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Friday, August 14, 2020

No, Kamala Harris Isn’t A ‘Moderate’ — She’s A Radical Threat To America

The media are spinning Kamala Harris as a 'centrist' and a 'moderate.' In reality, she's a leftist who could be one heartbeat away from the Oval Office.

Once Joe Biden named Sen. Kamala Harris as his running mate for the upcoming 2020 election, it didn’t take long for the media to begin its latest attempt to gaslightAmericans.

In the Associated Press announcement of Biden’s choice, AP writers Kathleen Ronayne and Will Weissert write approvingly of Harris’s “centrist record” as a contributing factor in the decision. Longtime political analyst and lobbyist Doug Schoen praised Biden’s pick while arguing Harris “could help Biden solidify his position among centrist voters and even moderate Republican voters.”



  1. She charged the video maker that exposed Planned Parenthood selling aborted baby body parts for research.
    I imagine she is suffering deeply with guilt and should be euthanized like the black babies she endorses aborting through the third trimester.

  2. This is damn scary! Both candidates are driven by ego - both are air heads - one forgets who he is and the other laughs like a idiot. Can you imagine what Russia and North Korea and don't forget China with both in their pockets - are thinking. And you thought the virus was bad. Wait until Harris takes away your money and freedoms. Vote Trump 2020 - your life and those you hold dear depend on Trump. 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

  3. Right now the worst thing about this thing is exposure. I can’t stand to see or hear from such trash and every headline is showing that mug or name. I realize it is normal, but why the big deal? Surely not because she slept and worked on her knees. I don’t know or care, that’s what some of the articles say. Again in my humble opinion it could be that it is of color. What color, who knows. Some pieces say black, some say different like Jamaican , while others say a little of Elizabeth Warren. All I do know is it’s all a waste of time and money because that pair will never see the inside of our White House or anywhere else. They are done for. Shot, might as well hang it up and be gone. Thank greyhound they are going.

  4. If you like how Pelosi runs Congress, you'll love that it'll be indistinguishable from how Harris runs the nation.

    Ready with those puppet strings... lights... camera.... action!

    1. Not a chance, the more she spews out her agenda the less votes her and o'biden will receive, in a ligitament election of course.

  5. La La Joe and Commala; perhaps a more fitting billing for Vegas doing stand up. What I find most interesting is the DNC trotting Biden out to reiterate everything Trump has already done re covid. And Commala is a woman of color and I am a person of color and all you reading this comment are people of color. So?

  6. Calm down its NEVER GONNA HAPPEN.
    Trump 2020

  7. America has Her Number She is DONE / TOAST !!!

  8. We can not even consider having these two Bozos in office!! Trump 2020.

  9. Another She Devil like Pelosi !!! Keep them OUT of Power America !!!

  10. Another Hitler for America !!! Beware !!!

  11. She is the Devil !!! Looks can be decieving !!!

    All that may look good is Not good !!! True & wise saying !!!


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