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Thursday, August 20, 2020

These States Aren’t Waiting for the Feds to Create COVID-19 Worker Safety Rules

Workers process chickens at a poultry plant in Fremont, Nebraska. Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, a Democrat, ordered regulators to create workplace safety rules to limit the spread of COVID-19 after a surge in coronavirus cases linked to poultry plants in the state.

Ron Smith, a bus operator in San Mateo County, California, says at least six of his colleagues have tested positive for the new coronavirus. But until recently, he said, it was unclear whether bus operators should keep going to work if they were exposed to a sick colleague. The bus drivers union also wasn’t getting updates on the number of workers falling ill.

Smith said he’s worried about getting infected on the job and exposing his wife, who has Parkinson’s disease. “I would like to know the risk that I am taking coming to work, and the possibilities that I could expose my family member,” he said.

The transportation district has since told workers that if they’re exposed to an infected person, they should quarantine while waiting for coronavirus test results, Smith says. But he said it would be a good idea if the state laid out clear rules for all companies to keep workers safe during the pandemic.

In the absence of federal action, some left-leaning states are creating safety rules to protect workers from catching the coronavirus while on the job. Rules went into effect in Virginia last month, and regulators in California and Oregon are now debating a similar move.



  1. Tell it like it is. The plant isn't at fault. It's greed by Tyson and Perdue that allowed encouragement of undocumented aliens, mostly Latin and South American that has flooded this country. The got what they wanted so let'em lay in it.

  2. Northwest Woodsman: Isn’t testing positive and “falling ill” two separate issues? You can live a completely normal life while testing positive for a variety of things. The panic amplified by the controlled media has been incredible to watch. Why, I see useful idiots driving around in their vehicles, windows up and them wearing masks! Also, I have observed people out in wide open countryside riding bicycles while wearing masks. This country could never have been founded if settlers back in the 16 and 1700s were fearful bedwetters as we find now.

  3. So when the common cold starts to spread this winter, are we gonna lock down again?


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