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Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Schools Should Open--Teacher Unions Are Wrong to Fight It

Schools aren’t that risky, and teachers are essential workers. We must reopen.

This week, public school teachers in D.C. marched to protest opening schools next month, placing fake body bags outside the school district’s office. They brought signs saying “RIP Favorite Teacher,” “killed in the line of duty” and “how many will you let die?” They are not alone. According to an Education Week poll released last month, 65 percent of public school teachers and administrators want to keep schools closed this fall, while just 35 percent want to reopen.

Maybe they should have brought signs that read “I’m not essential” — because that is what they are telling us.

At the height of the pandemic, millions of grocery clerks, factory workers, food processors, truck drivers, railroad workers, mass transit workers, sanitation workers, utility workers, police officers and firefighters continued showing up for work — because it was essential that they do so. Are teachers less essential than these professions? Apparently, they think so.



  1. The article is an opinion without any real facts.

    Schools really aren't ready for the social aspect at any grade level school. People are human and react differently. Adults and school kids trying all of this is a recipe for a mess since there is no true guidance.

    Planning really hasn't been done since leaders (Governors) really aren't leading. Just saying OPEN OPEN OPEN. Lame stream media doesn't help either and with so many out of work hurts too.

    Plan B (kinda) is to stay home through the holidays via virtual. And there is a entire litany of challenges with virtual. YEt it looks like most school systems will do this first OR have to fall back IF things go arye.

    Will the time virtual give schools enough time for a return plan in January? Time will tell and time is nothing this country has right now.

  2. I agree that schools are not that risky. And teachers are not your children’s babysitters. If the teacher feels it’s too risky to teach, they should be able to opt out. And you should find a babysitter.

  3. Stupid teachers stand shoulder to shoulder to tell our children not to stand shoulder to shoulder.

  4. Teachers, get back to work like everyone else. You shouldn’t get paid to work from home. If Walmart employees have to work then you should too.

  5. The majority of schools that opened in the south have surging cases, some had to close immediately. Don't have kids if you can't stand them being at home.

    1. Or afford a babysitter.

    2. Did you ever think that maybe people plan on having children and then working full time jobs while paying taxes for their children to be IN SCHOOL after they are of age? Sorry we aren't all 1% or welfare queens.

  6. Those other occupations can't work remotely. Teachers can. There's your argument destroyed.

    1. I guess that depends on how you define the word "teach" now doesn't it?

  7. Local teacher here and I couldn't possibly agree with this article more. Funny thing, liberals claim that they're the ones who aren't racist and care so much about minorities and those that are disenfranchised...but who is it hurting the most to keep schools closed? The exact groups they claim to care about. I'm a conservative teacher, and I want to work becauseI want children to learn. Period.

  8. Ok give us back our taxes fire them all..no problem public education is already a failure. DEFUND PUBLIC EDUCATION

  9. They can telework. Others cant.

  10. The complete lack of empathy for human life on the conservative side is staggering. They only care about you when you are in the womb then they readily send you to mindless wars or to succumb to a pandemic.

    1. It’s the Republican way.

    2. 3:20 ...Here we go again calling the kettle black. So leftards support abortion, lifetime democrat politicians who get rich and send your kids to war and will do anything to stop trump in NOV. Including working with china to make us all sick!!

    3. If conservatives lack empathy for human life, why do they want to save babies? Most aborted babies are black...so who are the real racists? Food for thought.

  11. Teachers should have to report to their classrooms full time even if they are teaching virtually. Let’s see how they would react to that!

    1. Actually that is being discussed. A lot of teachers would like to go back but they are trying to figure out what is best. Everytime there is a positive person the school will close for at least three days to be cleaned. Can you imagine how often that will happen. So many negative people on her about teachers. It is very sad to be. Teachers deserve respect. No wonder the kids treat them so badly. I can see it starts at home.

    2. Fine with me. I'm a Wico. County teacher. I'd planned on it anyway. Next talking point?

  12. Stop paying them and they will change their mind. Or make them do on-line teaching from the school. No more staying at home.

  13. How dare teachers not want to die from an infectious disease.

  14. The Lawless Teachers Union in Wicomico fought it.

  15. 2:18 you are a fool to believe remote virtual “learning” is an effective education tool for children.

  16. Public Schools are a terrible place for a young person.
    Keep them away for as long as possible.

  17. 2;17 - Fake News! Name all of those schools that closed.

  18. Ask Indiana and Mississippi how well reopening schools is going. I'm going to laugh so hard when Hogan puts us all back into a hard lockdown. You covidiots will deserve it.


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