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Saturday, August 01, 2020

Pennsylvania uses 'weighted lottery' to distribute lifesaving remdesivir in favor of low-income patients

South Carolina doctor says they will also use a similar system if faced with shortages

The antiviral drug remdisivir has been effective in treating COVID-19, reducing risk of death for severely ill patients by 62 percent. It is also scarce, leaving a number of states in fear of running out as coronavirus cases continue to rise across the country.

As a solution to this problem, Pennsylvania is encouraging healthcare providers to use a “weighted lottery” system to decide which patients are treated with this lifesaving drug and who goes without. Instead of medical need being the deciding factor of who receives a drug, this lottery is weighted in favor of those who sit lower on the socioeconomic spectrum.

Betsy McCaughey, former lieutenant governor of New York and chairman of theCommittee to Reduce Infection Deaths, is concerned that this move is not being given proper attention and could have huge implications for the health care system moving forward.



  1. I can see why Democrats favor this type of lottery, since this is the group that is most likely to vote Democratic and are the easiest to dominate / control to get their socialist agenda

  2. So rich Republicans and athletes can get this because of there ‘status’ and poor welfare recipients can get it because they are poor. That leaves the 50-150k per year taxpayers SOL. Welcome to America 2020!

  3. Sarah Palin called these the death panels. She was mocked.

  4. It’s used in combination with hydroxychloroquine and has almost 100 percent recovery rate

  5. America has had plenty of time to get these factories back open and start production right here in the US of A. And apparently we don't have to worry about finding workers because we have a boat load of people on welfare and unemployment just begging for jobs. So let's ramp things up and open our factories back up. It is a sad mess when you ride around towns that used to be industrial. Sad indeed. Trump 2020.

  6. Broadly, This is about humans interfering with natural selection.
    We coddle our weak with “modern” scientific medicine effectively passing on genome defeating ailments and diseases.
    We allow our less mindful to breed continuing to diminish the quality of human beings in the gene pool.
    This is not how you improve the human organism.
    Yes, it sounds completely heartless to point out but we as a people should begin to look at our future not from a climate change perspective, but from a Human change perspective.
    Currently we are getting stupider and stupider destroying our future because we are overpopulated with too many people sitting in the cart
    and not enough pushing.
    Who was it that said selective breeding of slaves is obvious in the NFL? Jimmy the Greek?
    Thank the Dutch, who now allow euthanasia of the feeble, weak and infirmed.


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