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Tuesday, August 25, 2020

“I Was Shot Because of This Kind of Unhinged Rhetoric” – Steve Scalise Lashes Out at Pelosi Over Hateful “Domestic Enemies” Slur (VIDEO)

On June 14, 2017, an unhinged leftist targeted and shot several Republican lawmakers, including House Whip Steve Scalise, playing baseball in Alexandria, Virginia. The shooter James Hodgkinson was a committed and angry leftist.

Steve Scalise barely survived and went through months of rehab after the attempted assassination.

On Monday, on the first day of the RNC in North Carolina, Speaker Nancy Pelosi called Republicans“enemies of the state.” It was a not so subtle dog whistle to the violent left.

Following her disgusting remarks Rep. Steve Scalise lashed out at the irresponsible House Speaker.



  1. If Pelosi were republican, the press and the whole congress would be screaming for her resignation.

    But a republican never says this sort of over the top idiocy.

  2. Pelosi's remarks further show her ignorance and lack of sensitivity. She is third in line to succeed the POTUS...honestly, would anyone want that...person to run the country?

  3. Democrats have Proved they are Enemys of America (4 years of it) !!!

  4. He should tell Pelosi to go play some ball !!! LOL LOL

  5. Dems are afraid to play ball on the field like he did !!! LOL


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