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Sunday, August 02, 2020

NFL End Zones Will Read “End Racism” and “It Takes All of Us” in Home Openers — Along with Black National Anthem

This fall the NFL will play the black national anthem before every week 1 game.

According to Grand Old Partisanthe black national anthem was written by James Weldon Johnson wrote the poem Lift Every Voice and Sing to honor Republican activist Booker T. Washington when the civil rights leader visited his school. His brother later set the words to music, resulting in what became known as the ‘Negro National Anthem’.

The NFL will play that along with the US National Anthem at games.

But the NFL will go even further.
The league will also paint “end racism” and “it takes all of us” in the end zones.



  1. LMAO! They're really going for broke this time

  2. NFL won't have a season. Let them eat Cake!


  3. Now how the hell can you argue against ending racism?

    1. Racism is a scourge. However, the current narrative around the state of racism in this country is based on false information. Police shootings are minimal, most of the time bad police are held accountable when caught, there are no rights enjoyed by whites that aren't available to people of color. To hear BLM speak, one would think people of color are oppressed in this country. They are not. Plenty of successful people of color will testify to the fact that all are created equal right up to the point of effort. At that point it is up to each individual whether or not to work hard, live right, and prosper.

    2. BLM profits off of the racist tactics and propaganda it promotes.

  4. I didn't mind, too much, about watching spoiled, mostly illiterate, and definitely violent, millionaires playing a GAME and telling us how great they are at playing with some kind of ball.
    But, it IS too much when they use their platform to tell us that, even though they are millionaires, the rest of us (white people) while we slave away at jobs that pay us in a year what THEY make in an hour, are HOLDING THEM DOWN and using systemic racism to make their millionaire lives total hell. Don't you WISH you had their problems??

    Its a hard sell, to say the least.

    When they start putting that BS in my face and make political statements (all I wanted to do was watch a damn football game) that I can't easily avoid, they've lost me.
    I DO NOT want anyone else's ideas about culture or politics shoved down my throat. Can you imagine being at a symphony or a play and they stop it to parade a blm poster across the stage and make you listen to a 10 minute speech about how racist you are??
    It would likely be the last time you went there.
    And so it goes for the Not For Long players.

  5. They can do WTF they want. My family and I won't be watching. Why would anyone who is White watch this CRAP??

    1. Because it is another way to repudiate Trump and his repulsive followers.

    2. You are sick mentally. I do wish your ugly non constructive comments would be blocked. Alll of your comments are comments are just hateful without any justification.

  6. Racism against whites needs to end. Now.

  7. The NFL is entertainment, nothing more. It overextends its self perceived worth by attempting to be a social justice nanny on the cheap with some turf paint.
    No NFL this year for us. For this, we vote with the TV remote control. In 98 days we vote for real, and it won't be for surrogate Biden.

  8. Of course no one is against ending racism, but racism is not a "real" raging issue like politicians and so called activist push. We had a black President for 2 terms. I highly doubt that was because only black people voted for him. That is the highest power position in the world and guess what? White people love him! Shocking in such a horrible racist country but true. Unfortunately for the mainstream media and Dems, the majority of people simply don't care about the color of someone's skin, or even think about it, and are very tired of being called racist by millionaire sports players especially. The NFL should not ostracise fans that just want to watch football by being political. So maybe if a few of the black players that think that they are so poorly treated would resign and walk away from their multi million dollar contracts and move to another country; I would take them more seriously. Otherwise simply shut up, stand and show respect for the flag of the country that gave you the opportunity to live in a mansion, drive a nice car, and support your entire family, and play football. I won't be supporting them.
    And I don't like Obama so I guess I'm a racist.

  9. Along with the Redskins name change, the league needs to be changed to NPL (National Propoganda Network).

  10. I've been done with the NFL since they disrespected the flag and everyone that has fought for the ideals that it represents.

  11. A note to all product sellers: turn your product or its packaging into an SJW billboard and watch your sales numbers plummet.

  12. I stopped watching baseball years ago when the Orioles first went on strike and football when the Colts snuck out of town.

    Now I also will never go to any "sports bar" playing any of that shit ever again.

  13. We won' be watching. Do what the heck they please. Any white person watching is an idiot.

  14. 9:47

    What an imbecilic canard!

    Putting the "end racism" statement or BLM statement in the NFL is RACIST!

