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Friday, August 07, 2020

There He Goes Again: Obama’s Insane Funeral Speech

Just when we think Democrats have reached rock bottom, former President Barack Obama opens his mouth, then hands Democrats a shovel.

That Obama was not struck by lightning for all the lies he told (in church, no less) during his July 30 funeral speech for Rep. John Lewis is a testament to God’s patience and grace. It’s also proof Democrats will exploit anything, including someone’s death, for political gain. Turning a funeral into a campaign rally is as slimy and cold-hearted as it gets; on par for a political party that’s become a death cult.

Obama has as much respect for the dead as he does the unborn, so why not turn Lewis’s funeral into an opportunity to dredge up the past, resurrect Jim Crow, divide the country, compare cops to Bull Connor, praise anarchists, pretzel-twist Bible scripture, revise American history, promote voting by mail and throw cheap shots at the guy his administration spied on.

The former Divider-in-Chief wasn’t through, plugging for statehood for Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C., eliminating the Senate filibuster, making election day a national holiday and promoting passage of new voting reform legislation. The only thing he left out was sandblasting Mount Rushmore and replacing the four presidents with his backpfeifengesicht (German word for a face which inspires slapping).



  1. Sounded like a street pimp.
    No class, no respect, no decorum, no decency, no tolerance, no morality.
    Just divisive rhetoric filled with dog whistles and catch phrases, triggers and hate.
    I really wish an act of a sympathetic god would silence him and his kind forever.

  2. What does anyone expect. He was taught by church of what’s happening now....Lois farakuck.

  3. Obama has such a huge ego. No class. No respect. I picked up on it the day he announced he was running for President. Boy was I right. I did not vote for him. I did not listen to any of his speeches only discussions held by the media. He was the worse President in America. The way he and Michelle treated the Trump's during the transition was a disgrace. Yet Michelle goes on the TV circuit and laughs about it. Media justified their actions. Similar to Michelle tresting Queen Elizabeth like an old grandmother with the hugging. No class - embarrassment to America.

  4. obummer knows the jig is up and that Trump is going to win again . The chickens are coming home to roost !

  5. B.O has zero class but just look at the white trash that raised him. Grandparents who had no business raising another after they raised his mother the whore. She couldn't wait to drop him off so she could run around with men.


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