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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Snyder: We Should Mourn For What Is Happening To America

This week it was Kenosha, Wisconsin and next week it will probably be somewhere else. Yet another senseless police shooting was followed by more rioting, looting and violence. Of course rioting, looting and violence have basically become a nightly occurrence in America at this point anyway. The protests never seem to end in some cities, and crime rates are absolutely skyrocketing all over the country. Much of what is written about all of this chaos is focused on trying to pin the blame on someone, but even if we correctly identify who is to blame, will that actually stop the violence? I don’t believe that it would. In fact, I don’t think that anything is going to stop the violence any time soon.

I just feel so sad today. We are literally watching the meltdown of our society, and that process is going to continue no matter what happens in November. I have never seen so much anger in America, and the frightening thing is that the level of anger seems to just keep growing.

I wish that we could learn to truly forgive one another, love one another and come together as a society. For years I have been telling my readers that civil unrest like this was coming, and there is an entire chapter in my new book entitled “Civil Unrest and Martial Law”. So many of the things that myself and others have been warning about are now playing out right in front of our eyes, but there is absolutely no joy in being correct. There is only sadness. I love the United States of America and what I see happening to our nation grieves me very deeply.

Whenever I write articles about our need to love one another, those articles tend not to get much attention at all. In America today, we would much rather hate our enemies than love them. The corporate media has trained us to hate those “on the other side”, and they have done that job very well. They have been stirring the pot for years, and now much of the population has been perfectly primed to explode.

In such an environment, it was inevitable that there would eventually be eruptions of violence. On Sunday night, it was Kenosha’s turn

Armed rioters shut down streets in Kenosha, Wisconsin on Sunday night as the city fell into chaos after a police-involved shooting earlier in the evening.

A large group of rioters – including at least two armed rioters – blocked a police armored car from proceeding down a street. After a standoff, the police began throwing tear gas canisters from the top of the vehicle to disperse the crowd. Moments later, gunshots rang out after one of the protesters appeared to open fire.

The police shooting that caused these riots only happened a few hours earlier.

That means that some of these rioters were already armed and were ready to cause chaos on very little notice.



  1. These antifa and BLM rioters are going to get what's coming to them. For right now, burn the libtard cities down. I'm watching and laughing.

  2. Biden said police do not need armored vehicles it’s not war zone.

  3. Civil war is coming!

    Lets address their complaints and grievances with weapons of mass destruction!

    I for one would enjoy getting the chance to beat the hell out of one of those liberal white self entitled, antifa aholes!

    Enjoy seeing these delicate snowflakes melt in the firestorm to come!

    I'm fed up and I am ready!

    Locked and loaded!

  4. Obama started it all and it will snowball even more under the democrats. Vote for Trump.........or you will get what some of these other cities are getting now.......all run by democrats. Doesn't that tell you something?

  5. What happened in the 60's will happen again. The White's won't have a choice but to fight. And will win!!

  6. Mourn! We need to kick ass and then take names.


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