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Wednesday, August 12, 2020

KILLER FAUCI: Even Developing Nations Algeria, India, Indonesia, Cuba That Used HCQ Fared Better than US in Treating Coronavirus — By an Average of 79% Better!

The liberal mainstream media can’t hide this truth from the public forever.

The latest international testing of hydroxychloroquine treatment of coronavirus shows countries that had early use of the drug had a 79% lower mortality rate than countries that banned the use of the safe malaria drug.

This means that Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, the CDC, the liberal fake news media and the tech giants have been pushing a lie that has had deadly consequences!

America has lost (reportedly) over 150,000 lives.



  1. Take your hydroxychloroquine! It even works better if taken with bleach.

    1. Your an idiot!! Its saved many lives but your ignorance and bias is obvious...you are a follower not a leader ....

    2. Haven't you seen where Fauci admits in a video it works on the Sars virus? If you don't believe in it fine. But those that would like to have the option, we have that right. Also, Trump was referring to washing of the lungs. Which is a thing. They actually go in a wash out the lungs. Even if told too, anyone who would drink bleach gets what they get. It goes back to don't believe everything you are told, do your own research.

    3. 11:51 Imagine how pathetic you must be to make an idiotic statement like that.

  2. Deception and LIES!!! the tool of the left,soros, Bill gates, fauci and the troll at 11:51

  3. Fauci will do anything for the deep state to ruin Trump, it's been the entire consuming goal of democrats for 4 years

  4. Orange Man bad. 🙄

  5. The democrats, Deep State, Fauxi, the media, the governors and many more {including communist 1151am}...they all used this virus like a weapon, by not allowing the KNOWN cure and protection to be used to save lives. THEY knowingly and purposefully caused the loss of life, jobs, assisted in destroying the economy and businesses, forced and planned terror, stress, grief, chaos and loss. FORCED un Constitutional laws on ALL of us.
    In all seriousness....they should all be tried for war crimes and crimes against Humanity, against American Citizens.

    1. I agree 100% with all stated 1:49

  6. Straight from CDC.gov: "Up to 13 million estimated number of people in the United States living with latent TB infection"
    Yes, that's tuberculosis, the real, and potentially deadly infection. This whole hydroxychloroquine debate/narrative is nothing more than a way to propagate their lie that there is something going around out there that is deadlier than the flu!!! If this 'thing' were something (deadlier than the flu at least) they wouldn't have to inflate/bloat their #'s like they've been doing and continue to do! Just watch 2003's The Dead Zone season 2 episode 14. This whole story's already been written folks. It's all about control & depopulation (also check out this British series called Utopia, it's all in there too), don't accept their shot, it's Not a vaccine. There has Never been, & will Never be a vaccine for a coronavirus, aka the common cold. Do some research and think for yourself, don't let the people who are out to get you (& they are) ensnare you.

  7. The US has 1/4 of all the cases in the world!
    This is a bioweapon folks
    Wake up

  8. 11:51 What’s your address? Asking for a friend lol🤣


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