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Friday, August 21, 2020

Rand Paul claims USPS is not 'redeemable,' cannot be fixed 'until you fix their labor problem'

'Without a mandate to make it a smaller organization, you shouldn't give them any money'

Any lawmaker who endorses legislation that provides more money to the U.S. Postal Service "might as well just put it into a big pile on your front lawn and burn it," Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., told “Your World" Wednesday.

“There's no way to give any money to the post office to make the post office redeemable," Paul told host Neil Cavuto. "You cannot fix the post office unless you fix their labor problem.”

According to Paul, 80% of the USPS' expenses come from labor.

"About 50% percent of UPS' costs are labor and FedEx's [costs] is about 38%," he added. "You can't run a business with 80% of your costs being labor ... in the end, just giving money to the post office is giving money to an operation that lost $8 billion last year, so giving them $10 billion [means] it'll be gone within a year's time.



  1. The USPS has labor problems because of the hiring directives from the Obama administration.
    They can’t read ENGLISH!
    Dominicans and Haitians who can’t speak, read and write should not be working for the USPS until they can. Competently.

  2. I will tell you guys this , the PO Dept. has lost billions of dollars each year for many years . Post Master General Day is the only one I can remember that was in the black in 1963 . The PO is another failure of the government . It's too late , if he can do it in 2 months why in the hell couldn't he have done it for years ? Another bunch of BS from the left government of Hitlers.

  3. The Postal Service operates with the culture left over from when it was a government agency. It could be effective and efficient were it run as if it was a business. Sure mail might be delivered on every other day, but it could shed 20% of the excess staff.

  4. What good is the USPS?? Most of us pay bills on line. Not through the mail. Most if not all financial checks are direct deposit. So actually the ONLY mail they give me is JUNK MAIL. So I for one really could care less about the USPS.

  5. Postal carriers should strike until after the election

  6. I’m not a fan of the post office, but I have to be honest here: they have great technology, and they do have hard workers. What they have is a terribly flawed business model. for $.50 I can send a letter to Mardela. For the same $.50 I can send a letter to Redmond, Washington. that is simply unsustainable as a business model.

    But, as a country we have forced them to abide by those rules. Buy a stamp, you get to send it anywhere in the United States.

    The Postal Service has automated up the wazoo. They are incredibly efficient with the way those machines can read envelopes. But you simply can’t deliver a letter for $.50 from Salisbury, Maryland to San Francisco California and not lose a ton of money.

  7. Keep the Post Office OUT of Politics !!! Their Prices are Already too High

  8. The unsolicited trash they deliver costs me more to put in the trash and have picked up than the postage. Other than holiday cards it's useless. More identity theft occurs from people going through others mail than any online security breach. For years now any important documents I have received have come FedX.

  9. Can u get your Amazon packages through the computer. Until people dont shop on line u need them?

  10. Northwest Woodsman: During part of my career as a federal agent, I spent some time as a Postal Inspection Service investigator. If you were to sneak into the bowels of the major postal facilities around the country, the answer to why they have so many problems. The ethnic component of their employees is truly scary. It is a wonder that mail ever reaches its destination. That being said, that issue is not so prevalent in rural areas of the country where your local neighbors and friends may be employed as carriers. Hiring at major centers is based on nepotism whereby if there is, for example, a negro responsible for hiring, there is no doubt of the ethnicity of the person that would be hired. You end up with a lazy, incompetent workforce where the burden falls to a few competent and dedicated employees. Truth is ugly at times but you can’t refute what I say because it is based on personal experience.


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