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Monday, August 03, 2020

REPORT: Study Used by Dr. Fauci to Condemn Hydroxychloroquine Use Was Debunked! – But New England Journal of Medicine Will Not Publish This Lifesaving Update!

Dr. Fauci recently used another reported study to debunk the use of hydroxychloroquine as a viable treatment to save the lives of individuals sick with the China coronavirus. 

But an expert’s review of the report shows that the study actually confirms that hydroxychloroquine saves lives not the opposite.

Dr. Fauci shared the following about the drug hydroxychloroquine last week in front of Congress:

Don’t play these hydroxychloroquine games with Dr. Fauci pic.twitter.com/D58aXyFAVZ

— NowThis (@nowthisnews) August 1, 2020



  1. Just admit Trump was wrong about hydroxychloroquine. It's been proven time and time over that it only had slightly more effect than a placebo. Do you seriously think they would suppress a potential cure just to make Trump look bad? You guys are pathetic.

    1. WOW. You LIE in a sixty word paragraph. It doesn't work in All. But you left out it works on most. If used early. Typical libutard. Several facts to report. But only use the one to support your biased narrative. Pathetic. Can you imagine how dopey Joe
      would have handled it?? He and Hunter would be throwing parties for all the Chinese flying out of CHINA to the US.

    2. 2:10 Get your head out of your a$$. Quote "Do you seriously think they would suppress potential cure just to make Trump look bad?" DUH! And make money for themselves in the process? Of course they would and They Are Doing It. Wake Up, didn't you hear BLM Marxist proclaiming to quote " Remove Trump from office by any means necessary"?! But, I gotta a news for you Snowflakes out there - The Silent Majority Is Awake Now,and be careful what you wish for.

  2. Everyone knows Fauci is a glory hound. There have been many doctors who have said this. They said why listen to someone who doesn't care for patients with covid 19 over doctors who do?? The ones that do say Fauci is full of CRAP.

  3. Enough already with this ping pong back and forth. 6 months in - we still don't know what works and what doesn't. NOT that I would want the virus either....just tired of the constant back on forth. He said she said.

  4. Geee could it be that Fauci has a patent in the vaccine they are making for covid, could that be why??? But according to everyone who knows nothing, becasue they stayed at a holiday inn express, think we are conspiracy theorist for using facts and evidence to make our thoughts versus emotion!!!!

    1. You just described the entire democratic party.

  5. It used hydroxychloroquine along with a corticosteroids. Corticosteroids have a known effect on reducing symptom and sickness times. If it's a non-peer reviewed site don't even bother wasting your time reading it. Too many people have a dog in the fight financially with this stuff.

  6. Good thing hydroxychloroquine can only be prescribed and doctors don't care about Trump's political games only evidence.

    1. Trump's political game's?? Our you delusional?? Well you're obviously a democrat. So the answer to my question must be yes. Trump's political game's. LMAO.WOW.

  7. 2:10

    Cite your sources troll.

    Reasonable people can spot you Soros trolls from a mile away.

  8. Vaccine Is Already Made. And it has been Patented by Bill Gates. Now "They" are just trying to figure out how to Sell It to American Public via new unknown fake Pharma Company which has never done any prior testing on mice, animals or humans. So why is Bill Gates in charge of this Vaccination Project, is he an expert in Medical field? No, but He Is an Expert on Microchips, Monitoring and Tracking. And he works closely with the head of NIH Biotech Programme, doctor Christine Grady. And who is this lady, you may ask? She is the Wife of Dr. Anthony Faucci! Oh,who needs some old Hydroxychloroquine when They present you with New Vaccine by Bill Gates and make you sign a waiver before injecting it, so they have no liability issues, right?
    And Sheeple keeps cheering. Don't believe it? Look it up and educate yourselves.


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