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Tuesday, August 11, 2020

MSNBC's Melber Mangles His Fact Check of Bill Barr on Police Violence

When journalists discuss the issue of suspects being killed by police officers and how it relates to race, one thing you'll never see them do is to provide the specific numbers that show the breakdown among different racial groups that would allow the issue to be put in perspective.

On Wednesday afternoon, MSNBC host Ari Melber reacted to an argument made last week in House testimony by Attorney General Bill Barr in which he pointed out that unarmed whites (who are rarely ever acknowledged by the media) killed by police outnumber unarmed blacks, undermining the liberal narrative that only one racial group is affected by police violence.

Melber also recalled the recent attention-getting case of a black family who were mistaken for car thieves and arrested in Aurora, Colorado, and misleadingly made it sound like they were pulled over simply because of their race.



  1. IIRC, in the Colorado case the tip off was a racist license plate that matched what the cops had been told to look for.

    Carjackers, thieves, etc. are sent out from Central Casting and never look like the general population. /sarc

  2. During my travels my husband and I stopped overnight in South Carolina. We went to a restaurant close by for a quick meal. We were the only white folks in the restaurant. Everyone stopped to watch as we walked to our table. It was the strangest feeling. I worked in the the DC area for many years and it was nothing for people of all walks of life to dine together or socialize. I couldn't believe that there are still some cities where this is not common. We were accepted. Why do big cities like NY, Seattle act the same way. Why all the hate? Democrats stirring the pot during an election year and their hatred for Trump.


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