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Thursday, August 27, 2020

Navajo Nation VP: Native Americans Weren’t Invited to the American Dream Until Donald Trump Was Elected

Myron Lizer, vice president of the Navajo Nation, said on Tuesday at the Republican National Committee’s 2020 convention that, until President Donald Trump was elected, Native Americans were ignored by Washington.

“Many of our ancestral leaders sought to govern and lead a nation within a nation,” Lizer said. “They sought to lead their people into the promises of a better way of life for their children’s children.”

“It is also where they have not been as successful as the rest of America,” Lizer said. “Our first nation’s people — the host people of the land — we are still here. Our creator placed us here and he knew that for such a time as this we would have the opportunity for an appeal to heaven.”

“You see our people have never been invited into the America Dream,” Lizer said. “We for years fought past battles with congressmen and senators that were part of a broken system that ignored us. That is until President Trump took office.”



  1. I know this is 2020,but are indian women still referred to as squaws?

    1. Behave yourself you idiot!’ 💩

  2. Was Elizabeth Warren finally allowed at the table?

  3. Warren has decided she is Mexican

  4. Democrats are to BLAME !!! The old KKK !!!!

  5. Navajo President Nez supports Biden. Navajo Nation is also furious that Trump allowed the execution of a Navajo this week despite their government’s protests.

  6. If one was executed he had it coming Period !!!

  7. "NateC said...
    Navajo President Nez supports Biden. Navajo Nation is also furious that Trump allowed the execution of a Navajo this week despite their government’s protests.

    August 27, 2020 at 7:09 PM"

    You do not speak for the Navajo Nation and if you are compelled you must tell tell the truth. Some tribal members are upset about the execution of Mitchell but they are in the minority Again do NOT go to public places and claim to speak for the Navajo nations and speak untruths.
    Overall Tribal Nations members are in support of President Trump. So many that NM is now considered a swing state. President Trump has done more for the Tribal Nations then all the other presidents combined.
    Crime is a major issue on tribal land. Unsolved murders and missing persons is higher rate then elsewhere. The President and his administration has committed funding and resources to help solve crimes and prevention.

  8. Nate C, From today's Navajo Times-

    Daniel Lee, the father of Tiffany Lee, a retired Navajo Nation Police officer who was shot in the leg during the 1989 riot, issued a statement following Mitchell’s execution.

    “I have waited 19 years to get justice for my daughter, Tiffany,” Lee said. “I will never get Tiffany back, but I hope that this will bring some closure.”

    Lee thanked his former employer, the Navajo Nation Police, and President Donald Trump.

  9. Nate C, To say that the Navajo Nation is furious over the execution of Mitchell is untrue. Your words are extremely insulting. You have the same racist mentality as Joe Biden when he said African Americans all think alike. Tribal members are not monolithic. Please get that racist thought out of your head.
    Only a very few tribal members are furious. Most recognize the family of the victims have precedent over the tribe. If the President would have stopped this execution it would have been an insult to long standing tribal ways.

  10. Democrats kept the Indians in Poverty & on Reservationa just like in
    WW2 when Japanese were kept on Reservations , only it has gone on
    until this very day & Never ended !!!


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