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Tuesday, August 11, 2020

South Dakota ‘Back the Blue’ Rally Sees Generous Turnout

A Sioux Falls, South Dakota, group came together to organize a “Back the Blue” rally to show support for law enforcement on Saturday.

There was a generous turnout at the rally, where people lined the streets near the Law Enforcement Center in Sioux Falls and waved American flags and other flags showing support for law enforcement.

People holding signs that read “Defend the Police” and “We Back the Blue” could also be seen along the streets.

Organizers of the rally also began raising money to purchase supplies for Sioux Falls law enforcement.

“My dad’s a former police officer and I have some other friends that are law enforcement in that area. So, this is the least that I can do to, or most I can do, to say ‘hey, thank you for protecting everybody,’” Ashley Dickerson, a rally participant, told KELO.

There was also a group of 20 counterprotesters who gathered across the street.



  1. God save America. We are quickly headed down the tubes. Largely because willfull ignorance runs rampant on both sides of most issues. Can we all just agree and realize:

    - most cops are average Joe's out to protect and serve their communities. We are blessed to have them!

    - there are bad cops out there that need to be weeded out

    - when you give a man the power to take 2 of your inalieble rights (Life and Liberty), that man should be held to the highest standards and should be accountable for his decisions

    - It makes 100% perfect sense for local, county, state, and fed government to regularly reassess funding priorities. While no one should be looking to totally defunding police, it makes perfect sense to invest in areas that can take the work load off of cops (example: dealing with the homeless and street crazies) so the cops can actually focus on getting the bad guys. Sometimes that investment means reducing the funds that go to police departments, other times it means finding those funds from other programs. Either way, reaccessing priorties is a key component of good governance.

    There, a bit of common sense in the midst of the madness.

  2. The day we stop having to have groups to defend XXXX the better our nation will be.


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