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Saturday, August 01, 2020

Ocean City Likely To Require Masks On Boardwalk; Governor Outlines State’s Recovery Plans On ‘Pause’

OCEAN CITY — There were mixed messages from Gov. Larry Hogan this week on the state’s COVID-19 recovery plans, which are on a “pause” as some key metrics continue to increase, but the biggest takeaway is an expansion of mandatory masking requirements.

Hogan on Wednesday held yet another press conference on the ongoing pandemic and the messages were all at once filled with cautious optimism and grave concern. Perhaps the biggest takeaway on Wednesday was an expansion of mask and face-covering requirements that have been in place since April.

Back in April, Hogan implemented an executive order requiring the wearing of masks in all indoor spaces such as retail stores, grocery stores and the like. On Wednesday, he amended that executive order to include the inside of all buildings with public access and outdoors in all public places where it is not possible to achieve social distancing.

Locally, the most obvious place affected by the change is the Boardwalk, where most have been wearing masks inside stores and amusements, for example, but the majority are not wearing masks while walking outdoors along the famed promenade. Hogan’s amended executive order on the surface appears to include the Boardwalk because social distancing is not often possible in the height of the summer season.



  1. There is only 30 days at most left in the season so why not chase the last hope for survival away - for nothing but BS!

    Makes sense to meeeeee.....

  2. We need to protect the fish

    people need to wear their masks while in the Ocean

  3. As if the summer season looked bleak, now the local politicians will ensure it bankrupts as many businesses as possible. People suffer from medical repercussions by wearing masks in the heat. They know this. They don’t care. This is their way of bankrupting the entire town with idiocy. How will they line their pockets without parking $$ gouging scheme they usually run during the summer months?

  4. Matt James is a White Coward. Typical RINO!


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