal to stop Renter Evictions

President Trump said that a short-term deal to stop evictions of renters could address American's immediate needs amid a pandemic while congressional negotiators attempt to reconcile a larger bill.

"We ought to work on the evictions, so people don’t get evicted," Trump told reporters as he left the White House for a trip to Texas on Wednesday. "You work on the payments to the people. On the rest of it, we’re so far apart we don’t care. We really don’t care."

Last week the federal moratorium on evictions expired, exposing tenants of more than 12 million rental units to eviction for missing payments. The $600-per-week boost in unemployment benefits passed in March as part of the CARES Act will expire Friday.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin was with Trump as he emphasized the need to halt evictions.



  1. Democrats immediately come out against

  2. All these soon to be Homeless will being housed in a Holiday Inn Express near you with vouchers.

  3. Then who will pay the mortgage for the landlord? Or the taxes? Or fixing it when something goes wrong? And if you can't get evicted why pay? Not all landlords are rich. I agree we are in hot water. But how many trillions do we print because a complete collapse? Meanwhile the rest of the world is watching and dumping the dollar. Part of a bigger plan? Or not!

  4. Lots of school bus drivers in Holiday Inns I guess, huh 11:28?
    Whether you folks know it or even care, many of us in various lines of employment are still out of work due to COVID Government restrictions.
    Many that have returned are out now due to closures or becoming SICK. Many that would have been scheduling work for the remainder of the year have not received a call during the “pandemic” and face empty job calendars. for the rest of the year and beyond.
    Our right to work has been taken away through no fault of our own. WTF is wrong with you people?

    1. I'm not sure what you are saying. There are many jobs out here hiring. If you ride down coastal highway, Every single store, restaruant, bar, hotel, gas station is and would hire. Are you saying you should not have to pay rent if your job has been taken away or hours cut? So does that mean no one needs to pay anything if our jobs are not paying us what we used to make? Or the hours have been cut. With the amount people were paid on unemployment there is zero reason for anyone to have not been able to pay their rent. Some got $4000ish a month? Households of two got $8000ish a month? Why can't you use that to pay the rent? I mean I know vacation and big screen TVs are important but isn't that enough for everyone to get a little piece of it? And now we have the rental assistance program? How many people out here are working their butt off and getting nothing. Get a job, and pay your freaking bills. If they continue to print money out of thin air. America as we know it is over. We will have a one world Govn't and no one will have your back. God help us all. Wake up to what is happening! Before it is to late. And while you are waking up, support small business. Thank you.

    2. Basically nothing is wrong with us preserving our wealth. Trump 2020!

  5. Again nothing to support homeowners with a mortgage.

  6. This is racial to stop this from happening....people need to pay their rent


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