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Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Portland cops handcuff female protester, get asked if female cop is there for pat-down. Male officer quips, 'How do you know that I don’t identify as a female?'

Woke observers who heard the officer's sarcastic reply were most definitely triggered

Portland police have endured literally months of nightly rioting that left-wing politicians and reporters routinely brushed off as "mostly peaceful protests." They've been getting pelted with rocks, explosives, and other projectiles.

They've put up with physical violence from Antifa and Black Lives Matter militants whose latest escapade was trying to burn down a police precinct — and splashing paint on an elderly woman who dared to stand up to the mob.



  1. I normally don't give two craps about what people want to be but when your occupation is protecting the rights of citizens you just can't say this stuff. You want to make snide comments, do it in your car. If you can't keep your beliefs and discrimination to yourself, find a job where you don't have to be impartial.

    1. You treat people the way you are treated. In this case a real adorable female was being put in bracelets for no reason, because that’s what happens. Nice folks get locked up because they are so damn sweet and never do wrong. After all, they are peaceful. They aren’t home fixing a dinner for family, they are doing their civic duty and disrupting the community. This policeman did absolutely nothing wrong. He treated a jip just like she should have been treated. It would have been better reading if he had smacked the piss out of this sweetheart.

    2. So your a closet racist 2:09? honesty is the best policy..the scum asked a questions. Got a modern day response. A Perfectly legal answer by todays standards...so pack sand

    3. 2:09 Soooo they can be pelted with rocks and bottles. Their precincts set on fire with police inside. But your upset that he made a funny? Bless your heart. And I bet you’ve been a big supporter of those “identifying” as something other than what they really are.
      Discrimination? What discrimination?
      You sound whiny. Do you identify as a toddler?? Asking for a friend. ;)

  2. Let me guess, another bootlicker who couldn't get a job anywhere else. 40% of police officer homes experience domestic violence.

    1. Look at 2;10 another apron mommy hugger living on the dole in moms basement giving life lessons

    2. 2:10 62% of black children live in a fatherless home. And I bet your a big blm supporter 🙄🤡

  3. Don't be a cop if you can't be professional.

    1. He was professional but in my opinion it’s time to crack heads

    2. 2:12 Don’t whine when you when that stupid prize from playing them stupid games 🤷‍♀️

    3. What was unprofessional about it 212? Sounds like maybe you're transphobic.

  4. I don’t see anything wrong with it. Ask stupid questions get stupid answers right? You can’t protest by one set of rules and expect everyone else to treat you by another. How about going home in the middle of the night instead of destroying property?

    1. Bingo!! Cop had a perfectly legal Response.

  5. The above critics seem to be caught up into a state of naivete. The majority of people could not meet the academic, scholastic, physical and psychological prerequisites to qualify for a police position, nor the rigors of the training. The stress is oftentimes unbearable. It takes a tremendous sacrifice and commitment to seek a position and career in law enforcement.

    They and our military are the front line of defense for National security and public safety.

    1. I respect Police Officers but you seem full of yourself 2:42 pm. I think the officer's reply fit right in with the protesters beliefs of free speech, free to demonstrate, feel to burn down buildings. The officer had every right to make a comment that fit right in to the demonstrators agenda.

  6. 👍 to the cop for pointing out the hypocrisy of the left.

  7. 210 wouldn’t she be the bootlicker?


  8. Perhaps one did not want to be loved so much as to be understood.

    George Orwell, 1984

  9. That was a clever and hilarious response. Bravo!

  10. I was hoping the cop would have body slammed the bitch.

  11. Should have asked if she would do a Kamala Harris

  12. Women want equal rights so screw them, they can get punched in the face like a guy, kicked in the crotch, and frisked by male cops just like the guys.


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