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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Racism Allowed by NBA: Montrezl Harrell Calls Luka Doncic a “B*tch Ass White Boy” During Playoff Game But Still No Suspension (VIDEO)

Around 98% of NBA players are kneeling this year for Black Lives Matter.

The NBA is wearing

Los Angeles Clippers player Montrezl Harrell was caught on camera calling Dallas Mavericks player Luka Doncic a “bitch ass white boy!” during Game 3 of the NBA Western Quarterfinals playoff series Friday night played in the Bubble at Walt Disney World in Florida.



  1. Fire them ALL & Boycott the games !!! NBA = Natl Black Anarkist !!!

    White Lives Matter is the New Movement 2020 !!!

  2. Its affirmative action racism. You know...reparations.

  3. Who cares. We aren't *them*. We are better then *them*. We don't go around like *them* lying and calling everyone a racist.

    Again we are better then *them* and *they* are beneath us. We won't ever lower ourselves like *they* do.

    Stick and stones.......... *Their* words we don't find offensive because WE are above *them* and therefore they don't control us. Letting ourselves be offended by *them* is allowing yourself to be controlled by *them*.

    1. Right on! *They* need to STOP crying because we’re not.

  4. If I had respect for any of the NBA or NFL players it would an issue for me. Trash talk by trashy individuals is easy to ignore.

  5. It might be because Luka is the best player in the NBA. He's been killing them in the playoffs

  6. I was told by a social worker white people can not be a victim of racism.

    1. They can’t because white people invented racism. One race must have the power to oppress another race to be racist. Blacks don’t have that power nor are they the majority race in the US therefore they cannot be racist. They can be prejudiced but not racist. And here he didn’t lie about Luka Doncic. He is a bitch ass and he is white. Truth hurts sometimes.

    2. That's bulls**t. Black people are racist to..you do like white people because of the color of their skin your racist...most people are good but there are racist in all colors!!

    3. 12:38 How very racist of you. And Luka is on fire. You mad bro cause he’s white and making Harrell look like a flopping Lebron?🤣🤣

  7. I'm watching old movies.

    Nascar is dead to me.
    The NBA is dead to me.
    NFL is dead to me.

    And I honestly don't miss any of it.

  8. but he said he was sorry

  9. Whats this NBA anyway? A church group?

  10. Why do you all watch these racist people then bitch about it. Just stop watching

  11. All sports are dead to me.

  12. Very interesting. BLM wants people to put their fist up, kneel and submit out of fear. Wouldn't you want people to genuinely support the cause because they want to? Imagine trying to force someone to love? It cannot be done. That is why none of this is about black lives. It's about black supremacy, submission, power, and control. It is about the Black Liberation Movement hiding under the mask of Black Lives Matter, New Black Panther Party, Antifa, and Louis Farrakhan's Black Nation of Islam. Using the race card as an excuse to be lawless, spew hatred, and cause division amongst the human race. Anyone who supports these groups are racist. Period.

  13. Attacking Whites is always allowed & that Needs to CHANGE !!! 2020

    Outlaw Affirmative Action / NAACP / BET / Black History Month /
    Quanza / Black-ish Show / Hamilton Play / Forced Busing

    Then we in America can have REAL EQUALITY for ALL !!!

    Outlaw BLM & the rest of the Hate Monger Groups too !!!
    Jessie Jackson / Al Sharpton / Farakon /

  14. It’s not just allowed it’s promoted

  15. Priority 2020 5:01 PM !!

  16. We don't need sports !! Go Ahead & stay home !!! Make my day !!!


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