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Thursday, August 20, 2020

'Something's Not Right With Biden' According To Former White House Physician

The former White House physician to Presidents Obama and Trump says 'something is not right' with former VP Joe Biden.

"The best way I can describe every time I see him is that he's just lost," said Dr. Ronny Jackson - who recently won a GOP congressional primary in Texas.

"I won't make any particular diagnosis about dementia ... but what I will say is that something is not right" he continued, according to Just the News.

While Jackson admits he hasn't personally viewed Biden's medical file, he's witnessed the Democratic frontrunner's cognitive decline.

"I saw him frequently around the West Wing and other places like that. I know he's always been prone to gaffes, but these aren't gaffes anymore. He can't form sentences. Sometimes, he can't complete a thought," said Jackson, who is quoted in an upcoming book by Donald Trump Jr., "Liberal Privilege: Joe Biden and the Democrats' Defense of the Indefensible."

The Trump campaign is also using Biden's apparent decline in a new ad:



  1. The President's supporters outnumber biden supporters literally 100 to 1 outside the convention center in Wilmington right now. It's beautiful seeing all the American flags and Back the Blue and Trump signs. It's peaceful no one is littering or destroying anything like democrats do. The democrats in attendance don't dare act up like they normally would because they are so outnumbered.

  2. Picking on a man because he has dementia is wrong. It’s not like he will have the Nuclear Codes.

    1. Don't be ridiculous 9:27! He's not fit for the presidency. His own party should be liable for abusing a mentally challenged senior citizen

    2. You missed the humor.

  3. He'll be walking in circles soon. Does anyone really want Kamala Harris to run the country?


  4. Everyone, absolutely everyone can see the rapid decline in SlowJoe. Absent him being in the race, we could sympathize with him and his family, and hope he'd have a restful few years. My mother had recognizable Alzheimer's for about 11 years so I've seen it up close; it's tough, and doesn't get better.

    Instead we're asked to believe he's mentally and physically up to the rigors of the job. Should I believe the DNC and power mad SocialistDems, or my own lyin' eyes?

    Joe used to have an almost swarthy appearance by end of the workday in older photos; now he always looks like a combo of wax museum, undertaker and botox form his features.

    You know others compose and send his tweets, write the material on his teleprompter, and on the hidden screen he reads from in his bunker. America deserves a live candidate, and he ain't it!

    1. Power mad is right, take a good look at the Hildebeasts' eyes next time you see her speaking. Charlie Manson ain't got sh#t on that stare.


  5. Watching SlowJoe 'live'; not very impressive. His speech content is standard blather.

    Looks as if he's reading from a hidden from viewers large screen instead of teleprompters; keeps him facing forward rather than moving head side to side. Good strategy given his condition. But the speech is still stale and woeful.

    It's Weekend at BiteMe's

  6. Is this the same White House physician that claimed Trump only weighs 230 pounds?

  7. Did anyone watch Biden's speech at the DNC last night? If any of this speculation had any validity, that speech couldn't have happened.

    Stop with this ridiculousness... go watch it yourself. The evidence is literally at your fingertips.

    @ August 20, 2020 at 11:40 PM <--- spot on!

  8. Doctor really noticed Biden was declining when he didn't go after a little girl near him. He didn't grab her and smell her or even try and cop a feel.

  9. 8:58

    The only thing I didn't see in his "live" speech were the strings moving his mouth

  10. Everyone who is paying attention certainly understands that Biden is a place holder only. His speech at the convention required significant support. It has been the DNC plan all along to place a radical socialist in charge, and they are following through. Biden is in no way fit for the job, as he can hardly string together two sentences. IF (and that’s a big it) he debates Trump, all of his weakness will be laid bare. Simply, he is mentally unfit for the job.

  11. Did anyone watch Biden's speech at the DNC last night? If any of this speculation had any validity, that speech couldn't have happened.

    Stop with this ridiculousness... go watch it yourself. The evidence is literally at your fingertips.

    @ August 20, 2020 at 11:40 PM <--- spot on!

    1. I watched stumbling Joe .. If that was the best he could do and using a prerecorded tape there’s no way he’s fit to run the country which would leave Harris in charge which is completely incompetent

  12. Biden has to use a prerecorded tape at the convention.... there’s no way he debates Trump on the same stage.

  13. @ August 21, 2020 at 11:09 AM

    The debates (plural) are all ready scheduled for September 29th, then October 15th AND 22nd.

    The debates are happening.

    The first one is live for 90 minutes, with no breaks.

    Come on. Fact check before you spout pure nonsense.

    1. The debates obviously are not going to happen 11:33, take the blinders off.

  14. 11:33

    Well we'll see if they happen. The dumbocrat liars and cheaters are known to change rules at the last second when it helps them. It doesn't help them for Hiden Biden to debate or be seen live in public.

  15. DEMENTIA !!! Solved !!! NOT Qualified for office therefore !!!!


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