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Monday, August 24, 2020

Teacher Spying on Student During Virtual Class Sends Cops to Search 11-Year-Old's Home After Spotting a BB Gun

A Baltimore County, Md., fifth-grader got a visit from the police after his teacher called to report that she had seen a BB gun on the wall behind the student during a class video call.

The boy’s mother, Courtney Lancaster Sperry, a Navy veteran, is warning other parents about a lack of privacy during virtual classes after her son was targeted by a teacher who saw what she thought was a scary-looking gun hanging on the wall of the boy’s bedroom.

“While my son was on a Zoom call, a ‘concerned parent’ and subsequently two teachers saw his properly stowed and mounted Red Ryder BB gun and one other BB gun in the background,” Sperry wrote on Facebook. “He was not holding them and never intentionally showed them on video. In fact, he was oblivious that they could even be seen in the background.”

After the teacher reported the gun, the principal, Jason Feiler, decided to call the police to report the guns and ask that the home be searched.

The principal and the teacher cited a rule stating that students may not bring guns to school and claimed it extended to virtual classes as well, Sperry said, adding that the school handbook does not address rules for virtual learning at all. Besides, “he did not BRING anything to this meeting and he is in his own home,” she said. “They were simply in the background in our home, safely stowed in a room behind a closed door, with no ammunition (if you can even call it that).”

Sperry told PJ Media that the school’s vice-principal called her ex-husband, claiming to be checking on network connectivity. She believes the real reason for the call was to find out whose home her son was at. The vice-principal “ended the call without leveraging the opportunity to discuss the matter and rather was fishing for information to find out where to dispatch police,” she said.



  1. The teacher should be fired and sued by the family

    1. This is old news, happened months ago

  2. I am a teacher and that teacher should be reprimanded or fired. She is way out of line, but the union will support her 100%

  3. Flip side is that the same teachers don't want the parents overseeing the remote learning sessions!

    Parents should know the level of 'indoctrination' the public system is pushing!

  4. But police are not allowed to protect themselves, property or citizens. No one gets charged for minor things like burning cities down. I assume they felt safe going after a child. Don’t give me the crap about if you see something, say something. Priorities are twisted today.

  5. They better sue the gun manufacturer, land lord or mortgage company, parents shamed on social media and fired immediately. Upon firing lived streamed and shamed. Society will learn to take a knee sooner then later masks are a good start. Thanks to big tech it will be easier moving forward.

  6. Another negative involving virtual school. Just another way of Socialist home invasion of privacy. Constitutional violation. All should be fired.

  7. maybe with all this bs covid no classes the parents will really understand how f'd up their kids schools and teachers really are and demand a change! nah, never happen! most parents could care less about their most important job! raising critical thinking adults!

  8. Northwest Woodsman: Marxist socialists at their finest. Be prepared, as long as they are in positions of authority, this will be commonplace.

  9. Baltimore....societal crap hole of the U.S. do we need to say anything else?

  10. Sounds like invasion of privacy or at least over reaching by the teacher.

    1. Must of been old ass teacher Susan Olsen who hates gunsAugust 24, 2020 at 3:46 PM

      I agree

      hope the parents sue her personally

      hit em.in their pockets

      hit em hard financially

  11. This is frighteningly wrong in so many ways!

  12. Attorneys are circling. There's blood in the water.

  13. I am waiting for the virtual false flags!!! Where are all of the virtual school shootings??? I guess crazy people with guns magically went away??? After shooting kids pretty much every week if not ever other day??? No there are no shootings, mass shootings or anything and yet you people still things those mass schools shooting are real!!! Even though not a damn one of you can prove you know or someone you know, knows a kid at these schools that get shot up... No one can provide death certificates, and 90% of most school shooting happen at a school that is abandoned like the sandy hook shooting... IF you think kids went to that abandoned school,that had black mold growing inside and out of the school, weeds growing and hanging from the roof and gutter and hadn't had any repairs work or orders for 10 years... It is a health code violation to the 1000 degree...

  14. Teacher's can't teach math, English, or history. Maryland's student test scores and graduation rates show that. But they see a BB gun?? They know exactly what to do. Pitiful.

  15. A Red Ryder BB Gun.....Seriously?
    No comments yet on, "You'll shoot your eye out!"

  16. So Big Brother finally got a camera into little Johnny's house, and Big Brother's little snowflake sister saw something that she didn't like. Isn't it amazing how far we've come?

    Yes, the parent should sue for invasion of privacy.

  17. 1042 - Bingo



  18. Wait until predators hack in and figure out which kids have been left home alone to online school and be baby sat virtually by teachers. While parents have to go work to pay for the internet connection.

  19. This is why you will not be installing a laptop with camera and mic in my home.

  20. Sue the teacher, the principal, the school board, the county and the gestapo.


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