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Saturday, August 08, 2020

Rep. Harris Announces STEM Grant to UMES

WASHINGTON, DC: Rep. Andy Harris, M.D. (MD-01) announced the award of a $202,413 U.S. Department of Education grant to the University of Maryland Eastern Shore in Princess Anne. The grant was awarded through the Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Program (MSEIP).

According to the Department, “the MSEIP program assists predominantly minority institutions in effecting long-range improvement in science and engineering education programs and increasing the flow of underrepresented ethnic minorities, particularly minority women, into science and engineering careers.”

Congressman Harris made the following statement:

“As a physician, I understand the need to bolster our efforts in getting more students interested in STEM career tracks. There are numerous jobs across our country that go unfilled in these fields simply due to the lack of available trained candidates. I thank the Administration for selecting UMES for this grant, as these dollars will be invested in our community for producing qualified job candidates for businesses right here on the lower Eastern Shore.”


  1. "...effecting long-range improvement in science and engineering education programs and increasing the flow of underrepresented ethnic minorities, particularly minority women, into science and engineering careers.”

    How are the numbers so far?

    1. Oh they have plenty working in the State of Delaware. All dumb as a nail and lazy as hell. But you knew that already. Not to mention they hire so called engineers from South America. Haiti has a college?? We have an engineer. Dominican republic has a university?? We have an engineer. As if Delaware doesn't have enough AMERICAN blacks working. They are pulling from around the world. Not to mention Muslim. Arab. Etc. EMBARRASSING.

  2. My tax dollars going for this ship. Geez oh flip.

    Via Peter Frampton "Show me the way"

    I watch yooooou, throwing OUR tax dollars away, everyday
    I watch yooooou, day after daaaaaaayaaaay
    HEY, I watch yoooouuu, day after day, hey ooooh...

    Waste, fraud and abuse - ugh!

    (not snicker snicker)

  3. Northwest Woodsman: Waste of money. This will not result in one accomplished scientist , engineer, researcher, etc. Better just invest in classes such as Criminal Justice 101, “Fun Things To Do While Waiting To Be Arraignment “.

  4. All based on skin color ... who has privilege again ?

  5. Count all of this as reparations: every public and private dollar put to black colleges; every dollar to any college admission under so-called affirmative action; every forced hiring of a less qualified person in any occupation; and every welfare payment to a healthy adult who avoids working.

  6. Harris the Democrat. Why does he continue to take care of everyone BUT the people who voted for him??????????????????? More taxpayers money to a subpar College. UMES only promotes anti white, anti AMERICAN, and anti religion culture.

  7. Is the graduation rate still around 15%? That's even allowing 5 years to complete 4 year programs. Hope that's changed.

  8. More Racist $$$ to a Racist Black College !!!! Fact


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