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Wednesday, August 12, 2020

New Jersey student faces harsh disciplinary action for having Trump background on Zoom conference

'I have gotten to the point that I have to say something...'

New Jersey student Robert Dailyda faces potential disciplinary action for using a photograph of President Donald Trump as his background during a Zoom video conference last month.

Dailyda, a doctoral student at Stockton University, has been accused by his university of violating portions of the student code of conduct because his classmates were "offended" by the image, according to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education.

After the July 1 class, Dailyda's classmates criticized him in a private chat. Dailyda removed himself from the chat, then posted on his Facebook page:



  1. Looks like your rights are protected if you are a left wing nut. I hope this young man gets away from that trash and seeks a good institution for his doctorate. If there is a place to chip in for his legal council, I’m in. Trump 2020!

  2. Screw all of them
    It's called freedom
    Get over it people

  3. Where’s the ACLU? Oh, duh.
    This is clearly a civil liberties issue and the ACLU should sue the school to maintain protected civil LIBERTY.
    I thought BLM, ANTIFA and white self hater activists were Tough Guy Communists! Lol
    Sounds to me like they are sniveling little bed wetters with PTSD from relighting birthday candles and an ROTC demonstration in 6th grade.
    Certainly not DOCTOR material if a photograph of a President triggers their inner Lilly rage!
    Stockton University SHOULD have disciplined the student that reported this for calling in a FALSE ALARM and inciting discrimination!

    It could have been a teaching moment but they chose, like all liberals, to make it a conceited self absorbed me me me hurt feelings political theater publicity issue. 😢

  4. Contact these commie bastards via facebook and let them know that the little commissar wanna-be don't have the red army backing them yet. I hope that the kid sues and moves on to a college that is not packed with commies. Defund the colleges.

  5. Oh, those poor, twoubled and twiggered gwad students' feewings were hurt!

  6. And this is what you slaves let our country turn into... They Push a fake virus to take more of your rights, then they claim you violate crap when you are in your own home they forced you to be in!!! You can't get any more stupid than that

  7. Some lawyer would love to take his case.

  8. The sh*t we've seen recently and the festering over the last several years is worse than a damn B-movie.

    Bitchin/moanin without any solutions. When a solution is found all hell breaks loose since it hurt someone's feelings or better yet - isn't their solution so its immediately frowned upon. (i.e. Congress)

    Can't say Merry Xmas anymore

    Can't tell someone they're beautiful without it being sexual harassment

    Can't let kids bring in supplies to school without bringing in enough for all

    Trophies for everyone

    and a million more things that truly don't make sense anymore.

    Interesting the last 20 years have been. Thankfully Bourbon hasn't changed!



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