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Thursday, August 20, 2020

Pennsylvania Republican Invites Portlanders to His District to Escape Riots

A Republican congressional candidate from Pennsylvania is inviting Portlanders who are fed up with their city’s violent protests and riots to move to his district—which doesn’t "tolerate any of that horse****"—in a new campaign ad.

"I've heard you’ve been having a few issues. Something about peaceful gatherings, interruptions to business, and local citizens dissatisfied with your leadership," Jim Bognet, who’s running in Pennsylvania’s Eighth Congressional District, said in the ad. "We won’t tolerate any of that horse**** around here."

Between clips of rioters setting off explosives and looters hauling armfuls of stolen merchandise, Bognet encourages Portland families and businesses to consider moving to his police-loving district.

"If you’re a family or business living in Portland that’s leaning toward leaving for whatever reason, consider Northeast Pennsylvania," Bognet said. "We're all about Made in America, we’re known for our midsize paper industry, and we love the police—well, maybe not our current congressman, but I’ll be taking care of him soon."

The ad will run on KOIN, Portland’s CBS affiliate, Tuesday night at 6 p.m.



  1. What's the point of this? People in Portland aren't going to uproot and move all the way across the country to Scranton or Wilkes-Barre. He's just weirdly trying to make an issue that isn't remotely happening in his district and make it about him. It would be like if I walked around Ocean City telling everyone "Don't worry, I'll make sure there aren't any polar bear attacks here!" He's just trying to get attention.

  2. Plus, they would vote democrat even after going through what they did.

  3. EVERY Democrat living in these cities deserve everything they voted for.


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