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Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Liz Peek: Trump's big win on relief orders – here's why Pelosi, Schumer are so unhappy

The president understands the urgency – and he understands political hardball

What a smackdown!

Furious that Democrat leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer were blocking a bill to help Americans through the COVID-19 crisis, President Trump stepped up and got the job done, all by himself.

Over the weekend, he issued four executive orders that would extend modified unemployment relief to millions who are out of work, protect many from eviction from their homes, provide continued relief from student loan debt and suspend payroll taxes for employers and those earning less than $100,000. It may not be enough, but it was more than Democrats were offering.



  1. Just bullshit and bravado. Totally unconstitutional and won’t stand a snowballs chance in court.

    1. 7:10pm you don't know what your talking about. President Trump can write an Executive Order to do so. He can take monies from another account to pay for his EO. Congress holds the purse strings to new monies spent.
      Also Trump put the screws to Nancy by giving each State the opportunity to participate in his EO. Trump admin will give 75 percent unemployment extension if the States give 25 percent. This puts unemployment benefits in the hands of the States. Let's see what the Democrat States do 😂😂😂

  2. Get-Er-Done !!! Still need the $1200.00 check too & until End of 2020

    & make it Retro-active to when the Last benefits ran OUT !!!!

  3. Democrats EXPOSED !!! 2020 Throw them ALL OUT of Govt Now !!!

  4. Love watching Pelosi and Schumer stew like goats in a pot of stew...

  5. "... won’t stand a snowballs chance in court."

    It won't ever go to court. Pelosi and Schumer know they will look like fools if they challenge this because it actually helps the people and they would look worse than foolish.


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