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Monday, August 03, 2020

President Trump "Never Give Up!"


  1. Too bad the party he takes care of everyday. Screws our President every chance they get. Haven't seen Graham, McConnell, and Grassley on TV lately. I guess they will surface again when President Trump needs their support and they publicly stabb him in the back.

  2. One of the greatest things I’ve ever seen.

  3. How can anyone not love this video and feel blessed that we have this man as OUR President! God Bless Him and the United States!

  4. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

  5. Never give up?

    How about do the damn job we hired you to do.
    Build the damn wall
    Prosecute your good friend Hillary
    Investigate the war crimes of Barry Sorteo's Administration
    Stop polluting the Water, Air, and Land

    Come on man, put down the damn twitter phone

  6. If this was Obama it would be all over the tv. Why can we not show both good and bad. If you can't see the bias in the media and the control they have, then we are so screwed. People have to stop believing what the media feeds you. You have to look into things and people are to busy and trusting to do it. Sad. Trump has done some wonderful things that most people will never know. I do not agree with everything he has done and it would be good if he had a filter. But he says what we know and think. And at least he doesn't lie. I am sad to watch America slowly die. I have never seen such hate and it is ripping families apart. It is sad.

  7. Best speach to present to the ones who love America. Faith in God does not make it easy. Faith makes it possible. God Bless America and our President, sent by God to serve this wonderful country.


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