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Wednesday, August 12, 2020

HUGE! MSNBC Doctors Image of Biden Calling Kamala Harris and — Doctors Out His Cheat Sheet Script! …Update: Joe Biden Was Holding His Phone Upside-Down

Wow! What is more pathetic?…

The fact that Joe Biden needs a cheat sheet script to ask Kamala Harris to be his running mate?… Or, the fact that MSNBC doctored the image!

Joe Biden called Kamala Harris to ask her to be his running mate, in a staged, made for media, moment.

Biden had a cheat sheet on his desk so he wouldn’t forget where he was.

But as Jack Posobiec pointed out — MSNBC doctored the image to remove Biden’s cheat sheet!

MSNBC hid the cheat sheet from the American public.



  1. Phones work either way.

  2. NEWS FLASH! It has been confirmed that in the Republican Party the inmates are running the asylum! Republicans seeking shelter are donating to Sleepy Joe’s campaign and The Lincoln Project. Real Republicans are voting for Sleepy Joe or the write in of their choice.

    1. Your are as delusional and confused as Biden is. Time for your meds and diaper change.

    2. Not really. As a lifelong Republican it is both amusing and sad to see you sorry ass bigoted Trump supporters running scared. And for supporting that POS you should be!

    3. Running scared from what exactly? I havent seen anyone running and hiding except for the pedophiles(on both sides).

  3. I will make one comment if I may. This will be the only message sent reference the pair. The reason is, I can’t stand to look at either and couldn’t with little joe when he was hooked up with the most failed guy ever in office. I don’t care what is on their plate or what dribble they ramble. I can hardly wait till November so I never see the likes of the black and White unit again. Trump/Pence 2020!

  4. Ahhh He won't win.

    Trump 2020.

  5. What FOOL'S would vote for these idiots is beyond me. Talk about someone who needs a caretaker 24/7.

  6. Loved the clip played on Tucker Carlson last night. Tucker was admonished by CNN for the mispronunciation of "Kamala"; this to CNN is a top tier news item. Then Tucker plays the tape of Biden mispronouncing "Kamala"; guess what...crickets from CNN.

  7. She actually said she believes he is took advantage of women, and believes the stories of his sex issues. I guess it is ok to join the devil if you can get something out of it? No way I would vote for them. This is the best the Decorate have? If Biden does win. It's over. That means people are not researching and questioning what they are being fed. Once that happens, America is done. Trump 20/20.

  8. He don't know what end is up LOL!

  9. This is the best the Dems have to offer???

  10. " Anonymous said...
    NEWS FLASH! It has been confirmed that in the Republican Party the inmates are running the asylum! Republicans seeking shelter are donating to Sleepy Joe’s campaign and The Lincoln Project. Real Republicans are voting for Sleepy Joe or the write in of their choice.

    August 13, 2020 at 7:45 AM"

    If it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy then by all means keep on telling yourself that. Believe the polls too But when Trump wins and wins by a bigger margin then before you better come back here identify yourself so I can smash and rub in your face Told You So

  11. I have been high jacked by the Biden campaign. Today I received a letter from Biden's campaign to donate monies. After all even though I am a Trump supporter I really am for Biden. BS. There was a return envelope with paid postage. I wrote across the form for donation. Hell no. Trump 2020. Stop sending me this piece of garbage. Mailed it. Biden pays postage. These people are very dangerous.

  12. If and I said IF he were to win,he would be in a nursing home within 3 months and we would then have President Harris!!!! Yikes!!!!! How scary is that?? God help us all!

  13. This whole Biden Donkey/Pony Show is SO PATHETIC !!! Dear Democrats, since your failed candidate Hillary Hildabeast of 2016, you had 4 years to come up with a candidate and this is the best you got? Spineless Dementia Joe and Kamala Camel Hoe???
    Independent For TRUMP 2020 !!!


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