  15. Awesome! The NFL just destroyed itself! Bye-bye!!!!!!

  16. Who wants to watch overpaid slaves do their job.

  17. I never have been interested in the crap and I’m still not interested in the shit

  18. Let us all BOYCOTT the NFL

    It is the American thing to do
    Send a message

  19. Hi Joe, just want you to know I am documenting all the instances in which you perpetuate racism such as the comment at 11:37 :)

    1. Free speech jackass. Go to Twitter, Google, Amazon for your type of speech. SU FAG.

    2. Go for it 12:16, that stupidity will gain you or anybody else nothing.

    3. 12:16 Hi Karen. That’s why it’s called a blog and you can comment anonymously. You know like freedom of speech. 11:37 is an uneducated fool but he has the right to speak what he wants. You on the other hand can’t go a day without your wittle feelings being hurt. Typical little progressive lefty or should I say whiny little grown brat. Bet you were the kid on the playground no one wanted to play with ;)

    4. Aren't you quite the little brown shirt. Making sure no one says something you don't like.

  20. It has nothing to with racism. It’s all liberal political hack. If they cared about equality, they would have promoted Tim Tebow kneeling on the sidelines to pray, and even then, he stood for the anthem.

  21. And I refuse to watch. Didn't watch baseball either.

  22. They can print whatever they want, only I won't be reading it. Lost a fan. Go play your black song and look for your next job.

  23. I will never watch another game....Today's players suck compared to the Real Men that used to play this sport. Over Paid cry babies! It has been ruined for years...I lost interest when they started dancing around after every play.

  24. I love how people who claim to embrace the freedom that the flag represents are against people exercising that very freedom...

  25. As a black person I find this embarrassing... and the American National anthem covers me to in case you NFL racists don’t think it does

  26. Not me, I am done with these Bastards as they have no balls to stand up what is right for this country. God Bless America and I hope they go down the tubes!!!

  27. I’ll never be able to prove it true or false....I’m not watching!

  28. 12:16

    Oooohh! Ouch!!!! Bawahahahahahahahahah!

    1. Now the NFL is aligning itself with anti Trump messages. Life is good!


  29. Flag disrespect by employees that is tolerated and encouraged by owners = 50+ years of fandom came to a screeching halt for me and extended family. TV gets Sunday, Monday & Thursday off.

  30. The NFL, BLM, and all of those protesting are PROMOTING RACISM!

    Most Blacks have always HATED WIGHTS as much or more than the other way around.

    That's just a fact.

  31. 12:16
    Hey Suppy,
    Let's meet and resolve the matter like real men.
    Time and Place

  32. The NFL, BLM, and all of those protesting are PROMOTING RACISM!

    Most Blacks have always HATED WIGHTS as much or more than the other way around.

    That's just a fact.

  33. Who is going to watch.

  34. Nope. Instead I intend to become more racist and spread it far and wide. Social engineer that.

  35. Waaaa waaaa waaa. Guys just turn the tv already and stop your belly achin

  36. 5:39 Apparently you haven’t been reading the comments because it sounds like that’s everyone’s going to do.

  37. Put whatever you want in the end zone, I won't be reading it.

  38. F the NFL and everyone associated with it.

  39. Good ! I hope they all go bankrupt and those asshats have to get a job instead of thinking that their opinion matters to me. Screw them.

  40. You any who feel so mistreated why not go back to your ancestors country of origin and see how life is there? Mexicans to Mexico, Chinese to China, Africans to Africa and Russians to Russia!! Very simple solution then you and your own people can deal with your so called injustices!!

  41. “Pro”sports teams are on a suicide mission.

  42. I would leave the US after having lived my whole life here.
    Born here.
    But I now hate this Country and all that it stands for.

    Problem: Where to go that I won't get bombed by US military?

    Any suggestions folks?

  43. @12:31 Go back to whatever anglo-saxon, western Europe shit hole your inbred ass came from then.

  44. 2:42 I would recommend you pack your bags and go straight to Hell!

  45. Politicians better not ask for bailout money for them.

  46. Hahaha. End RACISM?? For who?? The BLACKS will never end RACISM. It's the only card they have. The only race that's been a victim for almost 100 years. Everything we give them they hate White's even more. Everything you give them they DESTROY. The White's will learn some day. Unfortunately it will be too late thanks to the Pansy White's who allow themselves to be degraded and disrespected for being White. Pathetic.

  47. All Dividing our country. Again, so long NBA, NFL, MLB and NOOSECAR

  48. Have the above organizations listed by 9:59 am been blinded by money. I don't think they really care about Blacks. Whatever way the wind blows seems to be what they support.
    I definitely will not watch any games.
    I worked for the Federal Government for 40 years and I can tell you all about Blacks in Government and how they are favored. It is definitely reverse discrimination. Whites are the minority.

  49. I won't even listen to game results for any professional teams on the radio- as soon as I hear that section on the top of the hour news I spin that dial

  50. Let's hope the NF falls on very difficult hard times before it finally collapses.


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