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Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Philadelphia Police, City Council Organize a “Home Gun-Check Campaign” Urging Residents to Turn in Firearms to ‘Combat Gun Violence’

Philadelphia is seeing an increase in shootings so the far-left City Council and police organized a ‘home gun-check campaign’ urging residents to turn in their firearms.

Makes sense.

Voluntary gun buyback programs and other programs aimed at urging residents to voluntarily turn in their firearms would only increase violence because it keeps criminals armed and disarms law abiding citizens.

Far left “community groups” with backing from city officials and police are distributing flyers which reads “save a life, turn in a gun.”



  1. Sounds good, right after all the thugs turn theirs in, or the second day of hell freezing over.

  2. lol

    Hitler did the same

  3. philadelphia police and city council are delusional

  4. I'll do that when dumbocrats quit lying about everything.

  5. They should do their jobs first. This isn't going to end well. Watch and learn Philadelphia.

  6. Actually it's a good idea. You have 99% if Philadelphia residents are BLACK. So most are the criminals they seek.

    1. Seeking and getting mean two different things 8:21

  7. Gun confiscation by the government. Do you really think the criminals are going to turn in any guns. Not a chance. This just makes the average law abiding citizens more vulnerable to being a victim of a violent crime. And they will have no mean to defend their own life. Soooo Wrong.

  8. Got a warrant? Piss off and get off my property.

  9. Why would the police give up their guns if thugs still have guns?

    Why would citizens give up their guns if police still have guns?

  10. Let us know how that works with the Jersey Jerks cause us Delmarvalous Rednecks won’t participate!!

  11. Philadelphia is in Pennsylvania not New Jersey 5:15, come on man .... you're making us look bad.


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