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Thursday, August 13, 2020

Kamala Harris Brings Extreme Gun Control Position to Biden Ticket

Democrat presidential hopeful and gun control proponent Joe Biden has officially chosen extreme gun controller Kamala Harris to be his running mate.

On July 14, 2019, Breitbart News reported presidential hopeful Harris’s pledge to go around Congress to secure gun control via executive action, if Congress refused to support her gun control agenda.



  1. We (Un-dumbocrats) need to get a majority elected in the House, Senate and of course Trump.
    Then we need to roll back 40 years of libtard rot that has been foisted on this country.

  2. Harris has so many skeletons in her closet, she'll need to hire an exorcist.

    Biden caved in to racist demands from people with no concern for the country -- just pick a BLACK person.

    He is going to lose so badly, not only because he is not capable of being President, but now, we have ANOTHER incompetent goof lining up to be the leader of the most powerful nation in Earth's history and is patently unqualified for the job.

    Keep cheering.

  3. She said any gun that is a simi-auto will be banned and must be turned in without any compensation, (just like Bumpstocks)and any gun magazine that holds more than 8 bullets has to be turned in. (most don't hold odd number like that it is 5-10-15 rounds).

  4. Susan rice decision to cover Hillary cost her the Vp spot. Benghazi and Russia spy games ruined her. However she is making millions with Netflix

  5. Hahaha, I guess they will send their social workers to enforce these controls...morons

  6. That alone will kill her chances a lot of democrats believe in the 2nd amendment

  7. democrats don't believe in 2nd amendment. they are all crooks so they get their guns illegally. they don't register theirs. plus with all the people killed in Chicago (a no gun zone) there are many more guns available now.

  8. 1:04

    I agree with most of what you say except the register thing.

    The 2nd amendment means you DON"T have too register your firearms.

    A gun Registry is unconstitutional.

  9. Yes ,.....we need more guns so that there can be more shootings


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