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Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Quite Frankly The City of Salisbury AND Wicomico County Makes Me Sick

When I sit back and think about all the abuse and attacks President Trump receives on a daily basis, then think about the fact that this patriot donates his entire salary to pay it forward, that's an AMERICAN! 

Like our great President we watched four people step up to the plate to fill in as County Executive after Bob Culver's death. Joe Holloway had to walk away from the opportunity because they couldn't advance any council member to a higher position, just plain stupid. 

Then this Doctor steps up and refuses to give up his practice. Instead of disqualifying him, someone came out with an alleged affair and pressured him to walk away from the job. You know what, he too is a pansy ass and I for one am very glad to see him run away with his tail between his legs. 

So now we have Michele Ennis and Carl Anderton left. We can all argue who's the better qualified candidate BUT WAIT!!! Now the Council, (Idiots) want to open the door again for 45 days in the hope they can encourage yet another Good Ol' Boy because Mike Dunn, the Greater Salisbury Committee started screaming like a little baby along with Jake Day's Father.

This Council knows Michele Ennis is more then qualified but like my original article about her stated, they refuse to have a woman, ANY woman have a more powerful position. They're Idiots! They'd rather hire some jackass Dr. that has never handled budgets, grants, the whole nine yards because they're scared of a woman. 

Like our great President, Michele would be taking a pay cut because she loves this County where she was born and raised her entire life. 18 years of dedicated service to the County and not one council member nominated her for the position.

You people should ring the phones off the hook demanding they stop this ridiculous and childish behavior and choose between these qualified candidates and make a final decision. The next step is to encourage a completely new group of people interested in running for county council positions and run every one of these bums out of office. If you can't CLEARLY see the games they're playing then you are as blind as a bat. There are no DO OVER's in real life!

Remember, this position comes up for election in a year and a half. We have a process for a reason, yet this council continues to buck that system/process on a very regular basis. Enough is enough!


  1. Get rid of the Wicomico County Executive Office along with Mike Dunn! Red, White and BOOM that Mike Dunn!!

  2. Want indecision? look at the old mall property.

    1. Procrastination to the extreme.

  3. Wicomico County Executive Office BE GONE in 2022!

  4. Dees Nuts Dunn! Oh I forgot you like them alot! :)

  5. We are glad you moved furthest east that you could Joe. We appreciate this news leading site as well as the current weekend hospitality.

    Salisbury's loss is our gain and we are forever fortunate!

  6. While Ms Ennis is the most qualified of the applicants, we all agree that we don't want Carl Anderton!

    Opening up the door for more applicants will get us more applicants like Anderton - and even Dunn!

    The time period has expired - kinda like the last few presidential elections...you have to pick from what's available...

    Hold your nose and vote!

  7. Carl supports the tax differential, which would cost the county tax payers millions out of their pockets, and given it to the city of Salisbury.

    Carl sponsored House Bill 1319 which sought to repeal the county licensing board's jurisdiction within city limits, which would cost the county tax payers millions out of their pockets, and given it to the city of Salisbury.

    Now you know why the council rejected him and the city lords through a fit.

    It's as simple as that

  8. 1:59 Then why didn't Ms. Ennis run for the position when Mr. Culver ran. Why didn't she run for delegate in Anderton's district or any other position? It takes a lot to put your name out there for a public office. This is not an easy position.

    1. Why would she run against him? She worked very well for him.

  9. It doesn't matter who they put in. Like Culver. The council runs the show. The executive is just a figure head. Nothing more. Besides this county is on the way to the crapper. As soon as we all watched BLM painted. It's over. Another shithole like the inner harbor.

  10. 2:10 - Sponsored!

    This tax-bill is a dumbocrat feast-fest!

    I considered him a RINO - he's no better than a declared dumbocrat!

  11. Michelle was fired. End of story. Carl, is a shoe in.

    1. You hate women you must be liberal

  12. 3:33 Carl probably is a shoe in. Hell I watched a bunch of grown ass adults cry and whine cause their guy didn’t get it. It’s the liberal way. Throw a tantrum until you get what you want. Carl is pathetic and so is anyone that wants him for the job including you 3:33.

  13. Trust me, we are coming for you Nicole Acle, We will see you in November!

  14. Anonymous said...
    Carl supports the tax differential, which would cost the county tax payers millions out of their pockets, and given it to the city of Salisbury.

    Carl sponsored House Bill 1319 which sought to repeal the county licensing board's jurisdiction within city limits, which would cost the county tax payers millions out of their pockets, and given it to the city of Salisbury.

    Now you know why the council rejected him and the city lords through a fit.

    It's as simple as that

    August 25, 2020 at 2:10 PM

    Hey Julie Brewery, are you drunk again? Get off your keyboard.

  15. You all chased another professional away with your HERESAY bullshit. He's smarter than all of you. He said F**K YOU before you spread more LIES. You wonder why the city and county never get any better??


  16. Proud to be an employee of Dr Desmarais's for many years. The county truly does not know what they have lost.

  17. Why would a doctor who makes a helluva alot more money even want the headache of a County Executive position anyhow?

  18. Y'know if you all let dumb-ass Anderton run, than you'll be sure to get rid of him forever. If he stays in the HOD's, he'll get beat for sure. If he's with Wicomico County, He'll get beat double sure. Anyway he turns he's done like our illustrious Senator and her comrades in arms. It'll be a bloodbath for the dunderheads in the seats now thanks to dick-weed Hogan.

  19. Corrupt county Govt , I know , I put up with them four years while they
    treated me & many others like shhhht & got away with it !!!
    I dispise them !!!!

  20. Anonymous said...
    Why would a doctor who makes a helluva alot more money even want the headache of a County Executive position anyhow?

    August 25, 2020 at 9:56 PM

    Smarter then the average bear~ Can you put 2 & 2 together? This is the only logical answer? Think about this. Because he thought he could keep that along with being CE, He and Nicole Ample could ride that gravy train all the way to the bank with special interests and padding a path to get them what is in their best interest. Larry Dude and Joe Hollow apparently are not smart enough to see what she was up to. A question for you Joe. If you had not withdrawn, do you really think that they would have voted for you for the job of CE? Well let me answer that for you, i suspect NO you are just a pawn to get them what they wanted and you fell for it. They would have stabbed you in the back with the bat of an eye or should we say her eyelashes? Who do you think was doing the probing into your eligibility? They would have burnt you fast but yet you played right into their plan? Another question, is this why Larry Dude tried to keep those interviews behind closed doors? They didn't want anybody to know what they were up to? Tried to keep all of this from the public, If not for a FOIA (and a big Thank you to Greg Bassett) all of this would have been hidden from the public, Are all of you ok with what your 3 Republican Council members tried to do? Where was the transparency? I have asked a lot of questions here, Do you really think they will get answered? Joe you really should be asking yourself the question that i asked here, Do you really think they would have voted for you? Now you really need to do the right thing by the People of Wicomico in the future and stop listening to those that would burn you in the bat of an eye!

  21. You would be sick if you had ever worked for them , County or City !!!

  22. Get rid of all the liberal lefties like Day and his cronies and get some real leadership. Get some Republicans in office here and boot those lazy snowflakes who only worry about spending taxpayers money on BLM and lynching memorials


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